Recent content by Certh

  1. C

    Not a Knight-Cathar

    Hey Holiday, welcome to probably the best SW rp site, evar. I recently just came back as well, so it is nice to see some new faces besides mine popping up.
  2. C

    From the darkness I return

    Welcome back, Korps. I recently came back to this site too. (Just today, actually).
  3. C

    Your thoughts and gripes about TOR so far.

    My apologies for the bump, but I recently finished weekend beta testing and must say, it was just pure jaw-dropping. I chose to play both the Sith Warrior, as well as the Jedi Knight. The Voice Over was very well done, and I wasn't even looking at my exp bar, was too drawn into the story from...
  4. C

    Resuming Operations (Ask)

    Certh nodded at Aevis' second jedi padawan, then turned to Aevis and spoke in a quiet tone. "You know there may be a very good chance that we will go into battle. Are you sure they are ready?" Then he glanced back to the two padawans, he thought that they may not be ready if a battle begins...
  5. C

    Resuming Operations (Ask)

    Certh's ship soon pulled into the landing bay and onto the pad within the first few minutes of the other jedi being there, he tried not to keep them waiting. The front of the ship lifted, letting loose a little smoke. 'I'll have to get you looked at when we get back' Certh thought, talking about...
  6. C

    Jedi Missions

    Certh Salamar is open to do any jedi mission.
  7. C

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - Official Discussion (bumps allowed)

    I also signed up, this game will be kick a** for all those computers that can run it. :P
  8. C

    Champions Online

    I just bought this game today and played it for a bit, it is alright, much better then City of Heroes/Villains. Where to begin. It is an MMORPG that was created after the board and dice roleplaying game Champions RPG I believe was the name. Anyway if you want to know the site you can just google...
  9. C

    looking for a good custom FX saber?

    Wow those are amazing, I may order one as well.
  10. C

    Elder scrolls RP

    I'll join in on it as well.
  11. C

    MAIN THREAD: The Liberation (Republic, Jedi and Hutt military)

    Certh, while on the bridge, glanced around the surroundings, to see what type of planet they were going to infiltrate to start their mission. He then clipped his lightsaber hilt to his black, torn utility belt as he walked up to the Jedi Master. "Master Ducere, together we will make this...
  12. C

    A Request for Help [Jedi, Republic Army More then Two Ask]

    Certh glanced to the Senator, then to his fellow jedi and nodded. "I too shall come with you to Tatooine, but I do have a question. Do you have any enemies that we should watch out for? Such as bounty hunters or the hutts?"
  13. C

    A Request for Help [OOC]

    I won't be able to reply in the rp for a few hours, going to town for a dental appointment then some grocery shopping, sorry for all those whom I am keeping up.
  14. C

    A Request for Help [Jedi, Republic Army More then Two Ask]

    Certh, a Jedi Knight of the Republic, had also recieved this cry for help from the Senator. As he was walking through the republican building where Senator Cospian's office was to be, he continued to think of where her office was. He made it up to the top floor, or somewhere around that level...
  15. C

    Post Your Pictures: Version 9.0

    I believe it was February, although I cannot recall the exact date.