Recent content by Darth Tiamat

  1. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Thyferra Brilliant Minds - Part 2

    Newton didn't know Jedi like she did, and to an extent his sarcasm held some truth. They were sometimes a bit unhinged and unpredictable; for a long while they had such negative publicity circulating from padawans committing speeder homicide to Jedi Masters just becoming unhinged during...
  2. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Ouroboros

    The room became ice cold, Connor would almost be able to see his breath as the darkside expanded in the room. Tiamat's eyes remained shut as she focused touching the holocron with her presence as well as Connor, the eerie glow of light filtering through the dark shadows present eventually would...
  3. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Ajan Kloss Remember Me

    The dark side was patient and therefore she would remain patient as she swam through the nexus. A blend of darkness would remain here forever, powers that pulsated, bubbled beneath her skin, and choked out whatever flicker of hope and life that tried to overcome it. Others lesser than herself...
  4. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Ajan Kloss Remember Me

    It felt like a different life when she was last here. The jedi had returned to look for remnants of their order, willfully pressing to find what was not there. She had fought alongside Raze and Renfry at that time as they looked to exterminate the pests who kept returning to death after they had...
  5. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Thyferra Brilliant Minds - Part 2

    "For certain we need to complete the research first and then we can start looking at costs." she explained, getting them both back on track to focusing on what needed to be completed first. "My engineers can start looking at how such a signal is operated and begin translating it to where we...
  6. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Ouroboros

    She listened to Connor as he processed his thoughts out loud, he sounded as though he were about to loop back to where he started as he asked again the why questions of a long-dead Darth. "You're asking the wrong question." she stated, leaving her workspace behind to lead Connor to her...
  7. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Thyferra Brilliant Minds - Part 2

    Tiamat smiled when Newton emphasized the significance of this finding; it was known that other universes existed outside their galaxy. To reach them, even with current hyperspace technology was not possible in an average being's lifespan, let alone to have the necessary supplies and equipment to...
  8. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Ouroboros

    Over the last year, she had watched Connor grow in his passion and power. He was stepping closer to forgo his devotion to the Sith ways and on a path of true darkness. He made sacrifices, his eagerness propelled him, but Tiamat kept a close eye on how much he was allowed to have. To have power...
  9. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Thyferra Brilliant Minds - Part 2

    Tiamat had a feeling she knew why Newton was reaching out to her when he did. Her daughter had told her about the expedition and despite the awe of her child and the information she had to share, she was somewhat displeased that Theia had even gone. However, it was also when she learned Nye was...
  10. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Denon Ask You Anything

    The corner of her lip twisted up as she smirked to his awe of the state of the world, one brought back to a natural order, one before time itself even existed. Chaos, and she revealed in it. She didn't know what his Occidius holocron was about, but she would take the positive impression of the...
  11. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Denon Ask You Anything

    Tiamat stood in silence as the young sithling spoke quickly, trying to explain away his situation and his purpose for being here. She listened as he spoke about his gatekeeper, she imagined he was speaking about a holocron, but it has been years since she'd been in the Sith and who knows what...
  12. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Denon Ask You Anything

    The nexus was growing stronger, the destruction that continued to crumble the world of Denon would have lasting consequences to anyone who tried to bring order to the chaos she had granted this place. The abomination and razeling hordes continued their rounds across the city; it would be foolish...
  13. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Invasion Denon A Macrebre Honoring

    The Force wailed around her, a power that felt greater than old, it was ancient and she could hear the echoes of the chants made by sith of the past. She could hear the ancient languages of those who once resided in the mask of the eternal, their spirits still connected with her, and yet so far...
  14. Darth Tiamat

    Open Invasion Onderon Domination

    OoC: Previous post voided due to timing out. Her blade would make contact with the Sith leader, the ground moving beneath them and the dark woman's saber burned through Tempest from her right hip and all the way across. She was bisected, in one quick swing of Tiamat's lightsaber; it would be...
  15. Darth Tiamat

    Ask Invasion Denon A Macrebre Honoring

    It was a little too close for comfort, but her pulse made impact, throwing back the Jedi like a projectile. She was certain upon impact she heard and audible crack from no doubt something breaking within the troublesome Knight. All was silent except for the debris resettling from the blast and...