Recent content by Isola Rin

  1. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa stood quietly as she watched Lucian use the Force to ease the pain of the children who were injured. She felt bad that she acted impulsively, her eagerness to stop the thugs overrode her senses. However, things could have been much worse, they were certainly not ideal, but they had managed...
  2. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa corralled the children together, letting Lucian know they were ready, all the survivors held hands as Loa instructed and while Lucian provided defense. Loa lead the group out of the hanger, their fearful whimpers echoed off the walls as they weaved through the halls; a couple of the children...
  3. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa's eyes widened as a blaster bolt burned through the thugs neck, his body dropped in front of her and she felt a moment of relief, but recalled they were not done yet. She grimaced through the pain, reaching for her blaster and aimed it to the overpass, releasing several bolts at one of the...
  4. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    She watched him with worry and concern as he examined his wound, just by his own expression it was not a nice sight to behold and hoped to never find herself. A part of her wanted to offer him help, but the other was still riddled with the anger she had towards the Jedi currently she chose...
  5. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa was really hoping no one heard, that wish from the regret she felt knowing she just let the whole place know they were there and how far they had made it inside. As the footsteps neared, she nearly stumbled over again in a rush to get back to Lucian's side, but didn't dare look at him as...
  6. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa felt the Jedi place a hand on her shoulder, preventing her from moving further into the complex. She felt the chill zigzag up her spine, sending a chill back down her limbs as she reached out with her senses. A bad feeling was an understatement, there was the faintest echo of children that...
  7. Isola Rin


    Loa glanced away as Spencer took the moment to explain the Sith, returning her gaze to him when he mentioned he was once a Jedi. She felt surprised to hear, but then again it made sense for most of the new order to be former Jedi, though his testament to being stronger without the restrictions...
  8. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Cautiously inching her way around the droid, she saw the Jedi finish the last droid with his lightsaber, dismantling into unorganized pieces. She stared for a moment at the glowing red metal before glancing at the Jedi who called her "little girl" and a scowl formed on her face until he backed...
  9. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa grinned as the Jedi took out his saber and decided to make the door open for him. With the familiar snap-hiss and a wave of jealously that he had a saber and she had yet to be able to make one, Loa stepped backwards and watched as he blasted open the door. She totally could have done that...
  10. Isola Rin


    What did she want exactly? That was a question she rarely asked herself, but often demanded, she wanted for sure more of herself, she demanded perfection in her technique. "I want to learn more..." she frowned, pausing in step and leaned back against a stone wall, "To perfect what I know and...
  11. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa watched carefully for a moment as she observed the quiet building for any sign of guard to come mess up the Jedi's day. However, the closer she got, the more the place seemed off. There was not surveillance that she couldn't see, holocams, physical guards, proximity alarm triggers, signs...
  12. Isola Rin

    Running Up That Hill

    Loa knew she could still do good and not have to be a Jedi, just like her Master Silas who did everything to protect her and her family and still she found him to be a good person. Her anger towards him was diminishing after his jaded remark about the Jedi, but she couldn't blame him, there was...
  13. Isola Rin


    She could not help but to reflect a smile back to the man as they had exchanged names, but she felt herself intrigued, caught by the unknown of a stranger who seemed to also take an interest in herself. He referred to himself as "self-exiled" and indeed a part of the Empire. She wanted to...
  14. Isola Rin


    Loa felt herself grow nervous and begun to wonder if she was too friendly to the stranger she could feel in the crowd, though now he wasn't too much of a stranger as she gathered his name, Spencer, and she could just pick out a smile. "I'm Isola, but you can call me Loa." she said nodding as...
  15. Isola Rin

    Finding Rabbits

    Loa followed as he lead her to his home, there were certainly more chickens and Loa eyed him, questions floating in her mind as she scooped up on that seemed smaller than the others. He had the creatures also and seemed happy to see one of them as he removed the apples from from the Horse's...