Recent content by Karakon

  1. Karakon

    Galactic Workers Union

    Schoolwork is killing me.
  2. Karakon

    Galactic Workers Union

    Want to Join? Also, TO EVERYONE: I apologize for not being too active, School has been bogging me down.
  3. Karakon

    Rise of Galactic Communism

    A shootout soon erupted in the streets, several airspeeders carrying more assailants descending from above. The Eriadian Defense Force units near the area began to open fire at the attackers along with local police. Arron pulled out his sidearm, and began firing at the attackers. a blaster shot...
  4. Karakon

    Rise of Galactic Communism

    Arron listened to Ninel's speech with pride. They were really getting somewhere. But the thing about going places was that there were often obstacles in your path. A small group of angry civilians gathered at one end of the street, away from the crowd. If you were to look at them from the right...
  5. Karakon

    Galactic Workers Union

    I think you already approved this...
  6. Karakon

    Galactic Workers Union

    Our faction in a nutshell.
  7. Karakon

    Proletariat Class Heavy Cruiser

    The thing is, last time I looked there were no "Cruiser" weight ships. I will edit this later.
  8. Karakon

    Galactic Workers Union

    Perhaps... But not so soon. In the mean time, you can make a character.
  9. Karakon

    Galactic Workers Union

    DO IT! Space Stalin sounds interesting. Maybe you should lead a more radical Communist group?
  10. Karakon


  11. Karakon

    Rise of Galactic Communism

    "It seems I do, Kalia, and with their support the vast task we have in front of us shall be made possiible. I suppose I should go out to greet them, then." Arron glanced out a window of the room, seeing people in the streets waving flags of the nation that he pledged to create. A nation where...
  12. Karakon

    Rise of Galactic Communism

    ERIADU - ELECTION DAY Galactic Workers Union Planetary Headquarters Arron stood there, watching a holoprojector around a table, with several of his associates. Today was the day when the future of Eriadu and other planets were decided in planetary elections. In the space outside any large...
  13. Karakon

    Galactic Workers Union

    *suddenly communism*