Recent content by ProjectRedhood

  1. ProjectRedhood

    Closing All Exits

    Ithean had felt the challenge thought the force like a surge of anger and pain, he knew straight away that their was at least one Sith on this planet and now the Sith knew the Jedi where planet side. Sneaking through the compound had just become a lot more difficult the two Jedi would have to...
  2. ProjectRedhood

    Closing All Exits

    The Selonian Light Freighter drifted towards Coruscant leaking oxygen. There was no sound on board the ship as the two Jedi Knights sat patiently waiting for someone to bring the vessel to the nearby planet. The beeping of the emergency beacon couldn't be heard as the ships venting made sound...
  3. ProjectRedhood

    Liberation of Coruscant

    So we are now in closing all exits
  4. ProjectRedhood

    Liberation of Coruscant

    Yea I'm fine with this
  5. ProjectRedhood

    Liberation of Coruscant

    Ok ok Ithean for Surrounded by Enemies
  6. ProjectRedhood

    Climate Change

    Ithean did a quick asses of the situation, he could feel through the force that Nimarra didn't want this to escalate and have to fight a sith. with a crackle of laughter Ithean started to walked over to one of the computers "you see the problem with giving us two choices is i can take one and my...
  7. ProjectRedhood

    Esther Nyx

    We need to do more on our story
  8. ProjectRedhood

    Climate Change

    It suddenly hit Ithean that all this time and all they had to do was go down the wrong alley to find the right people these where definitely the people they where looking for, he couldn't help himself he had to laugh the situation as a whole was pretty funny up until the first blaster bolt was...
  9. ProjectRedhood i was trying to find examples of sith torture and... i was trying to find examples of sith torture and this on a 10 hour loop is scary
  10. ProjectRedhood

    Nice gary

    Nice gary
  11. ProjectRedhood

    Chasing shadows...

    The ability to see back in time is a unique gift one that Ithean hadn't heard of before and this girl was strong in the force to be able to use it as so. He could feel it before he saw it, the wrapped package buzzed with the force this is what he had been sent to the planet to find it was said...
  12. ProjectRedhood

    Chasing shadows...

    Taking a seat Ithean looked at the food, remembering the flavour of galma he thought he would have a pass on the rodian breakfast food and rethar some meat instead "I'll have the tonitran jerky and give the girl whatever she wants to eat." The besalisk handed Ithean a bag of the jerky as he...
  13. ProjectRedhood

    Chasing shadows...

    With the situation calmed down Ithean looked down at the poor girl he just remembered that they hadn't even got a chance to get food yet, turning he asked "how much for this artefact." Turning his lightsaber off and putting it back on his belt. "I had a offer of 1200 credits for it." Ithean...
  14. ProjectRedhood

    Climate Change

    Ithean looked up at the Miralukan "I was justing getting to know this nice Wookiee over here" as he stood he could feel his senses being clouded, this planet was getting weirder and weirder as every moment went by. The split up as one walked in front and the rest behind the two Jedi as lead them...
  15. ProjectRedhood

    Chasing shadows...

    Force visions weren't completely unheard of but they definitely were not common, visions of the past though.. even in the Jedi archives he hand't heard of that ability. Using the force his lightsaber was in his hand before the first blaster bolt crashed into a near by building igniting his saber...