Recent content by Rogue31

  1. Rogue31

    [Mando] Ronin On the Run

    Rohgnah hears of Tracyn's stipulations and continues to casually drink his beverage. For every bullet he runs through on his check-list, Rohgnah gives a simple nod of his head in acknowledgement of his active listening and agreeance with the completion of the first two tasks. As the man speaks...
  2. Rogue31

    [Mando] Ronin On the Run

    Yaden received Kara's order and placed the same drink she's been ordering in front of her. As she began to walk toward the opposing side of the bar to help other patrons she heard the chuckle of Kara as her judging eyes scanned her. The tips of her lekkus involuntarily vibrated like a...
  3. Rogue31

    [Mando] Ronin On the Run

    Rohgnah did what any great vode would do...he simply had Yaden keep the liquor flowing, and he just kept distributing and listening. The mental rolodex sorting and filing for future endeavors. Ironic...I come looking for Clan Fett, enter their stronghold unannounced, and here I am with a...
  4. Rogue31

    i'm at the office multi-screening, oops ;). I'll amend it.

    i'm at the office multi-screening, oops ;). I'll amend it.
  5. Rogue31

    [Mando] Ronin On the Run

    Rohgnah turned his torso so he can now face the approaching woman who assential attempted to put him in his place, referring to the stun setting on his gun. In a slightly sarcastic manner he glanced at his rail gun on his hip and back toward the woman, replying in fluent Mondo'a, " Their must be...
  6. Rogue31

    [Mando] Ronin On the Run

    Rohgnah looked over toward Yaden who he sent a playful smirk toward once the fallen man began handing over his credits to the mando he attacked. He was just about to begin and give her, once again, his undivided attention while drawing the scotch glass of twi'lek liquor to his lips when a stack...
  7. Rogue31

    [Mando] Ronin On the Run

    The commotion of the Cantina is just about as wild as it always is. The local band is currently performing The Chalmun's Cantina covers and the crowd is just as turned up as normal. Fists are flying, blasters are going off, and negotiations in every language are being had. Rohgnah is sitting at...
  8. Rogue31

    Rohgnah Du'Rauhl

    edited to read "Mandalorian issued armor made of durasteel and duraplast blended at a 30%:70% ratio due to its limited supply. The kit includes but is not limited to:" As well...I took out the jedi training completely from his back story. Straight merc seems to be more fun for me ;)
  9. Rogue31

    Rohgnah Du'Rauhl

    Reduced the ratio to 20%:80% - thanks for reading!
  10. Rogue31

    Rohgnah Du'Rauhl

    Wrote to the Jedi Council.
  11. Rogue31

    Hutt Cartel Sign-Up Thread

    Character Name: Rohgnah Du'Rauhl Link: Noted 'Events': Rohgnah is one of those names that even the Mandalorians of the enclave whisper to one another about. His success streak is near perfect...
  12. Rogue31

    Hutt Cartel Bounty Sign-Ups

    Bounty Character's name: Rohgnah Du'Rauhl Link: Target: Khorrus
  13. Rogue31

    Rohgnah Du'Rauhl

    Well, some revisions have been made. I hope they're satisfactory for me to continue.
  14. Rogue31

    Rohgnah Du'Rauhl

    NAME: Rohgnah Du'Rauhl FACTION: Independent RANK: Free Lance Bounty Hunter SPECIES: Epicanthix AGE: 30 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6'4” (1.93m) WEIGHT: 230 EYES: Hazel HAIR: Black SKIN: Olive Complexion CREDITS: 1000 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scar within the center of his left eye brow. FORCE...