Recent content by Stel Starkiller

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    Family thing

    Hey guys. I just wanted to let people know that my brother is going through stuff right now and he needs his family. I'm not sure how long it'll take until things calm down so if I'm unable to post I apologize, especially if it inconveniences anybody. Hopefully I'll be back to posting regularly...
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    [ASK] (Ataru Class) Way of this Zabraki

    Jax watched as Dartel finished his practice. As the rocks fell Jax couldn't help but wonder how much power and concentration it took to lift them in the first place. "It's nice to see you again to master" Jax said returning Dartel's bow. His hand unconsciously went to his lightsaber as Dartel...
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    [ASK] (Ataru Class) Way of this Zabraki

    Jax had received a message from his master. He was to meet Dartel on Naboo. It had been a week since Jax had seen his master and he was eager to see what he'd be learning today. Jax had spent the week looking for a place to store his ship and meditating on his lightsaber. It had been as...
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    [NABOO] Learning the arts of defense and Jedi Phylosophy

    The remotes began to build power and fired three shots. Each one was slow and yet aimed at a random zone. While they were slow enough to be avoided Jax decided to block them with his lightsaber. Two of the bolts had been aimed at his chest while the third had been aimed at his right thigh. As he...
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    [Class]The Art of the Impossible

    As Kai and Khelsea answered Murielle's question Jax had to think hard. Thinking back on it he had never been in a position where he couldn't use the Force, he hadn't even practiced that. Unlike others Jax hadn't been on missions and his past was more or less uneventful. Slightly embarrassed by...
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    [CLOSED] First Impressions

    Jax glanced down at his lightsaber as Dartel spoke. A symbol for others and themselves. He had never thought about it like that, not until today. What was the connection? That question started running through Jax's mind. If it really was important than he needed to find the answer. As Dartel...
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    [NABOO] Learning the arts of defense and Jedi Phylosophy

    As Raleigh spoke Jax tried to deepen his connection to the Force. He tried to focus on remaining calm. When the training resumed he didn't want to slip back into Ataru. Expanding his senses Jax could clearly see everything Raleigh described. Not only that but he could feel it. Through the Force...
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    [CLOSED] First Impressions

    Jax opened the drawer and looked inside. There were lots of parts of many different shapes and sizes. He took out one of each component and laid them on the table. Jax arranged them around his crystal. Looking at the arrangement deciding it didn't feel right he rearranged the parts. It still...
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    [NABOO] Learning the arts of defense and Jedi Phylosophy

    Feeling Soresu through the Force? Perhaps that would be easier. After all senses can lie or be tricked but the Force? Jax trusted the Force almost absolutely. Putting on the helmet he had been handed Jax got back into position and, lowering the blinders, prepared for the next attempt. Thinking...
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    [CLOSED] First Impressions

    Jax was excited but not overly so. He liked the design he had come up with and couldn't wait to build it. Jax watched as Dartel came over and inspected his design. Trust in his master or in the Force? Jax was confused by his master's words. Couldn't he trust in both? Jax took the crystal out...
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    [Class]The Art of the Impossible

    Jax was caught a little off guard by the teacher's greeting. Was that a normal thing? He had never done anything like this before so he wasn't sure what to do. Being in an unusual situation and wearing, to him, an unusual outfit made Jax a little uncomfortable but he knew he'd have to make do...
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    [CLOSED] First Impressions

    Jax was a bit surprised when the ship started coming to life. He watched as the bay door closed and the humming of the engine filled his ears. Jax didn't know that it was possible to start a ship using the Force alone. His attention was brought back to Dartel as various parts started floating...
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    The Arrow of Unwavering

    It wasn't long before other people arrived. The first person was a guy several years older than Jax. Next was a girl who seemed to be Jax's age maybe younger but not by much, a year at most. Finally a girl who seemed to be older than Jax by a couple years. Jax didn't know any of them but...
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    [NABOO] Learning the arts of defense and Jedi Phylosophy

    Jax walked closer to Raleigh as he waved them closer. The warmth from Raleigh's technique felt good, it was nice and soothing. He could feel the burns disappearing as the warm sensation took their place. That was a good skill to know, maybe he could learn it later. Step out of their comfort...
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    [NABOO] Learning the arts of defense and Jedi Phylosophy

    Jax turned off his lightsaber as Raleigh called the remotes away. As Raleigh spoke Jax let his words sink in and thought back to the drill he had just done. Thinking on it, he could feel that using Ataru wasn't going to help him right now. Although on the plus side he was at least learning what...