Recent content by Xentu

  1. X

    The Civil War in 4 Minutes

    It all depends on what your fighting for.
  2. X

    To the whole SWRP community.

    Yes, you all are very awesome.
  3. X

    Halo movie.

    Aww, I was actualy looking forward to it becuase i''m a big fan of halo and would like to see a film or a program about it sometime in the future. :CCry2:
  4. X

    Halo movie.

    Isnt there a Halo movie coming out anyways?
  5. X

    Question about guns.

    Ive always wanted this gun >> Click Here :D
  6. X

    You know you're a Star Wars geek when....

    When you have played through Knights of The old Republic 2, over 20 times. :D
  7. X

    Your next Star Wars movie or game.

    Basicaly like starwars galaxys, but single player?
  8. X

    Transformers 2

    lol, So you argue that much about the Wii? And yes it was funny :D
  9. X

    Transformers 2

    I also own a Nintendo Wii, it's nowhere near as good as the Xbox 360.
  10. X

    Transformers 2

    That's becuase we all the the Nintendo Wii is crap, only good game on it is Wii Sports.
  11. X

    Xentu 'Mastu Kashi' (Under Construction :))

    This is my first character in years guys.
  12. X

    Xentu 'Mastu Kashi' (Under Construction :))

    NAME: Mastu Kashi 'Xentu' FACTION: --- RANK: --- SPECIES: Human AGE: 25 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6' WEIGHT: 170lbs EYES: Light Blue HAIR: Black/Brown SKIN: White CREDITS: 1000 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Lost his ring finger on his right hand. DOMINATE HAND: Right Hand FORCE SENSITIVE: ---...