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  1. K

    Do you know where your donated clothes go to?

    I found this via a friend I was talking to. I...don't know what to make of it yet. ACCRA, GHANA, Dec. 21, 2006— Christmas is one of those times of the year when many Americans clean out our closets and donate some of our used clothing to a...
  2. K


    Well, I've unveiled my group the Arcanii recently, but due to certain circumstance I may not be able to implement them the way I want. I've always imagined them as being something of a cross between current Spec Ops, and a Knight House, but there's a problem with this under the new information...
  3. K

    The Arcanii Order

  4. K

    Tentative Arcanii Uniform

    I drew this up inbetween finals this week, opinions?
  5. K

    More European Sword Stuff.

    I found more videos on European swordsmanship, particularly German longswords. I think they're really nice ;3 Overleg Throw - Ringen am Schwert ("Wrestling at the Sword") Hip Throw - Ringen am Schwert ("Wrestling at the Sword") Halfsword Throw - Ringen am Schwert (Wrestling at the Sword)...
  6. K

    Pyramids in China. Discuss.
  7. K


    I was watching these today, and so I was wondering how other people felt. Sambo 1 Sambo 2 Sambo 3 Systema (Sambo Derivative)
  8. K

    A School Essay

    I've had the urge to post one of my favorite essays for school of this year for a few weeks now. I've been interested into knowing how people think about this, and how well they feel I've written the paper. So I have. I didn't propose this for the debate room, because I do not actually intend to...
  9. K

    My New Avatar

    What're your impressions?
  10. K

    What would you like to see in KOTOR 3?

    Personally, there are a number of issues I had with the last two games. Aside from the obvious issues of KOTOR2 being rushed and such. As it were, I would really like to see if the errors that are juxtaposed to the things I'd wish to see were corrected. -Larger Environs. In both games I...
  11. K


    Praying Mantii are awesome.
  12. K

    Favorite Sword?

    In here, I'd like to know which of the swords people liked the most, but please also make a post with an explanation of your prefernce, if you will. Examples of the swords: Longsword: Katana: Rapier: Scimitar: Zweihander: Schiavona: Arming Sword: Cutlass: I'll state my...
  13. K

    European Sword Styles

    A few questions concerning these. What are people's general impressions of these styles? Also, if one were to try and use these in an RP, how do you think you could accurately describe the points of the styles akin to the way the Star Wars lightsaber styles were described...
  14. K

    Okay, what?

    Can someone fill me in on what's been happening in the RP since College took over my mind?
  15. K


    Since I have the internet back up at home, I'm back on AIM. So in short, I was wondering if anyone would mind dropping their AIM names so I could talk to them outside of the Forum.
  16. K


    I'm the most recent poster in all of the General Discussion sub-forums. BWAHAHAHAHA.
  17. K

    Is George Lucas patronizing?

    In regards to when Lucas tries to attract younger viewers(ewoks, gungans), does he fail and just end up patronizing the audience?
  18. K

    Political Philosphy Quiz.

    Not much to say other than: The Quiz You scored as Old School Democrat. Old school Democrats emphasize economic justice and opportunity. The Democratic ideal is best summarized by the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Old...
  19. K

    Infectious Mononucleosis

    It appears I've caught this bastard somehow. Has anyone else gone through it? Any tips on things I can do to ease my two months of suffering?
  20. K

    How tall are you?

    I really don't think I need to explain this one any further. I'm, personally, 5'8". Weird, poll didn't come up.