Search results

  1. CSantanna

    I have a need to be awesome, well to be a better padawan at least

    Your character's name: Sil Ruloyor Link to character's profile: Sil Ruloyor Your character's rank: Padawan What you're seeking to learn: Force stealth (I just want to be sneaky) Force healing (This is really important) Force empathy (doesn't know a single thing...
  2. CSantanna

    Sil Ruloyor

    NAME: Sil Ruloyor ALIASES: None so far AFFILIATION: Jedi RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Nautolan HOMEWORLD: Glee Anselm AGE: 19 HEIGHT:1.8 meters WEIGHT: 175 EYES: Black HAIR: No Hair SKIN: Dark Green CREDITS: 850 FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes Biography They say a student in the force is, focused...
  3. CSantanna

    New Kid on the block

    Hey Well to state the obvious I'm new, well not new to Rp or anything just new to here. As in the Star Wars Rp. Just posting this quick little thread ? message ? to say hey to everyone on here. Hope we get to be great friends and have narrowing adventure in a galaxy far far away. Hopeful...