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  1. The Storyteller

    Ask Nemesis Games

    It has a green blade. It has a green blade. She walks forward, though he probably thinks her to be an it, given her appearance, whereas everything is an it, in reality, including him, including kids and women. Reality? Fantasy. She didn’t run. Had no need to run. Had high heels anyway...
  2. The Storyteller

    Ask Practical Application

    Ordeen watched each of the padawans. Was he screwing this up? There was a clear disconnect between them and him now. He could see the light of the issue in his mind's eye and he knew he had to get to the bottom of this apparent shadow war before he and the kids were dragged into something they...
  3. The Storyteller

    Ask Practical Application

    Ordeen was dealing with his own disgust when Caul lost his cool. The knight couldn’t blame the kid, everyone’s emotions were heightened, but what would the Padwan do when faced with a Sith? Any hesitation to defeat his enemy would lead to defeat or worse, death. As Terek watched the young man...
  4. The Storyteller

    Ask Upside Down

    Oh dearie, you scared me. Are you one o' them... newcomers? she asked, her eyes skeptically looking at Prani as she approached. Her eyes flicked to look beyond the young woman at the caravan in question: abandoned and clearly worse for wear. She gave a wary look at Prani as if sizing her up...
  5. The Storyteller

    Ask Nemesis Games

    In A Maze Leh'Min'Ayd Quin Leonkri He placed his hand against it… if he could. He placed his hand against it…and it opened. When the rectangle was bright. When the light was right. As the lights went off. As dark is wrong. Below as above, Quin opened a door and stepped into a corridor. He...
  6. The Storyteller

    Ask Nemesis Games

    Perhaps the question that Quin should be asking wasn’t where he was, how, even when, but...who? Who are you? What was a machine without a soul? It was a question one student had been asked over and over again until she had given her master a satisfying answer. What was a Jedi without a...
  7. The Storyteller

    Ask Practical Application

    Terek’s smile adopted a feral gleam as he watched the padawan’s handling the current situation. With the inclusion of Roanoke, the light had the upper hand, so rather than immediately engage he decided to hang back and get a better look at the ship drifting just within sight. Sea fog had started...
  8. The Storyteller

    Ask The One-Eyed Man

    As always, the Coyote was taking his sweet ass time to find a simple silver case with a vornskr on it—or was it a rathar?—so, inevitably, the Badger waited. “Found it. It’s locked.” “Locked is good. Locked means you can’t open it. You didn’t shake it, did you?” He waited. “Shaking tends to...
  9. The Storyteller

    Ask Nemesis Games

    Lemon? Light. The word would echo in his mind, distorted, not like a helmet’s modulator, but as if the speaker’s voice was fading away in a cave. Turn on the lights. But they wouldn’t be so easy to find in the darkness, would not be so easy to use the Force and sense with, because Quin...
  10. The Storyteller

    Ask The One-Eyed Man

    Had the Badger had a camera then it would have probably been rather entertaining to watch the Wolf bite and claw his way through the room. Unfortunately the Mandalorian couldn’t see anything in there and couldn’t even listen to the commotion so he settled for shuffling cards on a table for no...
  11. The Storyteller

    Ask The One-Eyed Man

    The Badger “Once upon a time, there was a Groundhog who forgot to pay the Wolf. The Groundhog was dead the next day, and the Wolf got his credits. The end.” “You ask me, a Groundhog shoulda been born a Badger, then the Wolf would be the one on the ground for the dogs to eat.” Fast forward to...
  12. The Storyteller

    Ask Nemesis Games

    There is no response. @Sicadorito (@Quin Leonkri)
  13. The Storyteller

    Ask The One-Eyed Man

    The Badger “Well? What’s next?” There was a pause. “Take the pen. Leave the cup. Was wondering where it was but glad somebody found it and will get it later okay listen up.” There was a pause. “Approach the door dead ahead of you on your left. No, your other left. Open it. I'll wait.”...
  14. The Storyteller

    Ask Nemesis Games

    The floor having closed over Quin’s head the moment he descended, he would find no platform for it was at the surface of the floor beneath the upper chamber, but the Force would be his guide as the man fell down the elevator shaft. Though there might be an inside joke somewhere above this...
  15. The Storyteller

    Ask The One-Eyed Man

    [“Hey, Wolf!”] A masculine if masked and modulated voice would enter the wolf’s helm, or wherever the hunter kept his comlink, for the Mandalorian who hailed him kept an integrated comlink within his helmet. [“Don’t turn. It’s Badger.”] They may of course already have each other’s numbers...
  16. The Storyteller

    Ask Practical Application

    The dark side of the force had revealed itself like the villain it was, even now as Terek tore through the woods behind Roanoke he could feel the shadow swelling and he was not thrilled to say the least. He found himself muttering under his breath, “Just an easy recon mission, in and out in...
  17. The Storyteller

    Ask The One-Eyed Man

    Cigarette smoke curled languidly above the counter where a barback man wiped down a spot he had made from blood from his own broken nose on account of being an idiot and a complete waste of space at all the wrong moments. It wasn’t like Soapy Pampano hated the guy. Hate was such a…hateful...
  18. The Storyteller

    Tabloid Moisture Farming In Korriban!

    The King of Korriban (@Darth Arcanos ) continues to make headlines with unprecedented moves to bring prosperity to the planet. The latest and greatest is that the King has established a groundbreaking contract with Pretormin Environmental Corporation - the same company behind the vaporators that...
  19. The Storyteller

    Tabloid King of Korriban Weds!

    The planet Korriban has come to life with a month of celebrations to honor King Azar’ithar Shah’Zahan Emyr iv Kressh’s (@Darth Arcanos ) marriage to Thalisa Ragnos iv Sarasashi (@LouJoVi ) and Ilyan Kurvast (@Phoenix ). King Kressh is the first Pureblood to unite the entire planet under one...
  20. The Storyteller

    Ask Practical Application

    Motep and Ordeen were closing in on the food stalls the two groups had last been seen at. The messengers followed along behind like chastised children, which bothered Terek, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he was sure something else was going on here. “This is where they were…”...