Alliance and Attack

Ser Gregor

M*A*S*Hed Potatoes
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2006
Reaction score
I'll be initiating another diplomatic mission, to Trandosha, this time. It will serve us well to have a legion of mercenaries and bounty hunters at our disposal. Also, when we attack Kashyyyk, they will definately come in very handy.

Now, with the few who know the password to this area, we shall discuss it. Possible tactics, etc...


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Mercenaries, bounty hunters too, but mainly mercenaries respect only two things. The first, and most obvious, being money.

The second, is strength.

So, i propose a show of strength. For example, a well armed and escorted capital ship, and a large number of soldiers as an escort of the diplomats, led by a few powerful Sith.

Amounts of money could be promised from us directly, or from the spoils of war they could take. (I'm guessing that a neutral party would npc the leaders in the negotiations?)

If that's the case, then the show of force would make them consider turning us down more thoroughly, or help spur them towards us, picking the winning side.

That's what would serve as my basic plan. Of course it has it's flaws, such as the possibility of making the intended friendlies assume it to be an attack, or simply causing them to see us as arrogant fools.

Of course those risks are inherent in almost any plan, but in this plan, we do have the immediate presence to convince them they made a huge mistake in turning us down, or attacking.