Army of Light


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Army of Light


After a century of war, there is no going back to what the Order once was, it is time for things to change. The stagnation of the council has taken its toll on the Order and the galaxy as a whole and now those who were casted from the Order have remained unchecked, rapidly gaining power and now an Empire. We are unable to continue to wait and see what happens, we seek action, but not the way we had once sought it.

We are still at war, we will always be at war as long as the dark side runs rampant through the galaxy. However, we fought in a way that has resulted in the countless deaths, the best of us have perished, but what they lived and fought for will not be forgotten and we will carry that message onward to others. A message of strength, compassion, courage and hope.

This is a message we must pass to others in the galaxy, to recognize an Empire built on the dark side will only bring darkness and nothing else.

The Force is still with us, Jedi, we cannot falter, we must stand as one and encourage others to stand with us. We are stronger together as we forge ourselves all as guardians of peace and justice and become an Army of Light.

-Jedi Councilor Thalia Corliss​

The Army of Light is an idea, a movement to bring together everyone who wishes to oppose the darkness that is quickly falling under the rule of the Empire. The NAP has placed the Republic in a difficult situation, leaving them neutral against the war between the Exiled (now Sith) and the Jedi. However, this doesn’t mean individual planetary systems must remain passive; the Force and the Dark Side does not stop at the system boundaries outlining the Republic, everyone is afflicted and it cannot be ignored.

Jedi will be dispatched to several worlds in order to better explain the consequences of inaction and encourage on a civilian level for resistance against the idea of an Empire built on Darkness and prepare them for when and if the Empire comes. This may include better planetary armament, helping displaced civilians, building medical and other supply reserves. Members of the Republic Judicial Forces and Senators are also welcome to participate as active representatives of their planetary systems. The power lies in the people of the galaxy and we must work together to give it strength.​

I'm super stoked about this, so if you are too and want to help, post your character name and link below! I am hoping to get mission packs started in the next week!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 17, 2017
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Albert wishes for peace but accepts the inevitability of war. His swords will cut a path to peace through the darkness and chaos.


SWRP Writer
May 30, 2013
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Looks to be Cal's bag in principle. Count him in.


I'm Terrible at PVP
SWRP Writer
Feb 29, 2016
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Anton would participate in a sekrit capacity. :) And possibly my Jedi Solyan.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Guys! Sorry for the delay, but now just waiting on plot approval; the first chapter will be focusing on good standing, this is a good time to practice diplomacy and resolving conflict without too much violence. Here is the plot outline as follows and those assigned for the first chapter:

1. With the Jedi Order assisting in relocating refugees from their world, Manaan begun to face another crisis. As the galaxy’s most valuable medicine, kolto is harvested from the depths of Manaan’s oceans; however, now the world faces a crisis as an invasive algae threatens to overrun harvesting areas. The Jedi will meet with an ambassador from Manaan in order to address the crisis their world is facing as well as the rest of the galaxy. Gain their trust in order to assist in finding a solution quickly while working with scientists on the investigation. Meanwhile, Jedi offer their healers to negate short supplies as well as offer good future standing with the Manaan government.

Jedi: @Albert Penumbris & @Varian Reman

2. As Manaan works to problem solve the kolto, Cona, a neighboring Republic world is unable to keep up with the demand for water for their world. Due to its climate, water must be imported for other systems; with its current boom in mining, the population on the world has increased exponentially. The Jedi speak with an ambassador from Cona in order to mediate a meeting with the Manaan ambassador to set up trade: water for ore. Note: Cona’s atmosphere made of ammonia.

Jedi: @Jon Atreides & @Jubei

3. While on Cona, the increased population has brought an increase in crime; the Jedi offer to assist with local law patrol in order to settle quarrels and shut down gangs. The Jedi work to earn the trust of the However, while assisting in shutting down the crime rings, the Jedi learn of a pirating route targeting Tanaab.

Jedi: @Venatus Phoenix & @Aliyah Coven

4. A team of Jedi is sent to the agricultural world of Tanaab to find the pirates responsible for harassing farmers. As the Jedi hunt down the pirates, they do discover an unprotected route leading in and out of Republic space, allowing for the pirates and their partners to easily enter and exit. The Jedi will need to stop the pirates and close their access to Tanaab, in addition, the Jedi may also find farmers willing to learn how to better defend themselves from attacks like these. 

Jedi: @Vollen Shai & @Sheev Votie

Once approved, I will get the threads up for you guys and give you a tag. The second chapter will involve more with the senators and other Pubs who signed up so stay tuned!