Battle Operations Simulator

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Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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Chiss Ascendancy
Chiss Battle Operations Simulator.



Welcome to the Chiss' Battle Operations Simulator.

The Battle Operations Simulator is a long used tool in the training of Chiss forces. The system allows for fighter pilots, command staff, and even ground ops to hone their skills in carefully designed scenarios designed to test them, and allow them to further develop their understanding and ability to function in live combat simulations without any risk to the user. It is often used by senior officers to study those serving under them. With information gathered from performance Senior officers are better able to place new recruits, and even offer promotions based on skill, and tactical knowledge.


Using the simulators is a simple matter, and is open for Chiss servicemen, and women of all ranks or positions. An individual, or several companions simply seat themselves inside the holo projection pods, once inside select the scenario they wish to run based on the area they wish to engage in. Once the pods seal the user, and companions are thrust into a ultra realistic environment that, while programmed to meet a certain scenario will instantly react based on user input, and adapt itself over time. This ensures that no scenario plays out exactly the same every time, and forces the user to adapt as well.

Please select a scenario below. Once the scenario is complete, contact your ranking officer for a review.




You may create your own combat scenarios and role play them out in the Combat Simulator forum. Contact a friend, or a superior officer to help NPC your enemies.

If you would like to add one of your scenarios to this list, please send a PM to the Faction Leader(Radzkie).
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