Bernogne Wael


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SWRP Writer
Jul 22, 2007
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Flying ace of the Sith Imperium

During his tenure in the Imperial Starfighter Corps, Bernogne kept his appearance within military regulations. However, after leaving, he did not diverge much from the military standards, keeping his hair slicked back and frequently shaving.

As a disciplined military man, Bernogne understood when to speak up to his superiors and when to remain silent. He remained close to the servicemen that he served with since before the Sith takeover, but was weary of fellow soldiers who joined his unit since that time.

He acted as a father figure to his niece, having no children of his own, though he had talked to his wife about settling down after his term of service expires. The closing of Alliance-Imperial borders prevented Bernogne from visiting the Sereks, which he was disappointed with.

Aviation has been Bernogne's greatest passion, inspiring him to join the the starfighter corps under the Elysius dynasty. However, his enthusiasm for the starfighter corps was quickly spent after Darth Aevum usurped the throne.

Bernogne is an accomplished fighter pilot, credited with 13 air and space kills over the course of his career, including three at the Battle of Coruscant. He is capable of quickly adapting to the controls of most ships he operates and has an in-depth knowledge of the performance of various fighter craft that both the Imperium and Alliance used in the war. However, his combat experience is limited exclusively to the pilot seat; Bernogne is inexperienced in the use of firearms or hand-to-hand combat.

Bernogne was born and raised on Bnar VII with a fascination for star craft. When he grew old enough, he enlisted in the Imperial Starfighter Corps, soon becoming recognized as an ace pilot and became a member of the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing. He married the sister of Maffew Serek and grew close to his niece-in-law, Marisa Serek.

The later takeover of the Empire and transformation into the New Sith Imperium shook Bernogne’s loyalty to the fighter corps as well as cut all contact between his family and that of his in-laws. Even so, he followed his orders in the Purge of Muunilinst and fought in the Battle of Coruscant with distinction.

However, he retired from military service after the fragmentation of the Galactic Alliance and witnessing the aftermath of the Empress Andraste’s ravaging of Coruscant’s surface. He went into the travel business as a commercial spaceliner pilot. Eight years after the fall of Coruscant, he found Marisa on Alsakan, where the two reconnected to their pasts. However, unknown to him, his niece was wanted by the Ubiqtorate and Bernogne was arrested for suspected involvement with terrorism. However, a year's worth of investigation surmounted to nothing substantial enough to keep him in custody.

For a time, Bernogne went into the spaceliner industry as a commercial pilot busing civilians around the galaxy. However, he found himself reentering Imperial employment as a private contractor for the Imperial navy as a flight instructor.

Shakti Vsil

Seeds of Rebellion (The Purge of Muunilinst)
Battle of Coruscant: The Battle of Centrax-2
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