Carpe-Die Some - pack completion


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Level: @Burkhart Kelborn Level 3
Character Rank: Field Marshal
Name of Plot: Carpe-Die Some
Participants in the plot (Character accounts): @Burkhart Kelborn
@Shorwarr Kelborn
@Koil Solus
@Sunverkh Jhess
@Cardinal Paroaria
@Sumas Solus
@Tagal Saxon
@Skuld Stark

Intended Outcome of Plot: Through targeting key areas of interest Burkhart's "Cartel" will take root on Contruum 6 and Cerea in all areas of criminal activity so that they are the monopolizing force on both planets in terms of organized crime. This will also be represented as a shereshoy space station for gambling and vacation time will be put in place over Contruum 6.
Actual Outcome of Plot: ^that^
Any PVP or Staff DMing involved? No
Link to Dice Roll Thread if used: No
Relevant Threads and a description per thread in chronological order:
  1. The Riff Raff - Koil and Sumas patrol the space around Contruum ship yards and 'chat' without issue before going back to the station.
  2. Eyes of Argus - Burkhart and Cardinal go to the hyperwave buoy in the system and slice into it so Burkhart can tap into people's commlink transmissions in and out of the system if he so chooses.
  3. It's My Kitchen Now - The trio met the chief of a village where they made the guilea spice, bargained, concluded the affair, made him sign the contract and then finally left for Nar Shaddaa
  4. Cerea-ting Requirements - Two big buff mandos sneak into Cerea's main space port and secure the traffic control center.
  5. Incompetent Competition - Thanks to a Deucalian, her husband, and a Solus clan member a refueling station is no longer harassed by locals.