Clownfish Rancor


SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2015
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Clownfish Rancor
Designation: Semi-Sentient

Average Adult Height: 4 meters (13 feet).

Average Adult Mass: 1,500 kg (3,000 lbs).

Classification: Reptile

Origin: Aquatic Subspecies

Habitat: Some planets with large water ecosystems.

Reproduction: Reproduces sexually. Lays two eggs at a time.

The Clownfish Rancor has the general appearance of a rancor, except for unique properties belonging to its specific subspecies. The Clownfish Rancor possesses a skin pattern of color that splits into two shades, depending on its location. One color is often a light blue to murky brown, depending on the water color and clarity. The other color is the same color as the dirt or mud that lays at the bottom of the body of water is is currently in. When out of water, the Clownfish Rancor's skin is often seen with a white and orange pattern. The reasoning for its ability to change color is camouflage.

The Clownfish Rancor possesses an elongated snout and jaws, that pushes out much farther than that of its primarily land-dwelling counterpart. This is due to the fact that the nature of the Clownfish Rancor is one of ambush, and requires quick action with capable limbs. An elongated snout allows for a killing blow to be applied to its prey quicker, thus giving them less chance to escape.

The Clownfish Rancor's tail, instead of being a stub like most Rancor, is actually quite versatile. A two meter long tail with fins to help the creature move through water easier. Despite it's inability to swim at any versatile speed, it is able to keep its balance in the water as it pulls itself along by its arms.

The Clownfish Rancor's arms are quite long. Despite being smaller than the standard Rancor, its arms are actually longer than it's land-dwelling counterpart. This is to allow the beasts to successfully grab at its prey, even if they are farther way in shallow waters that the beast would normally need to climb onto to catch.

The Clownfish Rancor's hands are thick and webbed, but not only for pulling itself through water, as it typically pulls itself along the bottom towards its destination. It also uses them to dig deep holes with stunning speed in the banks of pools of water. It is capable of burying itself completely, save for its shoulders, upper back, and top of its head within twenty minutes. It uses this to camouflage itself, and, in murky or fast moving water, is quite difficult to spot or identify.

The Clownfish Rancor possesses gills, which are on the sides of its neck, as well as under their arms. Alongside this, they are fully capable of breathing outside water, and are often seen moving from one body of water to the next in search of food.

The beasts are tamable, and are often sought after due to their unique coloration and appearance. Some even use them as mounts to cross swampy areas.

Intent: To create an amphibious creature that poses a threat in water based situations, while also making a capable organic resource to whoever attempts to use it.

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