Independent Cyril Jalane


Force Mysteries and Blaster Bolts
SWRP Writer
Oct 31, 2017
Reaction score

Cyril Jalane


178cm (5'10")
102kg (225lbs)
Brown with Gold
Dark Brown
Sector Rangers


Cyril Jalane was born on the planet Osarian in the year 113ABY in a small farming community located well away from any large population centers on the planet. in the year 121ABY, at age 8, a band of slavers who were running from a group of Sector Rangers and decided to hide out in her village and were characteristically rough in their treatment of the Cyril and the rest villagers. After roughly a week of quietly suffering their abuses the villagers had decided they had suffered enough and attempted to fight and force the slavers out of their homes...... unsuccessfully. After a brief struggle several of the villagers, including Cyril's parents, lay dead and the rest were quickly captured and locked away to be sold on the market for their troubles. They were on route to whatever the slavers favored when the Sector Rangers caught up with them, freeing the captured villagers after a a grueling firefight on the slaver's ship.

With no direct family to look after her the Rangers did what they officially could and dropped her off at an orphanage on Osarian before departing about their business of peacekeeping. But she never forgot the brutality of the slavers that took her parents from her, nor the bravery and effectiveness of the Rangers that had rescued her from entering a harsh life of servitude. With such a decentralized system of galactic governance crime was a hard thing to truly put a stop to outside of the core and more civilized systems but that is what she vowed to do when she was old enough, track down the most dangerous criminals and bring them to justice. As she grew and attended the Osarian public school system she devoured what information she could on the subject of law, and often got in to fights with bullies and eventually graduation to confronting common street criminals and con artists when they mistakenly thought she would be an easy mark.

Graduating from Orarian public schools in 131ABY at the age of 18 she applied to the Osarian Law College in an attempt to pursue a career in high level criminal justice, but her drive to physically put a stop to violent crime spoke more to her than debating the semantics of law and dropped out after a single semester. From there she applied to the local police academy and graduated later that year with full honors and commendations on her physical and tactical prowess. But as a metropolitan police constable the most she ever had to deal with was shoplifters and drunkards, though she dealt with them just as seriously as she would have a slaver or spice runner.

After a year as a constable, feeling that her talents were being wasted, beginning to hate the endless layers of red tape and politicking, and wanting to truly make a difference in the galaxy she submitted an application to the Sector Rangers in early 133ABY. The 20 year old found was accepted on a prohibitionary training basis, and though her lack of tact didn't make her many friends most of the active Rangers grew to respect her dedication, skill, and efficiency in applying the law. It didn't take long before she was accepted on to a small team of rangers who were currently tracking down a crew of spice runners where she handled herself well during the investigation and short ensuing firefight that followed and resulted. On the recommendation of her team she was elevated to the full rank of Ranger and given her badge.

Since then her direct nature and often black & white views on crime and law caused a rift between her and the team that had sponsored her rise, and she split from them to continue enforcing the law on her ow, teaming up with other Rangers when the opportunity arises. Though none speak out against their original recommendations or deny her effectiveness as an officer of the law many who have worked with Cyril Jalane state the she is difficult to work with due to her lack of tact and direct nature. Now a Ranger for 2 years she is still figuring out how best to go about her duties in this big and scary galaxy.

Direct and to the point Cyril has had trouble developing solid relationships beyond simply cold and professional ones. Though she has never made mention of it out loud she inwardly laments her inability to make close friends and has tried to relax her strong views while not on the hunt, so far with little success.

She possesses a relatively binary view of crime, either you have done wrong and must pay your debt to society or you are an innocent civilian. The circumstances as to why someone commits a crime mean little to her, simply that the crime has been committed. She struggles with moral gray areas, but has yet to run in to a situation where her morals and views were truly tested. Though she is still young and has not been in the galaxy long, so maybe this will change in time.

Always one for taking direct action Cyril has been known to often forgo trying to talk someone in to surrendering peacefully in favor of announcing herself brazenly with badge and blaster drawn. She uses her physicality and bulk to her advantage wherever possible, and some interrogations have resulted in a number of bruises on the suspect. She prefers to take any criminals she can in alive, but if they put up a fight she will do whatever is necessary to protect herself and the innocents nearby.






Blaster Pistols
Blaster Rifles
Starship Weapons
Hand To Hand


Free Worlds Law
Galactic Geography
Security Systems


Cyril Jalane's Scavenged Trooper ArmorScavenged First Order Stormtrooper armor

Czerka-76 Blaster Rifle Rugged long range blaster ― • 2 power cells (100 shots)

MWC-45 Heavy Blaster Pistol Powerful blaster pistol ― • 2 power cells (100 shots)

Stun Baton Nonlethal melee weapon ― • 1 power cell (10 uses)

Personav Personal Navigation Device― •

DTX-1977 OnforMaster Datapad Personal Computational Device― •

Starlight-Class Light Freighter Transport for herself and any captures― • "Starhound"

74-Z Speeder BikePlanetary transport― •


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