

Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Coordinates: N-9.

Climate: As Edem is a desert world, one would be safe in the assumption that it's primary climate is hot and arid, with the most common weather pattern being blistering and unrelenting sunlight, which is then followed by severely cold nights. In the deep desert, the temperature will frequently swing from approximately 45 degrees Standard during the day, to a negative 37 - 39 degrees during the nights.

The temperatures near the lakes that houses the majority of the Edemmian civilization however, are much more stable, ranging from the mid to high thirties during the day, and between ten to fifteen during the night. This is due to the abyssal labyrinths crisscrossing Edem's crust, which are heated by it's plasmic outer core, the waters giving off just enough heat to keep the areas near the lakes from growing too cold during the nights.

Once every eight months, enough moisture gathers in the atmosphere to create a rainstorm that lasts for exactly nine days, which is also how long a week lasts in the Edemmian calendar. Due to it's nature as a desert world, sandstorms and coriolis winds are sadly not an uncommon event, and can be deadly to anyone caught in their path if they aren't properly prepared. It's not an exaggeration when the Edemmians claim that the coriolis storms of Edem can strip the meat of your bones within minutes.

Terrain: At first glance one could be forgiven for thinking that Edem closely resembles Geonosis, as it is a desert world covered from pole to pole in rusty red sand and equally red stone, but differs from that world due to of a series of massive freshwater lakes, around which you find the only habitable and green areas. Not surprisingly, it is around these lakes the Edemmians have built their cities, with their cyclopean and colossal pyramids. Due to the extreme distances that separates each lake, the terrain and the terrestrial flora that each individual lake supports vary wildly. Nesharra, the largest lake and home to the Edemmian capitol, is located close to the equator, and is home to a bewildering array of tropical plants, and even a few miles of green pastures due to irrigation laid out by the local inhabitants, with particle shields keeping the desert at bay. Other lake-cities possesses their own unique ecosystems and terrains.

Edem, like Naboo, possesses a plasmic molten outer core which surrounded an inner core, believed to be composed primarily of a nickel-iron alloy, with very small amounts of some other elements. The plasmic magma "seethes and bubbles" from the center of the planet carving labyrinths of winding tunnels and caverns similar to lava tubes of traditional magma flows. These abyssal labyrinths were submerged in great underground oceans, which connected to the lakes on Edem's surface. This means that each lake is, although distantly, connected to every other lake on Edem thanks to these abyssal labyrinths, giving them a far richer biodiversity than should be possible for individual lakes isolated by several hundred miles.

Edem's deserts seem at first rather featureless, but venture a few miles from the inhabited lakes, and you will find massive canyons and gorges, tall plateaus and vast mountain ranges, along with seemingly endless seas of rust red sand.

Rotation: Edem possesses a standard day/night cycle, and a full planetary rotation takes 28.0024957 Galactic Standard hours. Edem takes 391 Galactic Standard days to orbit it's sun, Ellgoran.

Inhabitants: The dominant species of Edem are the sentient Edemmians, an advanced humanoid species. Edem is however full of life, most of which have evolved to survive on the harsh conditions of the red desert world. A notable creature being the Moondrakes, large, non-sentient, nocturnal, carnivorous quadrupeds.

Edem possesses a rare plasmic molten outer core that surrounds a solid inner core. This core of molten plasma gives the Edemmians easy access to an endless source of clean, renewable, and reliable energy. As one can surmise from the redness of Edem's rocks and sands, the planet is extremely rich in iron ore. Edem is also home to a flower which produces a unique spice that is popular in Edemmian cuisine, and can also be brewed into a potent alcoholic beverage.

Government: Edem is governed by the Matriarchy of the Edemmians, the leader of said Matriarchy being known as the First. Edem is aligned with the Republic.

Economy: Edem has a strong and flourishing free market, with a minimum of government interference. The few regulations set in place by the government of the First are mostly set in place to ensure a fair and open competition for the local Edemmian companies, and to ensure that the consumers aren't being abused.

Two notable corporate giants on Edem are Moondrake Engineering, their leading designer of Starbirds and deep space technology with a long standing contract with the Edemmian Defence Corps, and Sentinel Arms, their leading producer and designer of firearms and personal defensive armaments and devices, also the main supplier of the Edemmian Defence Corps.

Over the last few years, Edem has slowly been changing it's currency to incorporate Republic Credits.


Culture: The Edemmians have an ancient culture that they have clung to in a stubborn fashion for countless years. In fact, at first glance, one would think their culture hadn't advanced beyond an early feudal stage with simple metallurgy, but this is due to how they cling to their ancient tradition and culture. Every single aspect of new technology is quickly disguised and made to merge as seamlessly as possible with the aesthetics of their culture.

Their architecture tends to be cyclopean in style, with colossal pyramid-shaped structures rearing up to, and often piercing, the skies above. And even these monolithic structures, though they might have been built only last week and bristle with the most advanced technology available, are styled and clad to appear as if they were raised thousands of years ago, using only the most basic of primitive tools. Even something as simple as modern day street lighting is made to appear as torch-lit pillars of red sandstone. The only exceptions to this merging of aesthetics and functional technology are military equipment and vehicles, where their functionality supersedes any concerns for aesthetics.

The root of this adherence to culture comes partially from the Edemmians deep and rich spiritual life, with several deities and lesser spirits, including a belief of worshiping one’s ancestors. Their chief deity, Elassah of the nine tails, is also held to be the mother of the entire Edemmian species. Edem’s singular moon, Rallac, and it’s equally singular sun, Ellgoran, are still held to be gods to this day, despite their deep scientific understanding of the cosmos. The Edemmians’ spiritual views have changed slightly as their scientific understanding expanded. Instead of rigidly clinging to their old beliefs, they now view Elgarron as the God OF Suns, the embodiment of suns, and the same with Ralloc, and Elassah the Mother Goddess (because of evolution) as the incarnation of life itself, it's amazing ability to exist everywhere, even in the depths of space.

The chief origin myth of the Edemmian faith is that Elassah, their Mother Goddess, grew tired of seeing Edem as a barren lifeless rock caught in the eternal battle between Ellgoran and Rallac, and so summoned the two brothers to her palace. There, she drew the bright and golden Ellgoran and the dark and mysterious Rallac to her bedchambers, and bedded them both for three nights and three days. When Rallac and Ellgoran discovered that Elassah was with child, the twins threw themselves at one another, each wanting to prove that they were the father. But as the brothers waged war in the heavens, Elassah went down to Edem and spread life wherever she went, and eventually gave birth to the first Edemmians. When she returned to her palace in the heavens, the brothers noticed that she had given birth, and that Edem was now full of life. As neither brother could know whom had sired the Edemmians, Elassah commanded that only one of them could visit her children at the time, giving Ellgoran the right to visit during the day, and Rallac during the night.

The lakes of Edem, around which the Edemmians built their cities, are considered sacred places, beyond simply being practical and the only places where they could live. They believe that each lake is where Elassah dug a pit in which to sleep when she walked across Edem and spread life across the world, and that these pits filled with water as a gift from their Mother to Her children.

The Edemmians view Rallac and Ellgoran as harsh fathers, as both seek to test the Edemmians to prove that surely they must belong to one of them, as only a child of Ellgoran could withstand the blistering heat of his glory, or that only a child of Rallac could navigate his darkness or withstand the bitter cold of Ellgoran’s absence, with Elassah making sure that neither go too far. When a natural disaster strikes Edem, it is viewed as Rallac or Ellgoran slipping by Elassah’s vigil, to throw a particularly nasty challenge at their children.

The Edemmians believe the Force to be a gift from Elassah, as she is the Mother Goddess and the incarnation of life itself. For the energy of the Force surrounds all things, and binds together all living beings as one. And those Gifted by Elassah can truly see that living creatures are luminous beings, rather than crude matter.

Those Edemmian Force Sensitives that fall to the Dark Side are said to have been swayed by Jasocch, the Deceiver, the Lord of Thirst. He is the main villainous figure within the Edemmian pantheon. He came from the Outside, and was jealous of the Edemmians. He saw how they lived, and wanted to hurt them. So he and his ilk began to trick Edemmians as they crossed the desert, making them see things that weren't there, leading them astray into the depths of the dunes, and away from the safety of Elassah's sacred lakes, leading them in circles until they succumbed to thirst. So it is with those that have fallen to the Dark Side, they have sold their souls to Jasocch for power, for dark and tainted knowledge, and he deceive them, granting them power and dark and profane knowledge, in exchange for their immortal souls, so he might one day challenge Elassah directly.

As one can expect due to the nature of the Edemmian males and their relationship with their females and their origin myth, the Edemmians are a matriarchy. While any Edemmian male can rise to great heights and power within any aspect of their civilization and culture, be it social, political, scientific, military, or religious, they can never stand on top, and they can never stand alone. Even the greatest and most respected male must have a female by his side, so his mind can be kept calm by the female's pheromones. The leader of the Edemmian Government bears the title of First, signifying she is the first among the children of Elassah, while the religious leader of the Edemmians is called the Ascended.

Edemmians are as a race adrenaline junkies, and love to engage in activities that gets their hearts pumping and the adrenaline flowing. As a result, a surprisingly large number of Edemmians are racers, or at least aficionados of the sport. This can be any form of racing, be it a rally across the dunes of Edem, hoverboards, anti-grav circuits, or in the depths of space itself. However, their adrenaline addiction isn’t limited to simply racing. Anything that gets the adrenaline flowing is appealing to an Edemmian, whether it be martial arts, combat, mountain climbing, or anything else. Now, this could easily lead them to various unsavoury activities, but most try to keep it to some form of sport or another… and to lead many Edemmian starship captains to also dabble in smuggling.

Technology: The Edemmians possesses technology equal to that of the rest of the galaxy, though they are experts at merging said technology with old fashioned aesthetics. Much of the Edemmians' planetary technology is powered by tapping their plasmic outer core.

Satellites: Edem possesses a single moon, named Rallac, as well as a set of asteroidal rings orbiting the planet.

History: Edem was formed 4.21 billion years ago, along with the rest of the planets of the Ellgoran system, while the star was still in it's infancy. As it formed and cooled, developing it's rather unique core and internal structure, it's singular moon, Rallac, and it's planetary rings were formed along with it, giving Edem it's rather striking appearance.

The Edemmians evolved upon Edem from a small and social vulpine creature several thousands of years ago. As they embraced sentience, and began to develop tools and cities, they quickly realized that there was little beyond their lakes. For each lake was seperated by several hundred of miles of desert, making any crossing of the desert exceptionally difficult, if not impossible, before they invented steam engines. And even then, the various Edemmian cities, isolated from one another by hundreds of miles of inhospitable and seemingly endless deserts, had no way of knowing that there was anything out there to find.

That all changed when the first Edemmian flying machines were developed. These avian-shaped vehicles could soar upon the warm winds of Edem for countless miles, and eventually, the Edemmians became aware of one another. When they learned of the existence of yet more Edemmians, living around yet another lake, the Edemmians did not react with fear or violence, but instead embraced their long lost brothers and sisters. As Edemmian technology advanced, keeping in contact with the various cities became easier, and eventually, as they began harnessing the plasmic core of their world, along with the abundant solar and wind power, they began to network their lake-cities through an increasingly advanced and efficient network of railways.

Not long after the establishment of the railway network, the largest city, which of course surrounded the largest lake of Edem, Nesharra, was unanimously voted to become the capitol city of a unified Edem, with Nesharra's Council Head being named the First, and given the right to rule Edem. Shortly after Edem became unified beneath the First, the Edemmians developed their first, crude, hyperdrive and began to explore the space outside the Ellgoran system and their home nebula, bringing them into contact with the greater galaxy, and the Republic.

Notable PC's: Zae Tannarah, Nerrane Valloran.

Intent: Edem is pretty vital for Edemmian characters. I know making a planet just to give a species a homeworld or a faction unique resources isn't good enough, but bear with me for a moment. Edemmians are as a species extremely spiritual, and Edem itself, along with the rest of the Ellgoran system, is at the very heart of their faith. They genuinely believe that the various Lake-cities in which they dwell are sacred places, as are a few other select locations upon Edem itself. I feel that if you are unable to RP an Edemmian on Edem, it'd negatively impact the experience and the stories you can tell.

In addition, Edem has a unique and interesting culture, that I feel many might have a blast exploring, seeing the contrast between the Edemmian' culture on Edem and the human-dominated civilizations in the Republic and the rest of the galaxy. On Edem, you have a species that has worshiped the same Gods and lived mostly in peace for thousands of years, and are by their very nature bisexual and polygamous, and with a strong emphasis on maintaining the ways of the past while simultaneously embracing the new. You have high-tech cities that are equal to any in the Republic, but looks as ancient as the Tombs of the Sith Lords on Korriban.

I also feel that, as I said before, Edem has an interesting and unique ecology and climate. It has a vast deserts that covers the majority of the planet's surface that changes from extreme heat during the day, to Hoth-like temperatures at night, with many massive and terribly dangerous beasts lurking the desert during both day and night. And the desert is of course in itself a contrast to the lush oases of the Lake Cities, where the Edemmians thrive, growing and what little greenery exists on the planet. And beneath the surface, there is a vast and unexplored aquatic labyrinth that stretches across the planet.

All of this, I feel would provide plenty of interesting scenarios and settings for RP, especially as Edem's connection to the Republic changes over time, whether it is strengthened or lessened.
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Green Ranger

SWRP Supporter
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Your intent section really just tells me what the Edemmians are going to bring to the RP. You can RP Edemmians all you like, no issue there, but why does Edem need to be submitted and approved as a setting? What's the purpose? What role will it fill? How will it actively be used in the RP?


Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Well, for one, it's extremely important to Edemmians themselves, for both cultural and religious reasons. The planet itself, and locations upon it, are considered holy, so being unable to RP Edemmians on Edem would rather limit their experience, I feel. In addition, Edem has the potential to become a power within the Republic, by exporting goods and technology, such as unique spices, starbirds, and lots of raw metals.

Also, I feel that Edem has a rather interesting ecology and climate, with plenty of large and quite deadly beasts roaming it's vast deserts, which can create several interesting RPs. Off-worlders coming to Edem to hunt Moondrakes, for instance, and finding themselves unprepared for the extreme environments, or underestimating the local wildlife.

That's what I can think of right now, while I'm half asleep anyway.

Green Ranger

SWRP Supporter
Dec 6, 2005
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Wait till you're...less half-asleep, and revisit the question, cos I feel like you could probably do a better job of answering it than what's here if you're more awake. :P


Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Right, let's try that again, shall we?

Well, as I said last night, Edem is pretty vital for Edemmian characters. I know making a planet just to give a species a homeworld or a faction unique resources isn't good enough, but bear with me for a moment. Edemmians are as a species extremely spiritual, and Edem itself, along with the rest of the Ellgoran system, is at the very heart of their faith. They genuinely believe that the various Lake-cities in which they dwell are sacred places, as are a few other select locations upon Edem itself. I feel that if you are unable to RP an Edemmian on Edem, it'd negatively impact the experience and the stories you can tell.

In addition, Edem has a unique and interesting culture, that I feel many might have a blast exploring, seeing the contrast between the Edemmian' culture on Edem and the human-dominated civilizations in the Republic and the rest of the galaxy. On Edem, you have a species that has worshiped the same Gods and lived mostly in peace for thousands of years, and are by their very nature bisexual and polygamous, and with a strong emphasis on maintaining the ways of the past while simultaneously embracing the new. You have high-tech cities that are equal to any in the Republic, but looks as ancient as the Tombs of the Sith Lords on Korriban.

I also feel that, as I said before, Edem has an interesting and unique ecology and climate. It has a vast deserts that covers the majority of the planet's surface that changes from extreme heat during the day, to Hoth-like temperatures at night, with many massive and terribly dangerous beasts lurking the desert during both day and night. And the desert is of course in itself a contrast to the lush oases of the Lake Cities, where the Edemmians thrive, growing and what little greenery exists on the planet. And beneath the surface, there is a vast and unexplored aquatic labyrinth that stretches across the planet.

All of this, I feel would provide plenty of interesting scenarios and settings for RP, especially as Edem's connection to the Republic changes over time, whether it is strengthened or lessened.

Green Ranger

SWRP Supporter
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, sorry about the delay on this - real life has been a pain the last month or so. I'll admit I'm still not wholly convinced that this needs to be submitted as a planet, but I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt here and allow it. So, approved.