Jedi Shadow Spynet


SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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Jedi Shadow
Shadow Spynet

The Shadow Spynet is an extensive network of information tended to by the Shadows, concerning various organizations that utilize the Dark Side of the Force. This information extends from the Dark Jedi of the Bogan, to other minor Dark Side groups. The missions are divided into two groups; "Limited" and "Ongoing". Limited missions are missions that can be completed in a single thread (or two if it goes on long enough). They can be seen as "normal" missions. Ongoing missions are exclusively held toward the Dark Jedi of the Bogan, and are major undercover infiltrations that have no clear end in sight and require a completely new identity to commence (ie. a second role-playing account).

Note: If you have a mission idea or proposal, feel free to mention it here or via PM.

Cultist of Ta'mur

There's been a great disturbance in the Force, located on the world of Daalang. After further investigation, reports of children disappearing during the winter and summer solstice have become whispers throughout the population. Any who publicly speak of these "disappearances" are soon lost themselves, or found dead. Bizarre symbols and sacrificial alters have been found in various abandoned places, resonating with the Dark Side of the Force. There are dark forces at work, and they are powerful at that.

The Republic and the Jedi are unable to investigate, as the Daalang is located in the Mid Rim regions, where the most bitter confrontations between the Galactic Republic and Hutt Empire are taking place. Your duty is to discretely find passage to Daalang, discover the nature of the mysterious Dark Side cult, and destroy its foundation, ie. eliminate the leader.
The cult leader has never been seen, but has a strong presence in the Force, and is growing stronger. Secrecy is of the utmost importance.

Destination: Daalang; Mid Rim region
Target: The unidentified cult leader and his most devout sub-leaders
Type: Limited
Difficulty: Intermediate
Requirements: At least two Shadows must depart, however, no more than three.
Status: Available

Disciples of the Acheron

A surge in the Force has revealed itself in recent times. Nearly fifty standard years previous, a lost Jedi by the name of Vur Omnio had experienced an extreme strife in a battle against his inner demons. So vast was the struggle, that he ultimately set in motion a chain of events within his mind that would eventually degrade his mentality until absolute insanity would claim rulership over him. Wanting to live out his life without placing others in danger, Vur's wish was exile, to be launched into the then Unknown Regions, now designated as the Outer Rim. What happened then is unknown, however, Vur's mark in the Force was felt months ago.

Emerging from the world of Polus, Vur has been found by the Hutt Empire as the leader of the Disciples of the Acheron. Using his Force abilities, Vur has seized control over thousands of native Pyn'gani residents, and corrupted any Force sensitives with the Dark Side of the Force, what they call the Acheron. Passing his knowledge to his new disciples, the insane Vur Omnio has a lightsaber-wielding force of deviants willing to do his bidding. With the revelation of the Dark Jedi of the Bogan, he has revealed himself to the Hutt Empire in hopes of establishing an alliance with them and the Dark Jedi of the Bogan. This must never come to pass.

Destination: Polus; Outer Rim
Target: Vur Omnio
Type: Limited
Difficulty: High
Requirements: At least three Shadows, however, no more than five.
Status: Available

Infiltrate the Bogan

Since the Siege on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Dark Jedi of the Bogan are thus far the only organized force of evil that are able to openly declare war upon the Jedi Order. However, despite their stance, the Dark Jedi of the Bogan are strangely elusive in the Force and equally secretive. Neither the Galactic Republic nor the Jedi Order are able to decipher much information concerning them, nor their leaders. This force of evil must not be permitted to plunge the galaxy into a new age of darkness.

As a Shadow undertaking this mission, you must abandon your identity for a time and become a eye for the Jedi into the Bogan, reveal their inner workings and weaknesses, so that the Jedi may act when there is a time to strike. Because it is not known where the Dark Jedi of the Bogan reside, you must attract their attention for them to seek you out. Special training will be given to those undertaking this vital mission.

Destination: Unknown
Target: N/A; espionage / information gathering role
Type: Ongoing
Difficulty: Very High
Requirements: One Shadow; Shadows may undertake this mission, but must do so separately. Shadows under guise must never know the identity of other Shadows that may also be undercover.
Status: Taken (x1)
Available (x1)
Shadow(s): Ardell Andross

Ghost Ship

Since the Jedi Order received three warships from the former organization, Jade Galactic, numerous reports of suspicious activity have surfaced regarding one of the vessels. The launch of the Preceptor was initially delayed by a reported mechanical failure, but since the Jedi have come into possession of the vessel, talk of the ship being 'possessed' has been difficult to quieten. The ship has failed in several hyperdrive trials, weapons have fired seemingly randomly, and artificial gravity, life support systems and even automated doors have malfunctioned numerous times.

In the name of safety, the Council assigned only a skeleton guard to the vessel and sent it into hiding in deeper space. The Council has requested the Jedi Shadow take over protection of the vessel and investigate the disturbance over concerns that the Force is somehow involved. Assigned Shadows are to seek out Jedi Master Vrix Kaleel upon boarding.

JGW Preceptor
Target: Vris Kaleel (non-hostile)
Type: Limited
Difficulty: Unknown
Requirements: At least two Shadows, however, no more than four.
Status: Available

*Taken missions have the titles appear in red.*
*Available missions have the titles appear in blue.*
