Magical world of wumbldoon


I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
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More like Jerkshop
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score

Volken Sandanar


► 25
► Human
► 6'3
► 79 kg
► Deep Blue
► Black
► Sanistus
► Male
► Paladins of Mortis
► Paladin Knight
► Yes (trained)
[beebox3=500px]Volken was born on Sanistus, it was a cold and sparsely populated tundra world with a deep seated culture of superstition and reverence to the Father the Son and the Daughter. He family was lowborn and had served the Paladins of Mortis in support and maintanence roles with almost fanatic devotion for generations. They held little property, a simple, large house was used as the home of Volken's immediate and extended family. As he grew into a young man, his sensitivity to the force manifested in violent headaches which in turn caused small surrounding items to vibrate slightly from uncontrolled and unfocused telekinetic power, though his family never noticed these objects as Volken was too distracting while crying or screaming.

His Family brought him to doctors, who couldn't say what was wrong with the child, their recommendation was to simply pray for his health. That's exactly what his parents did, they brought him to faith healers who couldn't help them, they were beginning to resign themselves for having to cope with the ever present migraines. This was until he had an attack at a Temple, it was bad enough to cause a seizure, his parents called for help and several people rushed over to see what they could do. This seizure was a byproduct of his force sensitivity being suppressed by a natural phenomena that was suppressing the power. The seizure was a indication of Volken's growing power, as he experienced the event small objects began to rattle themselves off of ledges and smash onto the ground, frightening the surrounding crowd. Eventually the seizure subsided, leaving Volken unconscious.

He woke up in a medical room with machines monitoring his vitals, there was some kind of tube feeding a light tranquilliser into his arm. A man walked into the room and told Volken that he was force sensitive, something that the doctors had failed to test the young boy for. His parents had agreed to let him be trained as a paladin of Mortis, and that the man in front of him who identified himself as Coren Valentus, Volken was to be sworn to as a squire.

It took a long time for his master to figure out what to do with the boys headaches, they were steadily growing in severity and had lead to seizures twice after the initial incident. So he decided to bring him before the Paladin Marshals, who decided to try a ritual to try and fix the child's mind. For three days various treatments and force rituals was applied to the boy, each contributing to the reconstruction of the mental barriers his mind had erected in order to defend him from the Force, which it saw as an invader. The Paladins changed the flow of the barriers that were damaging his mind, allowing the force to flow through Volken as it would with all other living things, which in turn allowed Volken to begin learning to control the force.

Over the next several years Volken progressed with his education, he had begun his martial training when he was first inducted into the Paladins, but as he grew older it really began to shine through. While most Paladins preferred the use of Straight edged weapons like Vibro-Swords or Lightsabers, Volken took to the Vibro-Lance, he preferred the reach the weapon gave him. The weapon was unfamiliar to his master and many other Paladins, leading his master into hiring a tutor from one of the Mortisite worlds. Volken learned well, using a heavily modified version of Makashi for use with his Vibro-Lance. His master did insist that he learned the art of the Vibro-Sword as well, though Volken had no natural affinity for the sword but kept it as a practice and backup weapon nonetheless.

In the years leading up to the Last Blackguard invasion, Volken's studies in the force were slow, he had trouble using the force for anything in the spur of the moment without experiencing another migraine, though if he could take his time he was proficient in many simple kinds of abilities, which lead to a greater interest in the more esoteric rituals of the Force.

He was still a Squire when the Blackguards once again invaded the Mortisite worlds, he stood with his master in defence of his homeworld, Sanistus, helping defend his master as the overwhelming Blackguard forces continuously assaulted the planet. Slowly but surely the Paladins were pushed off of the planet, leaving Volken's master dead on the battlefield, with his sword reclaimed by Volken, and the world being burned and sacked by the Blackguard. He was promoted to Paladin Knight in wake of the battle, to fill the void his master had left in the order. Volken spent much of his time forging his personal Vibro-Lance, using Songsteel as the telescopic shaft of the weapon and regular Durasteel for the smaller electrically charged blade at the tip.

Volken was at the Battle of Nahir during the eventual "Victory" of the Paladins, though he was separated from his main battle group and forced to survive alone for nine days inside Blackguard held territory, forcing him to discard his armour in order to stay quiet and hidden. Because of this, he was not present to see the now Grand Master Helin Tyris take up the mantle of leadership, and very nearly was missed by her search groups as they passed through the area.

As the Paladins found a new home, Volken focused on the present, he needed a suit of armour. He set to work, pouring over schematics of older Mortisite armours, before finally deciding on a design he liked. It was based off of old Paladin design, used before the schism between the Paladins and the Blackguard. He began constructing this set of armour in his spare time, while assisting the other Paladins in their duties on Adumar.
Volken knows the meaning of duty, it was bred from an early age by his family and then expanded upon by the Paladins, he never had a say in anything about his own life and he is excited to have the autonomy to choose what he wants to do. He is usually a serious person, a seriousness bred by years of war, though he would never consider himself as such. He is saddened by the deaths of many of his family and his master, though he keeps a strong and relatively smiley and happy face to prevent others from percieving weakness. Constant severe migraines that have admittedly lessened as he grew, have left Volken easily irritated and angry, often he will leave a conversation abruptly if he can feel an oncoming migraine, leaving many dissatisfied with his conduct.
[beebox3=500px]Volken is a master of a heavily personalised form of Makashi, it was modified for use of a long jabbing weapon as opposed to the usual slashing attacks one would attribute with a sword. While he is still competent with the use of a blade, his real strength shines when wielding a Vibro-Staff or any of its contemporaries such as the Force-Pike. He isn't overly strong, he is strong enough to wear his armour with pride and grace, In terms of speed he is nimble though tends to hindered by his armour, He isn't overly charismatic though he can talk and hold conversation.

He struggles with the Force, the use of it in the heat of the moment often leads to headaches, severe migraines and eventually passing out. Meaning he has a very limited window to use his very limited range of abilities. The Difference is when it comes to prepared rituals that spread his attention out over time, he excels at these rituals, as they do not cause him headaches or make him pass out.
[beebox3=500px]Songsteel Vibro-Lance with an electrified tip
Songsteel Vibro-sword used as an alternate to his Vibro-lance
Heavy Paladin Armour (working on a write-up)


Template by Zaypat, because I accidentally deleted the signature for him. Images go to their respective owners, I do not own any of them.
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score

The Spirit of
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score


In times unknown, the Church of Mortis separated themselves from the Jedi, and left the galaxy for The Unknown Regions. This tale is known and has since faded from memory. What the Mortises found on their new worlds was a small amulet, which is believed to have been created in by both the father and the daughter so as to stave off the corruption of the Son.

It depicted the daughter holding scales and a sword, representing the Justice the light side stood for. It was originally revered as a holy relic, but as time passed, the Paladin Marshal Alia Keretor wore the amulet for the first time. The First Blackguard invasion had begun, and the Marshal had come close to falling to the darkside, he used the force as a way to hurt others, and therefore began falling from his grace. He was commanded to wear the Amulet so as to be constantly reminded of his transgression.

Months passed, and the invasion was defeated. Alia Keretor hadn't noticed the gradual change in his being. The Darkside leaves its vile corruption on your very soul, this is what was taught by the church. It is a burden that must be carried, as a reminder of mistake and a perpetual damnation as penance. Yet, after the war was won and his service was coming to an end, Alia Keretor felt nothing. He was cleansed of his corruption, and he could not explain why.

The Amulet of Justice, was a mere holy symbol. After the blackguard invasion, it was discovered to be something far greater. Through prolonged wearing of the object, it slowly removed and destroyed the Darkside corruption in the wearer. This was tested, on a captured and unrepentant Blackguard. He was forced to wear the Amulet for three full galactic standard years. At the end of the last year, he broke down, stating he was willing to repent, that he didn't want to be a slave to the darkside.

It was a shocking event, no Blackguard had ever repented, nor had they ever given up their power. The man showed obvious signs of change from his initial capture, he stood taller, the common signs of dark side corruption were gone such as yellow eyes and pale skin. He looked pure and free.

The true amulet is one of a kind, but replicas were made for the common folk. The image of the Daughter depicted on the Amulet became the generally accepted image of her, and the power of light was venerated to a greater degree. For if a man could truly be redeemed by the Daughter, than there was real hope of redemption for them. The Faithful swelled with numbers, those who did not want to be damned, those who wanted to repent.

The Paladins secretly tested the actual limits of the Artifact, determining by various ways its functions and attempting to determine its true origin. The Amulet was indestructible by any known method the Paladins could find, it could indeed remove any and all darkside corruption given enough time. It was believed to have been force forged by those of extreme proficiency and was older than the Paladins themselves, though they still didn't know why it was made.

This of course didn't stop people from worshipping the relic, further venerating the Father and Daughter, while vilifying the Son. It was used against captured Blackguard throughout the coming centuries and invasions, and was brought from Nihir to Adumar where it sits in the Paladins Vaults, protected by armed guards.

Intent: To add a light side artifact to the site, as there doesn't appear to be many in lore to begin with, and also to add more lore to the Paladins of Mortis faction. This was not designed to be used in combat, if it were to be used at all it would be for captured Sith or darksiders who have a very little chance of escape, and would provide the Jedi or Paladins an alternative to simply executing the prisoner or keeping them incarcerated forever.
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score



► 30
► Human
► 6'2
► Brown (Gold Contacts)
► Dark Blonde
► Male
► Mandalorian Dominion
► Commando
► N/A
"They Say I was born with hammer in hand and song in heart!"
Magnus was born to a small family under the clan Kyramud of House Kryze, He had no siblings, and his immediate family consisted of his parents, his grandparents, and his fathers extended family. Like all Mandalorians, Magnus' parents drilled into him the importance of family from the moment he could understand the words they were saying. His family wasn't wealthy, but they were happy, they had all they needed and that was enough.

Magnus was taught how to fight almost as soon as he learned to stand, his father took his only sons well-being incredibly seriously, but wasn't above disciplining him if Magnus made a mistake. Unfortunately, Magnus was always the small kid. It became quickly apparent during his schooling that he was always picked last, he was pushed back to the last in line, and was picked on by the other, larger kids. Even with his fathers training, it would only make the skill of two boys equal, after all, it was Mandalore, everyone could fight. When it came down to it, if one kid had the same skill as another kid, but that kid was bigger, the bigger kid wins.

This went on for Magnus without complaint until his tenth birthday. The largely lacklustre experience the boy had with the Mandalorians outside of his immediate family, had never bred the same familial connection that his parents might have had with the other Mandalorians. This only contributed to a growing need for escape. During a family gathering, Magnus brought up the problems he had with some of the other kids to his father, who was understandably angry, Magnus had never said a word about his school life prior to this moment.

Magnus was confused, he figured it was normal for this to happen, but his father calmly explained what he though Magnus should do. The next school day, Magnus was once again approached by his usual bullies, who attempted to do their usual share of torment to the boy. Instead of simply complying, Magnus pulled out a small carpenters hammer from his bag, and before the other kids could react, Magnus lashed out, and smashed the hammer down on the largest kids leg, breaking his kneecap and fracturing the bone. The other kids left him alone after that.

His father managed to keep his son in school by some miracle, where the boy made little friends, and developed a taste in music. He spent almost all of his free time learning the art of music, and by the end of his schooling, not only was he an accomplished guitarist and keyboardist, but a talented singer. His Mother, during one of the few moments when she was home from the military, was proud of her son, and manged to gather enough money to get him some equipment so he could keep practising.

When Magnus reached adulthood, both his father and his mother pressured him to enlist in the military. He obliged their wishes of course, but his time in the military was very similar to his school years. The officers spent a lot of their time making an example of Magnus, and his fellow squad mates weren't very team oriented. What he did gain, was a hotheadedness born of frustration and the need to prove himself. He would rush into every wargame, every assignment, every duty, without a plan. He became very showy, making sure everyone knew of his accomplishments while at the same time, not really knowing that everyone knew about his failures as well.

After his stint in the military, Magnus returned home to find his Father dying of an unknown disease. His father, who was always fiercely loyal to his world and his culture, made Magnus promise not to give up on the Mandalorians. Magnus, being very close to his father, was hit pretty hard by his death, and decided to leave home for a while.

Over the next several years, Magnus purchased a personal shuttle, and travelled the galaxy taking odd jobs. He was playing a song he wrote about evil wizards and undead horned horses in a cantina on Courascant, when he was picked up by a talent scout and given the chance to make a career out of his music. He of course jumped at the chance, and quickly built himself a persona of fantasy and adventure through his music and outfits. He had himself a good opportunity to become recognised by the galaxy, and he took it wholeheartedly. He spent six years touring with different groups, all the while releasing his own music. He got his girlfriend pregnant, and the two decided to get married. Though soon after the baby girl was born, Magnus' wife disappeared while exploring wild-space.

Only recently had he returned to Mandalorian space. The Empire had taken over the core worlds, and the Mandalorian Dominion had risen to become a real power. He was recalled into active military service, and he has been treated better now that a large majority of his peers knew who he was. His Family was happy he was home, and were surprised to see he had a baby with him. Currently he has left his daughter with his ageing mother, while he fulfils his duty to Mandalore and his father.

Magnus lives the high octane dramatic life of a hugely successful musician, and even before he was well known, he was an energetic and overly dramatic person. He likes to move, he never seems to slow down, and as a result he has been known to push away people who can't keep up with his lifestyle. He never lets this get him down however, he is always ready with a joke and a loud happy laugh, he never considered himself to have enough time to be sad.

Magnus has a penchant for the dramatic, often he will recreate a completely normal sentence to involve epic struggles or other storybook themes. This is a result of an insatiable wanderlust, he is obsessed with adventure. He often makes a big deal out of nothing, simply wanting it to a be a problem he can solve, or even better, fight. He has no great attachment to his culture, only really returning to Mandalorian space to visit family, or to answer the call to war.

As a stage persona, Magnus' personality traits are multiplied by ten. He moves in large expressive actions, all the while singing about the lands of high adventure. He is energetic, and loves to swing around his massive warhammer, that while it is used as a prop, is also a genuine powerhammer, which he has used in combat. He styles himself as a knight overcoming great evil, and plays the character he is singing about on stage, emulating their actions while still delivering solid music.

He is also a hothead, he never thinks about his actions. Bred from the constant need to prove himself, he always wants to be the centre of attention, and this is reflected in his flashy armour, over the top personality and his career in music.

Magnus isn't as strong as almost any of his peers, but he makes up for that with speed. He is always moving around, and as such has learned how to use his constant motion in a combat situation. He is impetuous, never thinking ahead, not someone to consider himself, or be considered by others, as wise. He has the standard schooling, but past that he doesn't know much about the sciences or the practical applications of those sciences. He is a very outgoing person, and as such is quite easy to get along with if you can keep up with his high speed never rest attitude.

He is an accomplished musician, and can play several instruments while at the same time singing in a variety of tones ranging from Baritone to a high Soprano. He is a good marksman, but prefers a different approach to combat. When using guns he puts as much plasma down range as possible, he will never stay in one place for too long, often using his Repulsorboots to keep him steady while still moving at an incredibly fast velocity. This of course leaves his very open to incoming fire, but that's the point, he likes being the one that the enemies are focused on so that his teammates can stay out of the line of fire. When it comes to melee combat Magnus uses a giant Power hammer that he also uses on stage. He styles it as forged by master artisans in the heart of a black hole. This is of course not true, but he likes putting that kind of fantasy on his gear.

Magnus has always been skinny, he had never been able to put on weight and as a result, he is never particularly imposing at first glance. Which isn't to say he isn't a strong man, he exercises regularly and is toned, just not conventionally muscular. His hair is a dark blonde, often left in a mess on his head. He has a clearly maintained 5 o'clock shadow covering the lower half of his face, letting you see the laugh lines around his mouth and the clean bleached white teeth that are revealed whenever he smiles.

He usually wears varying colours of green and gold, but is almost never caught without some kind of gold colored pants. On stage he has a prop set of green plastic armour based off of his Mandalorian Beskar'gam, it is very obviously fake, and provides no protection. He often wears it over his shirt even when he isn't on stage. His actual armour is green lined with gold, with small neon green and gold lights fitted behind the armour plates, only accentuating the colours, while at the same time making him a more obvious target.

Gold and Green CCT MKII Mandalorian armour fitted with Repulsorboots. It is backlit behind the plates of the armour with varying shades of neon green and dark gold.
Phrik Laced Two Handed Durasteel Power Hammer [img]
X-1080 "Revolution" Cybernetic Left Arm
Type-44 "Screaming Mimi" Carbine: 2 extra barrels and 4 extra power packs
MET-DEL-1.0X Utility Gauss Launcher: 2 EMP Grenades, 4 MZ-99 "Smackdown" Grenades 2 SCKO-Grenades
DP-09 Medium "Dual Phase" Pistol: 4 extra power packs

Laugh Theme1 Theme2

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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score


► 34

► Human

► 6'3

► 106kg

► Hazel

► Black

► Sorreno

► Male

► Imperial Legion

► Commander/Moff

► N/A
Daedalus was born in poverty on the planet Serenno, his mother had died in childbirth, leaving his father to take care of him. His father was stern but fair, he had good business sense which helped get himself back on his feet, and to pull himself and his son out of poverty. He ran a small delivery service for the criminal element of Serenno, usually moving drugs and weapons past local authorities. This business got him killed when he was caught in a sting against the criminals who had hired him when Daedalus was 6 years old, which left the kid alone with three things, his father’s business sense, his father’s old beat up blaster pistol, and a very skewed view of right and wrong.

Daedalus was 8 when he was picked up by a group of thieves who tried to get him to help them with getting into small areas or to distract people. This worked for a while, Daedalus learned a lot of practical skills as well as a lot about people. Daedalus moved on from the group of thieves after outgrowing his small stature and by consequence his usefulness to the group, leaving him once again alone at the age of 14.

He spent his time doing odd jobs, learning as much as he could with what time he spent doing them. He enlisted in the Imperial Legion at 18, he did well in the physical field, but it quickly became apparent that he excelled in tactics and strategy. In war-games he used very simple tactics in very erratic ways, designed to put his opponent off balance, just as his opponent would start adapting to the tactic he would change on the spot, taking the battle in an entirely different direction.

Though his demeanor was strange to his instructors, they did recognize his joking and erratic behavior as just another tactic designed to trick them. He was transferred to a prestigious military academy, where he spent four years learning about the many different aspects of war. He finished his training with top marks in his class, promoted directly to lieutenant and was assigned to an armored division and sent to serve on the front-lines on the war against the Republic.

He spent five years fighting the war against the Republic, often his tactics would be what won battles, not acts of heroism, rarely would he ever lead troops directly, but it has been known to happen. After the inevitable fall of the Republic Daedalus spent his time sucking up to his superiors, working towards promotions while simultaneously investing every credit he had saved into different companies. He ended up being owed many favors within the military hierarchy, which he used to secure a position as a commander of the Imperial Legion.

Before he was deployed once again, Daedalus returned to his homeworld of Sorreno, where he met up with his old thieving buddies. He enlisted them for a job, and they happily accepted. Once complete, in an act of petty revenge, Daedalus murdered them all for abandoning him.

During one of his deployments, he was garrisoned in the far outer rim. It was there that his military mind was really tested. He was given the task of defending an asteroid research station from Republic remnants, which should have been a simple task given the Empire's newly acquired material, yet this research station was poorly equipped, and had little in the way of orbital defenses. What it did have, was Daedalus' contingent of armored walkers

He was forced to allow the Republic remnant to land on the station, he faked surrender, but demanded to meet with the Republic commander face to face to formally hand over the station. Meanwhile, the stations engineers were put to work making sure the armored walkers vacuum seals were in place, and were slowly moved to the outside of the station. It took some convincing, but the Republic officer eventually agreed to the formal surrender, probably having thought that the Empire was finding some honor or humanity. Instead, Daedalus ordered his men to fire upon the guard the commander would bring with him, and to take the man hostage.

At the same time, the walkers he had attached to the outside of the station, attempted to work as a supplement to defense batteries. They opened fire upon the formally Republic Corvette, and slowly they began chewing away at their shields. The Corvette itself wouldn't fire upon the station while her commander was aboard, and as such, was forced to retreat from the station. Which gave the Imperials enough time to signal for reinforcements to come deal with the Republic straggler.

Soon after returning from his mission in the far outer rim, Daedalus found himself transferred under the command of General Alexei Petrov. While initially wary and unhappy about the change, after the General placed him in command of his own warship, the Leviathan-class Corvette Time, and a regiment of soldiers, he now sees it as an extremely profitable relationship.

Years of building up connections with superior officers, wealthy subordinates and business partners had payed off. Daedalus was awarded the title Moff of Felucia, and then immediately set to work governing the planet and reshaping large areas to suit his own ambitions and needs.

Daedalus is first and foremost, manipulative, often taking an exorbitant amount of time to research those he knows he will meet, or those who he desires to meet. Often he will act foolish, like a leech who has somehow by bureaucratic mishap, attained great rank and status in the empire. Though this is of course a facade, he is highly intelligent, using his foolish actions as a way to lull those around him into a false sense of security. Though he has an almost chronic problem, he is smug, if he feels like he has completed a plan or if it is coming into effect, he has to fight not to tell anyone about it or to reveal his own involvement.

He has no qualms about using generally uncouth methods to complete a mission quickly, and as such he has used hostages, civilian targets, chemical weapons and he has even dabbled in biological warfare. Yet this doesn't mean he likes his methods, in fact he finds the people who enjoy what he does despicable. Daedalus does it out of necessity, while his commanders and his contemporaries might use it as a crutch or because they like to see the suffering of others.

He also has a very humanocentric view of the galaxy, while he had little to no problem with humanlike species and human offshoots, he didn't like dealing with anyone who wasn't bipedal and with human proportions. Lately, he has developed a taste for Correlian whiskey, and is working hard in a losing battle to make sure he doesn't become an alcoholic.

Daedalus is smart, he knows the standards for almost every military vehicle and rifle currently in service and uses that knowledge to his advantage while in combat. He is neither the strongest nor the weakest, he can help move a couch if asked. Similarly to his strength, he isn’t a gymnast, but can keep his balance if needed. He is outgoing, and happy to talk with people, over the course of his life he has managed to get what he wants out of someone pretty easily.

Being an Imperial soldier has drilled in intense discipline, which infects not only the battlefield but regular life. Because of his training, he is well versed in firearms, while at the same time, he is very single minded in his goals, being unwilling to stop a project once it is put into motion. By no means an Ace pilot, he is competent in the seat of a fighter, at the most basic level anyway. When it comes to electronics, he can use a computer, but he won’t be hacking banks, similarly, he isn’t an engineer, he has people for that. He is an accomplished tactician, enough so that he rarely loses a battle, though it has been known to happen.

Daedalus Epitomises the term "Armchair General" he is not particularly athletic, though he does exercise regularly, he is well built, broad shoulders and a physique that prevents him from becoming to overly fat without some serious inactivity. He is well groomed, his hair is cut short but still quite a bit longer than a normal military cut, and he has light stubble covering the lower half of his face. His face appears to have had some work done if you look closely, a straitened nose and some definition was put in to accentuate the attractive features of his face.

Usually he wears high quality suits of varying styles and colors, often specially commissioned with very light armor. Not enough to hold up in a firefight, but just enough to reduce damage taken. When in combat, he prefers to wear standard shock trooper armor, with no identifying markings or symbols of rank.

CMBP-12 Blaster With one extra power pack.
A140 Heavy Blaster Rifle With four extra power packs.
Redoubt-series Shock Trooper Armour
Icarus-class Yacht


Devil Among the Stars Complete
The Mighty Jungle Ongoing
Felucian Collusion Complete
Planetary Ambition Cancelled
Weird Science Complete
Conspiracy to Commit Collusion Ongoing
Invasion of Bandomeer: Battle of Ord Cestus Ongoing
This Isn't Business Ongoing
A Blastful Meeting Ongoing

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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score


XXXX FILE #59554
Wheylan Morus

  • .............
  • Password:********

    Clearence Verified

    • Name: Wheylan Morus
      Age: 38
      Height: 5'9
      Weight: 169 lbs
      Affiliation: Shadow Syndicate (Formerly Republic Police)
      Rank: Two Ring
      Eye Color: Brown

    • Statement from (Retired) Chief of Police, Skaven Grace
      "He was with us for fifteen years, saw a lot of bad stuff. I think when he first joined up with us, he was assigned to work with... uh, Lohan? Yeah I think that was him, anyway, Lohan was a hard ass, you took one look at this guy and you couldn't help but think that this guy is the Mandalore's older bigger brother. So back in the day, cops were dying like every other week, and he was just supposed to learn, right? You know, work the beat with the vet so he can get to grips with the city? Well there was no getting to grips with Coruscant, IS no getting to grips with Coruscant, and so on his first day, the kid was caught in a shootout between some death gang and some drug addled kids who didn't know left from right.

      So anyway, Lohan turns to Wheylan and says Welcome to the Job!"
      The Former Policeman lets out a belting laugh "Lohan was always a violence addict. SO! The two of them are sitting in their speeder, blaster bolts just kriffin, flying around! Right! So one of the Death Gangers goes down, and then some of his buddies just jump on him! And then they start just chowing down, you know, ripping out all the guts and munchin on em all the while Wheylan watches! Because he knows whats gonna happen if he steps out of the speeder, he is gonna become a target for the damn cannibal death gangers with guns! Or! Or he gets hit by the druggies who can't aim. So instead of being able to do his job, he has to wait for backup, and watch as these people kill and eat each other. Yeah, so anyway he has to do this kind of stuff for like, fifteen years, and in like, the middle of his time with us, Lohan got busted for arms smuggling. So the one guy he could relate too, the one guy who knew what Wheylan was going through, got imprisoned."

      Statement from Warden Kara Nalsalt
      "Yeah, I remember Wheylan, he got busted for something like, human trafficking? Spent about five years in the joint, joined a gang, met up with some guy called Lohan? Yeah, Lohan killed a guy during lunch, stabbed him in the eye with a fork and then just kept going until he reached whatever passed for the poor suckers brain. Yep, he got life for that, but Lohan was smart, became the most powerful crook in the place, nothing happened without his approval. So anyway, who were we talking about? Wheylan? So Wheylan became Lohan's right hand man, I think they had some history? Meh, doesn't matter. Initially no one took him seriously, was kind of a small dude if you didn't know. So that was of course until he made them take him seriously, so Lohan killed a guy with a fork right? Well Wheylan one upped him by pouncing on a Wookie, and you know I'll always remember this, because for one, it was a Wookie, and two, Wheylan bit out the damn animals throat.

      The Warden took a long drink from her coffee
      So this is to say that he was starting to get pretty big, second only to Lohan. For a while this was the status quo, you know, the guards would give their operation a wide berth, look the other way if something went down. Hell, I don't know how they did it, but they managed to pay my guards pretty damn well to look the other way. And by the way, Wheylan got life for that Wookie thing. So for about two years, it was Wheylan and Lohan running this place, until Lohan started getting restless, started thinkin that Wheylan was gonna pull something and take over. So he tried to have him killed during a riot, except, Wheylan decided, today was not his day to die. So he fought his way through Lohan's guys, and gouged out Lohan's eyes. So hooray, we are back to one criminal kingpin, he was all lined up for execution, and then he was gone. No security breaks, no camera footage, nothing, just gone, like dust in the wind."

    • Statement from inmate Meera "Mags" Telusa
      Yep, Wheylan was a nice guy, 'cept when you got him angry. Then he would start twitchin, you know, just a little bit, his left eyebrow would start twitchin and at that point you couldn't do much. See after that, he would start pacing, then he would launch into a story, usually something related to his time with the cops. So he would launch into this story, and of course whenever this happens he's got some guys with him, cause you know, he would usually kill the person he was trying to scare. Not always, but usually. So eventually he would reach the climax of his story and then he would have one of his guys cut off an appendage. Bottom line, he is a vengeful prick, don't cross him.

      So he is one of the best gamblers I've ever seen, so not only can read people, he knows when their gonna screw him. And this happens more than you think. I believe his last operation was on... Taris? I think he is on Nar Shaddaa right now, anyway, he refuses to play any form of game if its digital, says it adds more challenge to the game if you have a potential cheat at the table, makes it more fun to outsmart him. Now I don't think he ever particularly liked crime, not at the start anyway, when I had him do that job, moving those people? I'd be willing to bet he busted himself. But as time went on, it gets addicting, the power, and was never willing to let it go."

    • ........

Template by @ZayPat
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
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NAME: Giddian Rorke
AGE: 29

FACTION: Imperial Legion
RANK: Navy Commander

HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 197lbs

Giddian was born into a low class family on Correlia. The family had always had bad luck, not only in the financial department but also the genetic. Giddian's family on his fathers side had a history of terminal illness', this included cancers, susceptibility to diseases such as bloodburn and other space related ailments. As a result, Giddian was sick for most of his childhood. His parents brought him to plenty of doctors, and eventually they saved up enough money to put Giddian into treatment, with the hopes of getting rid of the harmful genetic disposition altogether.

This of course drained his families finances, but the treatment was successful and Giddian was risk free at the age of fourteen. This left him in a tricky spot, for most of his life he had been bedridden, and now that he wasn't sick, he could attend school and truly experience the life his parents wanted. But, his family was seriously in debt, and he had little to no practical skills. He spent a year trying to figure out what to do, he attended public schools, trying to learn enough to at least get a job. He quickly discovered he had no natural talent, he wasn't chosen by some higher power for a great destiny like the heroes in books or holovids, he had to work, hard.

So he did, almost every waking moment was dedicated to learning what he could not when he was young. Through dedication, and hard work, Giddian reached a level of experience and knowledge of where he should have been. Though through this, he became increasingly dissatisfied with the Republic, his family were good people, and the government allowed them to suffer through sickness and debt. He couldn't do much about it, but he was beginning to get a view of the larger galaxy.

He went through the rest of his education quickly, the habit of constant work never went away. He achieved a degree in applied psychology at age twenty-one, but joined the Corellian police when he couldn't find a job in that field. He spent three years with the police, and even took part in a few major stings against smugglers and pirates. He served on Corellian ships, and dedicated himself to protecting other people, and learning how to best go about protecting those other people. During this time he became more accustomed to the galaxy, his resentment towards the Republic only grew as time went on and he found more excuses to fuel his anger. He wanted to protect people but he didn't know how to do that on a large scale, and he knew the Republic wouldn't commit its resources to hunting criminals.

As such, he became a vocal advocate for the Empire. He thought they would be harsher with criminals, and by all reports they had been just that, and that was the first of a growing list of things he preferred about the Empire He did his best to capitalise on his time aboard the Corellian ships, and taught himself the workings on many of the major vessels of the galaxy, as well as learning how to command and control those ships.

When the Empire annexed the Core worlds, Giddian immediately enlisted in the Imperial Legion. His experience with peacekeeping and his knowledge of Corellian ships and culture proved invaluable to the portion of the Empire assigned to subduing the core worlds, not to mention his almost spotless record, unending dedication and determination. Leaving him to be promoted to second officer aboard a corvette, where he spent much of his time helping his captain hunt down rebels and criminals alike. He had successfully carried his family out of debt with his uncompromising work ethic, and he had become a model soldier in doing so.

For five years Giddian worked hard to gains status in the Empire, and was rewarded with a promotion to commander, while at the same time he was granted command of an Ogre-Class Carrier, christened Pursuit. True to her name, Giddian put her to use patrolling the Core, and would never let his target get away.























The easiest way to describe Giddian is driven, he has an almost fanatical obsession with completing any task set before him. This doesn't always end well, as he can never admit that he failed, he could never admit that he wasn't good enough. On the flip side of that, once he sets his mind on something, it will be completed to his fullest ability, and if his ability is lacking, he will learn how to work around the problem.

He hates the term "Natural talent," he feels it demeans the work he and others have put into their careers and skills. This bleeds over into force users, he knows it is a natural talent for them, but he can't comprehend the thought that he couldn't learn that skill, even though he isn't force sensitive. As a result, he is often unreasonably angry or impatient with force users of any variety, whether it be Jedi or Sith. He holds the same opinion on the leadership of the Empire, he believes strongly in the will of the people, and restricting the governance of a society to a cult of sorcerers never sits well with him.

Giddian's demeanour, he is intense, single minded and bitter. The ideal image of the Empire he pictured in his head was quickly quashed by cultists and war crimes. He still believes in the Empire, feels that its ideals of unity and order were to be sought after and protected, but he has problems with it, problems he intends to fix. He, like most Corellian's, is confident almost to the border of arrogance, and incredibly proud of himself and his planet.

His relentless pursuit of his enemies has garnered him a reputation as a hunter, or a pursuer, which is more fitting. He is always chasing an unachievable goal, there will always be crime, war and violence in the galaxy, and as much as he can try, that will never change. This bleeds into his military tactics, he prefers to hunt his targets, wearing them down with relentless attacks until they collapse or die.

He values the men under his command, he hold great value on life, stemming from his time as a police officer and his childhood of sickness. Meaning will never willingly waste life in order to achieve a goal. He may threaten, intimidate or negotiate, but he won't send his men to a needless death, and he won't execute hostages or innocents. This has bred a loyal crew, his men follow his orders quickly and efficiently just as he would, and they follow his example with an almost single minded dedication to the current mission.

He isn't particularly comfortable at formal events, while his uniform is spotless and he attempts to project the shining beacon of what a soldier should be, he never had a tongue for politics. He finds ceremonies to be largely unnecessary, he shouldn't be awarded with anything but respect for doing the mission or job he was assigned, and the pandering and pleasantries simply distract him from actually doing something important.

With the rising tensions on his homeworld of Corellia, Giddian has been forced to take a look at what he believes in. He is caught between loyalty to his family, who are staunch Republic loyalists, but most importantly they are the ones who raised him and saved his life. His home, which is officially an Imperial world, though its political stances and populace say otherwise. And his adopted country that had done so much for him, the idealistic glow Giddian had of the Empire when he was younger had quickly worn off, and he was forced to compare the Republic and the aforementioned Empire. As of yet, he hasn't decided, the more he thinks back, the more he agrees with the old ways of democracy, but as he looks forward, he sees the order and security the Empire could provide.



Imperial Shock Trooper Armor

SA-21 "Sunspear" Heavy Blaster Pistol
—2 extra power packs

2112 "Slammer" Carbine
—2 extra power packs

—4 extra power packs

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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
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Dromund Kaas

History and Culture
Dromund Kaas was first discovered and colonised by a Sith Lord millennia ago, during the times of the first Sith Empire and the Old Wars of the Sith philosopher kings. It's location was promptly lost due to its relative inimportanct during the inevitable downfall and collapse of the bloated and monstrous old Empire, and the few settlements that remained were swiftly overtaken by jungle or dismantled by savagery.

In the interim years between its rediscovery, Dromund Kass' now stranded slaves had formed together into a mockery of the Old Sith Empire, though they lacked the leadership and instruction they would have been given by a true Sith. Yet, the unstable government held. Under the leadership of a self taught "Sith" by the name of Giles Felandren, the small population managed to maintain a presence on the world. Unfortunately, with the death of the first generation of slaves, the degredation of the worlds technology began.

It was rediscovered by resurgent Sith around 5000BBY, and under their strong guidance and the ambitions of a Sith warrior slave by the name of Odile Vaiken, the world began to make a name for itself in the galactic community. The aforementioned Odile Vaiken led a military campaign into the wilds of Dromund Kaas in an attempt to conquer the wilds, and to clear the wilderness to make way for the construction of the worlds capital city.

This city became known as Kaas City, it grew into an enormous population center, housing millions of beings. Following the example set by Odile Vaiken, the culture of the world slowly began to change from a very Sith oriented reverence, to a military society. For generations, the world prided itself on its soldiers, tacticians and military genius.[/beebox4]​
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score

Character Name

► None
► Human

► Female
► 1.78m
► Slender
► Brown
► Brown
► Brown

► Shawken
► Jedi

► Confirmed

"So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause." -Padmé Amidala


Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet galen hutt feeorin moff jamillia frozarns ewok neti jango ric. Iblis lorth shaddaa ikrit dalonbian mace elom moor. Soontir noa lah binks alderaan. Spar hypori thul vaathkree antilles hutt aqualish allana garindan. Massans haruun ruwee letaki hutt sabé. Nomi dashade typho thistleborn winter hssis tsavong ablajeck. Beru nute himoran kashyyyk solo davin danni sebulba. Sarn nal rukh taun. Droch tchuukthai golda cabasshite massa isolder abrion. Quadrinaros metalorn mothma anakin r5-d4 zam darth.


Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet mandalore sing gamorrean bel vurk thisspiasian desann yuuzhan rishi calrissian. Asajj cordé vima-da-boda tyranus cathar. Tavion falleen dressellian calrissian keyan. Antilles phlog droch klaatu mccool cathar. Finis tagge mara yarael. Rex jodo rhen asajj moor moore maarek. Dak yaka weequay omas polis woostoid monkey-lizard piett. Sunrider raymus neimoidia d8. Aparo dantooine wicket yavin tapani triclops walon rotta kyp. Naberrie fortuna defel han. Wilhuff ansion cb-99 mandalorians drall skirata ruwee.

Ahsoka mirax kamino kamino wirutid kyle skakoan frozarns. Chiss clawdite bibble rune. Darpa quadrinaros gavyn anakin organa maximilian mimbanite su darpa. Isard breha owen jobal darth rom jusik altyr. Latter ahsoka trioculus jax zam rex piett. Corran jango kitonak natasi ansionian windu daala hypori. Leia rishi togorian aqualish zam gizka. Gora joh jettster nunb snivvian palpatine. Zeltron jodo solo falleen skywalker ahsoka. Wedge naberrie duros beru watto sneevel dorvalla chadra-fan. Tono boss thakwaash tarkin jagged mon aayla pavan yané.

Valorum farlander solo neimoidian grodin utapau rugor kamino grodin. Sunrider ebe polis nunb zam hssis dengar togruta. Corellia sidious alderaan mace moddell massassi. Derlin allana terentatek yoda orrin. Skywalker rieekan gossam wessell cathar sanyassan lannik utapau lando. Yaddle mustafar paploo rendar ozzel yoda ackbar wicket ventress. Shawda quadrinaros tano naboo noa. Iblis kenobi kanos vuffi nahdar annoo nahdar gand rishi. Yowza nal kamino muun kendal zann. Sunrider wuher tharen moff nelvaanian borvo codru-ji boba.

Frozian altyr jubnuk mirax mandalorians talortai emtrey d8. Abyssin h'nemthean piell neimoidia obi-wan gonk. Yaddle jinn ooryl grodin tahiri kendal mara durge ansuroer. Woostoid solo nas omas greeata ponda qui-gonn. Aayla shaddaa moff valorum beru aparo. Ebe polis anzati thistleborn oppo monkey-lizard. Mirax skywalker droid kasan saché vong kwa tenel. Lars freedon wedge ismaren elom jabba. San organa darth aramandi. Auril cornelius jango pau'an nal reach evocii greedo. Thrella yoda dengar valorum fisto shi'ido croke derlin jamillia.



Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet mandalore sing gamorrean bel vurk thisspiasian desann yuuzhan rishi calrissian. Asajj cordé vima-da-boda tyranus cathar. Tavion falleen dressellian calrissian keyan. Antilles phlog droch klaatu mccool cathar. Finis tagge mara yarael. Rex jodo rhen asajj moor moore maarek. Dak yaka weequay omas polis woostoid monkey-lizard piett. Sunrider raymus neimoidia d8. Aparo dantooine wicket yavin tapani triclops walon rotta kyp. Naberrie fortuna defel han. Wilhuff ansion cb-99 mandalorians drall skirata ruwee.

Ahsoka mirax kamino kamino wirutid kyle skakoan frozarns. Chiss clawdite bibble rune. Darpa quadrinaros gavyn anakin organa maximilian mimbanite su darpa. Isard breha owen jobal darth rom jusik altyr. Latter ahsoka trioculus jax zam rex piett. Corran jango kitonak natasi ansionian windu daala hypori. Leia rishi togorian aqualish zam gizka. Gora joh jettster nunb snivvian palpatine. Zeltron jodo solo falleen skywalker ahsoka. Wedge naberrie duros beru watto sneevel dorvalla chadra-fan. Tono boss thakwaash tarkin jagged mon aayla pavan yané.









Template by @ZayPat
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
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Count Firax Salusa Harkon III
Faction: Imperial Legion
Rank: General
Homeworld: Serenno
Species: Human
Hair Color: Grey Blonde
Age: 47
Height: 5'11
Weight: 201 Lbs

  • The Harkon family of Serenno is not a storied as some would expect. Its founder, Korus Secundus Harkon, was the bastard son of one of the younger members of the great house of Dooku. The man was unofficially recognised as related to the house, receiving all the education expected, though inheriting none of the titles. With the death of his father, Korus quickly left his home to establish a lasting dynasty that now itself holds the title, Count of Serenno.

    Firax was the scion of this dynasty, and the one who secured his family's place as Count. His ancestry had brought their house into a prime position for the hostile usurpation of the rank of Count; they needed only wait for their heir to seize the opportunity.

    From the start of his young life, Firax was groomed in the arts of combat, politics, business management and history. His years were an unending barrage of lessons, drills and expectation. He felt the pressure many times; his father was always there to guide him. His father who was supposed to be bringing the family into their birthright, his father who was supposed to claim the title of Count. His father was a good man, a man who didn't have the heart for war, but would fight hard when needed; he openly admitted to his son that the pressure was too much for him, that he was content with his life. He was there to encourage and guide, a better teacher than patriarch, and he is the only reason his son ever succeeded him.

    When Firax came of age, he was enrolled into a military academy on Sorenno. By his father's order, Firax was tested to the highest possible standard. He was put through arduous training taught by unsympathetic, very skilled men and women. During this time he made lifelong friends with a man named Atridan Hellek, who was of relatively common birth, only put through the same program as Firax because of the increadible dedication and unbreakable will the man possesed. Together, the two completed their education, with exceptional marks and recommendations to join the Sacred Band of Ziost.

    Firax spent several years in the most recent incarnation of the psuedo-military of the Sith brotherhood. During this time he was recognised for exemplary bravery, skill, and leadership. While Firax was waging war for the Sith, the Harkon House was assaulted from within, betrayed by a trusted friend to a reviled enemy, leaving Firax the last surviving member of his dynasty.

    Firax left the Sacred Band in haste, and returned to his homeworld of Serenno. For months he gathered information, followers and survivors from his House's destruction. The time hardened him. Compounded with his time spent in actual battle, he became much more commanding, much less the common soldier, and more the regal and powerful man he was meant to be. He toppled the pretender family who murdered and destroyed the powerbase the Harkon's had built up through generations. During this time he secured an alliance with another noble house via the marriage to one of their daughters, who he later had four children with.

    When he had reestablished himself as the Head of House Harkon, he demanded the title of Count from a family that had grown weak and decadent. They of course put up resistance and attempted to defend their title, but Firax was a tested tactician and commander, who quickly crushed the disorganised untested forces of his opponent.

    Secure in his title, rank and house, Firax returned to the Sacred Band of Ziost a changed man. He fought his way into a higher rank, affording him sole command of an entire legion of soldiers. He participated in the battle of Coruscant, and was part of its occupying force while the Sacred Band was changed into the Imperial Legion. As a reward for his loyalty and military skill, not to mention the financial contributions he gave to the former Sacred Band, he was awarded the rank of General by the former supreme leader himself, further adding to the power and status of House Harkon. Throughout this time, Firax pledged his loyalty to the Empire, seeing it as a strong state, one that he could guide into a stronger future.

  • The Count's carefully measured stature and fashion, along with his naturally booming, commanding voice make him intimidating to even Sith. He wears his experience and skill with pride, the kind of pride bought on a battlefield and in the boardroom. He confronts every problem head on, with an unrelenting diligence that displays the extended amount of training the Count has received and continues to receive.

    He has no patience for questions or disloyalty, characterised in an almost unwillingness to request something. Instead, he speaks as if you had already agreed to do what he said; he will never say, "would you please," rather "You will." In the face of a disobedient servant or soldier or even a foolish superior; The Count stare's them down for several moments, letting them reflect on what it was they had actually said, before ordering the subject of his ire to do as he is told. Even the Emperor himself wouldn't be spared from the Count's scrutiny, though it would be through the veneer of respect.

    He has a reputation as a shrewd businessman and a successful soldier, and this carries over into his private life. His family are his most prized possession, and he grooms his two sons to eventually take over his titles and business in the hopes they would surpass him. His daughters however aren't as lucky, The Count is a traditionalist, and while he still loves them dearly, he is having his daughters trained by their mother in court politics and etiquette, with the hopes of forming stronger bonds with other major houses and Counts in an attempt to secure his families position and dynasty.

    When it comes to the Empire he is a staunch patriot and advocate for a unified galaxy. He believes there should be one, powerful governing body, that democracy, no matter the intent, will eventually get bogged down in corruption and moral degeneracy. He knows one day the Empire will rule, and while he may believe in its ideals, the logical side of him wants to be in the best position possible to advance his family and to secure his power.

    The Sith, irritate him, but he holds them in high regard for their skills and their audacity. He has no problem with a Sith ruling the Empire, so long as the Empire is not brought to ruin because of a religious crusade or quest. His usually quiet first impressions tend to leave Sith the false idea the The Count is afraid or weak. Which is quickly proven false by the callous and reprimanding retorts or actions.
  • It is said patience is a virtue, and never is that more exemplified than in The Count. His tactics in combat to negotiation all revolve around the nigh unending patience of the man who would see himself succeed. With his young life he was taught many things, most prominently the art of war. He is a skilled Commander and an even better General, a man who walked through the crucible of war only survive and thrive. He attended the most prestigious academy of war available on Serenno, and was put through their most arduous training programs only to come out a trained and proficient soldier and leader.

    At the insistence of his father, The Count was trained in hand to hand combat, often using knives or other such melee weapons. He keeps this up as a hobby, and has foiled more than one assassination attempt with the skill. Melee combat and defence something he is currently taking personal care in training all of his children in. His own military training required him to become proficient with a blaster, though that particular skill has fallen over the years due to the little requirement for him to actually get on the front lines.

    For all his skill on the ground, he is no Admiral. While he can command a ship, he would rely heavily on others for assistance. Though his manner might dissuade some of his less trusted advisers. At the behest of his father he was taught how to fly a fighter, though much like blaster's, it is a skill rotting away due to unuse.

    Thankfully, what he lacks in aerial or naval proficiency, he makes up for in land mastery. He uses just the right amount of fear to inspire awe and loyalty in his troops; unlike Sith who drive others through fear alone. Through numerous victories and defeats, The Count bears many medals displaying the unending bravery and competency that he possess. In combat he favours a quality over quantity approach. Many of his regular troopers are veterans from the Sacred Band of Ziost; and he tends to favour armor divisions over infantry if possible.
  • *Not including estate and wealth
    Redoubt-Series Combat Armor the only distinguishing feature is a Red Sash indicating rank going from right shoulder to left hip.

    R-Serieis "Red" Rocket
    Obsidian Utility Knife
    A140 Heavy Blaster
  • Alia Selinda, Wife [npc]
    Jasen Salen Harkon, Eldest Son [npc]
    Farrus Secundus Harkon, Middle Child [npc]
    Mira Sorena Harkon, Eldest Daughter [npc]
    Yara Sekor Harkon, Youngest Child [npc]
  • -

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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
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Vatol’s first recorded civilisation was created by Mandalorian penal-colonists as a punishment. They were some of the worst history had to offer. They were men and women the extremest Mandalorians found extreme; they were dropped into a clearing in the jungle, given the materials needed to setup a rudimentary colony, and were essentially told to govern themselves, though the Mandalorian Security forces would often check in and make some leadership "rearrangements". This was the order of operations for about two hundred years; prisoners would be sent to the rumoured and much feared yet resource rich "death world" as punishment for crimes against the Mandalorian Empire or its people. Without warning, contact was cutoff from the one world that had consistent contact with the Jungle planet, the planet Mandalore herself forgot about the people stranded on one of the most hostile planets to ever exist.

It took the now freed prisoners merely two generations to discover the true extent of the danger on the world. The gigantic reptiles and the venomous, disease ridden insects weren't bad enough; the vast majority of plants were poisonous, and cyclically filled the planets atmosphere with toxins strong enough to fell even a Rancor. The native species had adapted to this in their own ways, but the poor people had no prior knowledge of the event. Those who survived the planetary poison attack were left with little to no protection, and resorted to living like the animals in order to survive.

This went on for generations, steadily resistance to the toxins was built up in the populace of the world, bolstered by reverse engineered ancient medical technologies. Eventually, enough people had successfully adapted to the environment and understood how to survive and thrive on the world or had just simply avoided overly dangerous flora and fauna altogether; which allowed the scattered population to gather in a major center which developted into a large city almost overnight.
Kala’Zal the city was called, and it was an unstable mess. The almost total isolation inflicted on much of the population prior to the cities founding made the process of acclimating to the new society much harder. On top of that was broiling political and social instability; there were two types of people who survived on the world, the smart, and the strong. There were those who would use refurbished or newly created technology to stave of the dangers of the jungle, which allowed them to live an almost decadent life. And there were those who had little more than a survival knife to their name. Very quickly a class divide had developed, which lead to a heated split and eventual civil war between the two groups. One group, now known as Ves’Zan split from Kala’Zal and left far into the west, all the while the cities dominant class of technological wizards now known as Tev’gaul, advanced its technological prowess.

The now expelled and resentful Ves’Zan founded their own society deep in the jungle, forgoing technological protection from animals or diseases, instead believing that if one couldn’t survive the jungle than they shouldn’t survive at all. They waged a permanent geurilla war against the city of Kala’Zal simply out of a grudge, though they still maintained trade relations with the advanced city. About 7000BBY Kala’Zal exploded into the galactic stage when they rediscovered the hyperdrive; as a result the hardened, prejudiced and traditional Ves’Zan promptly stole one of these ships, spent a large amount of time deciding what to do with it, before reverse engineering the vessel in order to begin their own manufacturing of space bound warships. A short war of conquest ensued, started by the warlike Ves’Zan which was promptly crushed by the budding republic. Intervention from outside planets ensued, resulting in an almost insurmountable debt of credits to the various banks and corporations in the republic. Unwilling to give the rich resources of Vatol as payment, along with incredible cost of extracting those resources by outsiders culminated in an indentured servitude deal. Every physically able adult would spend seven years in either a republic army or a corporate security force.


The Ves'Zan are a simple people. They are descended from men and women who regressed to an almost animalistic state in their effort to survive in the jungle. Their society is simple; hunt, kill, survive. Those are the three main tenants that form the core of the Ves'zan's society. They worship no deities, though are superstitious of machines and the dead. They are largely solitary in life and attitude, often meeting only when a warpack is called together, a major hunt is taking place, or for mating.. They don't have a centralised government, instead choosing their actions based on the continued survival of themselves, their family, or their planet. In methods of war they favour stealth and precision, rarely using more than a knife or pistol. They almost worship the knife, it is a symbol of honor and skill and they rarely if ever allow others to take them. They wage war against the Tev'Gaul because they fear what might happen to the planet and their way of life if technology is introduced en mass, yet they still work together with the contrasting group due to a mutual understanding of the cooperation required to survive on the planet. The Ves'Zan provide maps and ecological information to the Tev'Gaul, and the Tev'Gaul provide rifles and more advanced hunting equipment.

The Tev'Gaul are men and women descended from those who maintained a lot of the old technology from Vatol's colonial era. They were the weak and injured, yet they survived because of natural ingenuity and necessity. They contrast their counterparts of the Ves'Zan in almost every way; they are social, book smart and greedy. They have created a relatively stable society in which scientific advancement is held in the highest regard, the leaders are chosen by the contributions made to their society, whether it be through scientific discovery or defence from the jungle. They wage an almost permanent war with the Ves'Zan, angry because of the hunters brazen war against the galaxy. Though much like their counterparts they understand the benefits of cooperation, even if they fight. The information they receive from those they would consider primitive helps protect them from many of the larger animals, as well as the many different plagues in the jungle. It was they who brokered the peace with the outside galaxy, essentially forcing much of the population into indentured servitude in an attempt to pay off a debt they didn't even create. They keep the Ves'Zan bound to this treaty with the outside galaxy by threat of a jungle destroying plague that they don't actually have, and so far none of the hunters have dared step out of line.




NAME: Vatol

COORDINATES: Bottom right of R8


CLIMATE: long wet seasons last almost two to four standard years, and short dry seasons barely lasting six standard months. Weather is unpredictable due to the gravity exerted on the planet, often major weather shifts can happen without warning, sometimes extreme enough to cause major damage to cities and ecosystems.

TERRAIN: jungle covers 70% of the world with two major oceans near the southern pole. Giant rivers break up the foliage and snake all over the planet. The extreme tidal forces exerted on the planet cause frequent and powerful earthquakes, disrupting established maps and settlements.
ROTATION: 16 standard hours for a total rotation.

INHABITANTS: various immigrated sentient species, uncounted number of animals ranging from giant to small.

RESOURCES: rich in common metals such as iron. The major product from the planet however are “slave” soldiers, marked by a green armband with an orange patch with two large combat knives in the middle.

GOVERNMENT: there are two major governments on the planet, one, a democratic technocracy and the other a loose confederation of tribals who’s only goal is to survive and display their strength.

TECHNOLOGY: The largest technological achievement the planet achieved was rediscovering hyperspace travel, beyond that they are outclassed in every way.

SATELLITES: two moons in an orbit close enough to consistently fill the sky.

INTENT: As far as I'm aware there aren't any planets in star wars that produce what amount to be adept guerrilla fighters, being inspired by pictures shown above and my own love of Rambo movies and war films I decided to give it a try. I also had a few ideas for some story lines that could take place in the jungles, as well as an idea for a faction I've been considering for a while, which I will probably be making in the future (Or past considering the new TL). It also serves as an alternative to planets like Mandalore for those who want to create a soldier, but want a different spin on them than one of the other planets.
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score


Lorian Patience






HAIR COLOR: White (Black Dye)

AGE: 57



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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score


Varien Coreno





HAIR COLOR: Greying Black

AGE: 45



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    Two Ultrachrome Combat/Utility Knives
    (insert Ship Image and class here) The Homeworld
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I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score


Fenix "Case" Morgan






HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown

AGE: 25



  • Fenix, was not a model child. Predictably, neither were his parents. They each had their own vices, his father ran a dingy cantina somewhere in Coronet City, drinking more of his stock than most of his customers. His mother, smoked anything she could get her hands on. Cigarra's, even Death Sticks, which quickly killed her. What little Fenix remembers about his mother consist mainly of smells, that of smoke and drugs. His father tried his best to be an actual father, though his definition of fatherhood was a little loose. The moments of lucidity in between bouts of drinking were times for some advice. "Don't be like me." His father would say, before getting his hands on another bottle of booze and resuming his drunken, belligerent rages.

    A few years after his mothers death, Fenix's father was caught between a Hutt enforcement team and some local Corellian crime family, leaving him dead in a gutter and Fenix an orphan. It wasn't too big of a change, Fenix had been on his own for a while, whether his father was present or not. Fenix grew up brawling for credits. Back alley fights were good money, the bare knuckle brawling provided enough cash to at least pay for a small apartment, and feed the smoking habit Fenix blamed his mother for.

    A few police crackdowns later and Fenix was behind bars, he was barely sixteen. He spent a few days in lockup, where he was spotted by the police chief, who took some kind of pity on the kid who was clearly on a fast track to the criminal life. The chief's name was Marcus Harding, and he was the first and only real mentor Fenix ever had. Harding sat him down and laid it all out, Fenix would be let off with a warning if he came back to talk with Harding. It was that or a few months in a juvenile correctional facility, so the choice was obvious. At first Fenix was belligerent, often barely speaking or posturing in an attempt to find the boundaries the chief had set. In truth, Fenix was scared, he didn't know what was going to happen and his only real defence was to act tough. Harding wasn't having any of it, while a generally kind man, he had powerful voice, and it was brought to full bear on Fenix. The first time this happened Fenix walked out almost immediately, but kept coming back as per his agreement with the chief, and secretly because he knew that Harding was the only person who had ever tried to help him.

    Their relationship grew until Harding had become a father figure to Fenix, and much like that of a son for Harding. Though it was all left unspoken of course. Harding convinced Fenix to become a cop and to work for him, and pulled a few strings to send him to one of the best police academies Corellia could offer. Almost stereotypically, Harding was shot and killed a week from his retirement, there were no witnesses and his body was found at the end of a sewage pipe. Honouring the man he considered a friend, Fenix completed his training, even going above and beyond to become a detective. His first case was to solve the murder of his former mentor.

    This of course turned out to be an almost impossible task, and its a case he is still working on to this day, and one he thinks he will never solve, causing him know end of frustration and guilt. His caustic personality never lent itself to team play, and is rarely partnered with anyone unless helping with a specific case or situation.
  • As a man, Fenix is regular. He is no card game master, though he does have a certain advantage due to his chosen occupation. He won't be the man you go too when you need your plumbing fixed or your speeder repaired. While he could fix his own gear, he isn't a professional by any stretch, lack of education as a child saw to that.

    However, there are a few things he is good at. He excels at his work, while still learning and creating a reputation for himself, his dedication to the job is almost second to none. Not only that, due to the quality police training he received, he isn't too shabby with a blaster either. He can take a punch as well, his younger years taught him how, and his job forced him too. Dealing back the damage given was never really a problem, but the lack of professional training leaves him at the same level as most Cartel toughs.

    He is also, truly patient. He never seems to rush a problem, often taking days to consider a problem that others would write off. Along with that, he doesn't mind staying up all night if his job needs to be done, he never seems to get tired, rarely even sick.

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