Meeting in the Marsh


Thats Mr. Bossman to you
SWRP Writer
May 5, 2015
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Anthoni walked alone in the hot muggy swamp land of the Bogan homeworld, Dagobah. The sun was pushing it's way down, almost about to set. Darkness was fast approaching and Anthoni could feel it creeping ever so slightly boxing him in. A drop of sweat made its way down Anthoni's cheek, which he quickly wiped away with rough hands. Tonight Anthoni dressed simply, a black tee shirt with black pants and boots.

He continued to hike his way to the prearranged meeting place, something Anthoni was already regretting. His boots stuck to the wet marsh and with each step he heard the sucking sound as he moved constantly to his destination. His breathing was well controlled his body demanding greater intensity. Anthoni let it, he continued to push himself harder as he went.

This night Anthoni would meet up with a young Twi'lek women, Arali. Only on two other occasions has Anthoni seen her before. One of those being a simple lesson, lifting and lowering rocks with the aid of the force. Their last encounter however, was an entire different beast entirely. A smile crept across Anthoni's face as he remembered the fight. Arali and Anthoni's disastrous attempt to work together, their sad attempt to be a team. Each one of them fighting not only their opponent Samar, but also each other. Anthoni himself thought he could of done better alone, but then again he knew why.

Anthoni was a loner, he always has been. He thinks better, he acts better and he doesn't have to worry about someone else messing up his plans. That being said Anthoni knows the value of teamwork, and that is why he is meeting the red skinned Twi'lek this night. The two would train and better their skills, they needed to learn from one another. That is something even Anthoni will admit, he knows nothing.

After some time Anthoni finnaly arrived at his destination. And he knew why this would be such a great place to have his little sparring session. He was greeted by a wide open expanse, an almost perfect circle. The ground was much higher and you had to walk up a gentle rise to reach the top but it was there, the top of a small hill. The two Dark Jedi would have almost thirty feet to train in.

Anthoni walked to the middle of the circle and sat down.

He awaited Arali's arrival.

@Sapphire Storm