My Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Review


SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
I have recently played, and beat Star Wars Battlefront 2, and here is my review.

The game itself is very good.

With more fighters, space battles, blowing up start destroyers from the inside out, and blasting that rebel scum, the game has definitly improved. Now, instead of the wookie smuggler, you have the smuggler wearing a fiftes get-up. You have the wookie warrior and trooper warrior and much more. You even get to play as a "hero", and I know what you saying. "You can create a hero!?" NOPE! A hero is like a jedi or fighter. For the "good side" you have the choices of Chewbacca, Han Solo, Leia, Luke, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura, and Ki-Adi-Mundi. Chewbacca, Solo, and Leia DO NOT get lightsabers.

Then their are villains. Vader, Anakin, The Emperor, Maul, Grievous, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, and Count Dooku. Jango and Boba don;t get lightsabers.

The game does have faults though. As much as we all like to kill padawans, kill the queen of Naboo after the empire was established, and play as a bunch of storm troopers... well that's the problem. In single player campaign mode, named "Rise of an Empire", you only play as storm troopers. Never once do you play as the rebellion. Even though the game stays mostly true to Star Wars, it doesn't go as the movies did. Instead of the rebellion escaping Hoth, they are destroyed. Although there are alot of battles, there are way too much.

I would have personally liked to play the maps in Battlefront 1, when they didn't have them. Also you can't go prone. Looks like some nerds won't be able to replicate a soldier crawling through grass with your green outfit. No, instead you can only tand of kneel.

The game has very good graphics and gameplay isn't bad.

All in all the game blasts a 4 out of 5.