Ask Plot Nar Shaddaa O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Vara Dramm


Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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Vara took a drag of her cigarette as she flipped occasionally through the cameras, she wasn't one for violence, but she felt anxious missing out on whatever was going on. Surely if there was trouble, she'd of known by now. As she flipped through the camera channels, she noticed a small group loitering in a stairway on the opposite side of the building. It was two men helping their clearly intoxicated friend up the stairs and into a hotel room.

She murmured quietly into the commlink as to not alert the Sector Ranger who may overhear, "Pedestrians passing by you guys soon. No blasters or yelling and I think we're good." She figured it had been quiet so far, but it was best they knew about the ones passing by.

Jaçelle Noradne


Character Profile
Jan 11, 2020
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Jaçelle cracked her knuckles and set the datapad down on the table. Rough him up. That she could do. The threat against his family was well played, she thought, but it made her uncomfortable knowing that those same words could be used against her. It was hard to keep work and home separated sometimes.

Vara's warning in her ears stopped her short of physically hitting the man. Instead the woman scanned a picture of the photograph and sent it to Vara. Through her commlink she would ask, "Is there any data you can find on these people? Family of the sector ranger."



Character Profile
Jan 10, 2020
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"Pedestrians passing by you guys soon. No blasters or yelling and I think we're good."

The words made Orys pause a moment, not wanting to make a scene. He tossed the picture of the man's family aside as he moved closer to him with ill intentions. "Is there any data you can find on these people? Family of the sector ranger". The man's jaw dropped at Jacelle's words, his face turning bright red. "You karkin monsters. Fine. I want your word nothing happens to me or my family and i'll tell you what I know. Swear on what little honor you have". Orys halted his advance towards the man and looked back to his companion and then back to the man. "Sure. On my honor". The man let out a long sigh as he slowly sat up with his back against the wall.

"Lucius Quinn is your textbook snitch. Felt he was wronged after years of service to the syndicates and flipped like a damn burger patty. I'm sure you already knew that though, else you wouldn't be here". The sounds of voices grew closer as the people in the hall made their way to their room of choice. Orys glared at Fitz, blaster in hand to deter anymore stupid decisions. "I'm not assigned to his case or anything like that but I've overheard some discussion between others in person and via encrypted comms on the holonet. They're holding him in protective custody on Rhen Var. Or as I like to call it 'white hell'". Fitz gulped, a hand covering his face. "Either way he's at a designated safe house and I don't know where it is. Even if you somehow found it he's likely heavily guarded. We've been gunning for dirt on your people for years and he's their golden ticket".

Orys nodded as the man spoke, his free hand pressing the button to activate his commlink so that Vara could hear as well. "Anything else, Fitz? I don't wanna have to go back on my word". Orys holstered his blaster and placed that hand behind his back. "No, I swear. That's all I know".

With that Orys stepped forward dropping his hand atop Fitzgerald's head. "It's okay my friend. You're family is safe". The hand behind his back was swiftly revealed, a buzzing vibroblade gripped tightly in his fist. Fitzgerald attempted to stand up and fight back but it was too late. Orys had buried the blade in the man's neck, slicing him down to his sternum as he stood. Crimson lifeblood flowed through his wounds and onto Orys's hands as he removed the knife and wiped the blood on the nearby bed sheet. Fitz dropped to the floor and blood began to pool around him and his belongings. His face showed grief and anger at the same time as he began to choke on his own blood.

Moving to the bathroom Orys quickly washed his hands free of the blood and gathered what belonged to him before making his way out of the room.
"On our way down Vara. Got what we need. Rally in the front, i'll have my droid ready the ship".

@Bear @lizziie

Vara Dramm


Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
Vara watched at the blip popped up on her screen, pulling up an image of the ranger's family. She inspected it for a moment as she heard her comrade's request. There wasn't much that could be done with it, she knew, but it was important for a slicer to maintain an mystique of their ability. "It'll take me a bit, but I'll see what I can find." She sighed, slightly uneased by the next steps of this plan if they couldn't get what they wanted from the Ranger tonight.

She stared at the image of the family for a moment, before saving it into her system and hovering over the option to run a search. They seemed like good people, they probably wouldn't show up in any criminal databases she had access to. There was always the route of putting a 'Info Bounty' out among slicers and information brokers to see if they could find anything, but it was a lengthy process and one that would certainly bring attention to their goals.

A moment later, she heard Orys' voice in the comlink. She hadn't realized she was holding her breath as she contemplating sending out the data to the holonet abroad. "Aye, I'll meet you there. Don't think the owner knows any the wise." She locked her screen and perched herself up from the wall she was leaning against and made her way back to the front. She'd restore the security system back to normal once they got off the premise.

@lizziie @Asher