[REBEL AND HUTT COLLAB]The Best in Bespin - OOC and Sign-Ups


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Feb 13, 2012
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The Best in Bespin

People never seem to run out of the desire to shoot one another, and it is this fact that has kept the foundries of Bespin going so strongly for decades and decades. The Hutts wwant a piece of this action, and have identified something that will enable them to do it – supply. The Rebellion controlled assets on Bespin may have the production, but they do not have the means by which to move their produce across the Galaxy in the volumes offered by the Hutts.

Hello one and all, all and one.

After discussion with the Rebel and Hutt faction leaders, it has been agreed that a joint venture, headed up by the Vesajilic family, will be taking place on Bespin. A negotiation is to take place for the Hutt Cartel, of the Desajilic Kajadic, to head up a new development on the floating city, wherein the Hutts sell the Rebellions Gas across their space, and the outer rim, possibly even into Sith Space as well, thus earning more credits for the rebellion and the Hutts.

The technicalities will be worked out in the thread itself, such as what fee the Vesajilics will take, and what each side will provide to the deal – transports and security etc. The basic premise is that the Hutts will act as middle men for the Gas Trading, selling to their contacts in Hutt Space, in return for a fee.

Sign ups are thus open for three players from the rebellion, and two from the Hutts (to accompany my Hutt), so please post below and be part of securing the next stage of growth for the Rebels!