Rebel Newsletter: February 2015


Tech Admin
Sep 29, 2011
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The Galactic Rebellion
Newsletter: February 2015


Welcome to the first (and hopefully not the last) Rebel Newsletter of the New Year! I know it’s been awhile, and there are a lot of things to catch up on, but I trust you all to persevere in our struggle against the Empire. I, Loco, will be your guide to our comings and goings for the next few minutes and I intend to keep this brief, so without further ado here’s a quick look back at our activities of the last few months and a glimpse of some things to come:

Everybody give a big hand to Cale, our resident Space Princess, and thank her for the work she has done for us Rebels over the past year or so. As many of you may have recently heard, she has finally escaped Bacs clutches and is stepping down as the Rebel AFL. Yours truly has been snared in her place and will be stepping in to fill her shoes in the 2nd AFL slot.

First let me say that I look forward to the opportunity to serve as your new mentally unbalanced overlord… er, Bacs newest minion, er… eh, uh... I mean, uh, Assistant Faction Leader? Hopefully I can live up to both your expectations and the examples of my compatriots and predecessors. Second, I want you to know that you should all feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, concerns, gripes, bitches, complaints, safety hazard notifications, warnings of impending alien invasion, notices of British incursion, other certain doom, or also any good ideas you have. I have an open inbox policy.

Latrine duty roster will be posted shortly.

It has been repeatedly brought up that the Rebel subforums are in bit of a state of disrepair and are in dire need of an update. Well, good news! For my first act as AFL, I plan to dedicate what is sure to be a torturous amount of time and effort over the coming weeks to clean this place up. I’m a masochist.

Under Bac and Cortans guidance, I plan to do a thorough update of the missions log, roster (including looking towards promotions), the technology thread, consolidating the disused ARES and Civilian Resistance subforums as previously discussed in the last newsletter, and make a variety of organizational improvements to aid in the finding of things and to improve the overall user friendliness of the place.

If you have any suggestions or would like to aid me in this endeavor it would be greatly appreciated!

The Rebellion has officially struck its first major blow against the Empire! I realize it’s been sitting for a bit now, but rest assured our glorious leader is working on an appropriate epilogue, which will soon be posted bringing the thread to a close. In a major coupe, a joint task force of Rebels and Jedi have successfully captured the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vereor, destroyed a major and formerly “invulnerable” Imperial installation in the form of the Prison Reckoning, AND rescued notorious Mandalorian leader Sisk Renelo and many other figures from the old Galactic Alliance who have suffered long captivity. Aside from being a major strategic win, this victory will serve as an announcement to the galaxy at large, and to the Empire itself: We’re coming for you.

This is what you’ve all been waiting for. With our Death Star esque victory at the Reckoning, we’re now firmly in the enemies sights. Their retaliation is sure to be swift and strong as the mysterious Darth Somnus moves to consolidate his power over what is now his Empire. Our operations tempo is sure to increase accordingly.

In addition to the Reckoning, you guys have been no slouches getting missions done, both official and “under the table” and don’t think I haven’t seen it. Keep up the good work, and we’ll try to keep you a steady flow of new material!

A new mission pack- The Bespin Project- is now underway, and the first few missions in the pack will kick of very soon. As soon as I’m finished updating the Mission board, we’ll get a good stock of what needs still to be done and get cracking. With the Empire breathing down our necks, any foothold we can establish increases our chances of survival bit by bit. I know for fact there is still work to be done in the Darknell and Sullust packs- both important planets for us strategically.

I highly recommend building yourselves a core group of Rebel buddies to tackle these packs and other missions, and if you reach out to your leadership we will be sure to assist and facilitate you in any way we can!Don't be afraid to make new friends! If you have an idea for a new pack or mission, put some work into it and shoot it over to me for review.

More soon on upcoming battles and other new missions.

And that’s pretty much it for now! I’ll be putting new things out here and there as I get settled in and start working on stuff. I’d like to think we’ve got some exciting times ahead of us and I’m excited to see how it all unfolds. As always, if you have questions, concerns, or need anything from myself, Cortan, or Bac please don’t hesitate to ask- we’re happy to assist!

Until next time, may the Force be with you- always.

Ret'urcye mhi, vod.
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SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2012
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Woah, I forgot the Rebels even had these too... :blush:

But can I just say how excited I am that you're on the Rebel team now?! Beyond, good luck Loco and I'm still your ideas guy if you ever need it. Excited to see what the Rebels do next, and all that hoopla.


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score

Congrats Loco :P

I'm also willing to help with any housekeeping the rebels need done, just let me know what and I'll start slaving away. I also literally just had an idea that I'll contact you and Weiss about once I flesh it out some more, other than that hooray for the Reckoning!​