The Effervescent


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Hello everyone! Here I have an idea for a plot that is meant for both Republic personnel and the Jedi Order. It is a feat that I am willing to subject myself to and hopefully do it justice. Basically the plot is for characters to investigate the rumors of a possible ghost ship. Most of these will be ASK threads but be warned, ASK does not mean safe. Depending on the interest in this I will most likely be NPCing threats and obstacles that very well could injure and hinder your characters' progress. Friendly fire or betrayal can also affect outcome. While this plot does have an end goal and a reward for both factions it is meant to mostly be for adventure and fun.

Who will be participating?
Both republic and Jedi factions will be the target demographic of this 'faction(s)' plot. However if your character is the mercenary/ringer type they can join in if hired by one of the two factions. Thread sizes are open for discussion and will depend on the extent of the mission. Also please keep in mind there will likely be a part 2 and 3. However do not feel like participating in part 1 requires you to participate in part 2 and 3.

Note: I will limit people to One thread per character so that everyone gets a chance to participate.

What will be the goal?
Finding answers about the ship The Effervescent. It is an exploratory Corvette that went missing at the height of the Hundred Years of Darkness. Rumors have surfaced that it is active somewhere in the galaxy, a ghost ship. Finding the truth about the ship is the original goal. It may (and most certainly will) evolve as the plot continues. Things may not turn out as originally planned. Vagrants might side track characters, answers might be more complicated than originally predicted, etc. I already have an idea of how it will progress but controlled amounts of this will be brought forth so as to not spoil the plot twists and ending.

Where will this take place?
All over. The progress of each group of characters/threads will be spread far enough apart that people will relay their information to the jedi temple and republic central command (or the equivelant). Characters will be far enough away from one another that there won't be any backup and the events that transpire on one planet won't necessarily affect the immediate events on another. This will take characters to the boonies of back water planets, the scummy underhive, the lavish state rooms of the wealthy, and most importantly the dark reaches of space.

When do these take place?
They are meant to happen around the same time. This is part 1 and there will be a part 2 and possibly part 3 that will each advance in progress. At the start of part 2 it can be assumed that everything that transpired in part 1 will have circulated and the information is known by all characters.

Why do this plot?
I think it would be an interesting attempt to see an open world roleplay with various end possibilities that doesn't always guarantee success. This has been seen in PVP already but this will provide challenges against environment without people being afraid of getting ganked by other PCs. Instead the threat will be the environment and hopefully advance the story of both factions as well as give more depth to the past of they share as well.

Let me know what you think. Questions are welcome. Thanks.


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
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I'm up for it - either as my Jedi or as my Smuggler

Panda Hermit 98

Tired Old Man
SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2017
Reaction score
Rainea already sees ghosts, why not a few more? Sign me up, this is some Event Horizon shit right here.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
I'd be down for this, definitely.
Put me in, coach!
I'm up for it - either as my Jedi or as my Smuggler
Lou Wilson is always available
Rainea already sees ghosts, why not a few more? Sign me up, this is some Event Horizon shit right here.
Sounds fun, I’m up for joining!
links please so i can put it in the roster of characters.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Alright everyone. I’ve submitted what i’ve got so far for review. Hopefully it will go quickly so we can get some threads going.