United Protectorate

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Star Wars Legacies

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Dec 22, 2017
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The United



Structure & History:

Although the Core worlds were once controlled by the Sith Empire, with the growing attacks by the Mandalorians, the Empire was forced to the negotiation table, and out of that negotiation came the United Protectorate. A joint government put in place by the Mandalorians and the Imperials, the protectorate was designed to be a system whereby the individual systems had primary rule over themselves while still allowing the two galactic superpowers to have a guiding hand in the politics of the galaxy’s most critical systems.

In order to accomplish this, the Protectorate is made up of two major portions: the Executive Council and the Senate. This two part system provides the systems with complete control over the writing of their own laws, but allows the Mandalorians and the Empire to veto laws that may have unforeseen consequences.

The Senate is the larger of the two branches of government with 500 senators elected from the various systems in the Inner Rim and Core worlds. These senators have the primary control over their system and have the exclusive capacity to draft bills that will later become laws. Currently, there are 3 major political parties within the Protectorate: Imperial-aligned, Mandalorian-aligned, and an Independent Party.

The Executive Council is the second (and much smaller) branch of the Protectorate. Made up of nine governors each representing one of the nine district that composed the Protectorate, the Council contains four governors appointed by the Emperor, four governors appointed by the Mand’alor, and one governor who is elected from among the senators. In this capacity, the District Governor has the deciding vote in any issue and ensures that neither of the galactic superpowers has an inherent majority on the council.
Districts Map

Functionality in the Roleplay:

The United Protectorate will operate as an NPC organization, but characters can be made for it. Characters made for this will need to be dedicated fully to this role. They may not be combat or PvP characters. We would like to see characters fully invested in the diplomatic and political aspects of the story, so no super soldiers or warrior senators allowed. You will have to rely on other characters for protection - very much like how real political leaders function. Even so, your character will be aligned to the faction they represent. (Ie. Mandalorian senator, Imperial senator or Independent for Galactic Alliance or others to start off)

Level System & Rank

The level system will be unique for characters made for the Protectorate. While in other cases, levels result in strength, reflexes, etc. levels for any political characters will determine the amount of sway, pull and political power they have. While this is true, if it’s shown that your character has done nothing of merit, no plots or missions to help their campaign, etc. then their level still won’t be sufficient enough to win them power in the senate.

  • Level 1 (Senator) - 10 NPC members of the Protectorate can be convinced to support their party in elections or vote with them on bills.
  • Level 2 (Committee Chairman) - 25 NPC members can be convinced to support their party in elections or vote with them on bills.
  • Level 3 (Senior Minister) - 50 NPC members can be convinced to support their party in elections or vote with them on bills.. Note: Senior Ministers and Speakers may begin to run for the position of System Governor
  • Level 4 (Speaker) - 100 NPC members can be convinced to support their party in elections or vote with them on bills.
* Characters must be active in the month preceding the election/vote for the bonus to be applied.

Senate Composition

Initially the vast majority of legislators/senators support the Sith or the Mandalorians (45% Sith/ 40% Mando/ 15% other).

Every month, elections will be held to update the composition of the Senate. Protectorate members and non-members can influence the outcome of these elections by doing mission packs and faction plots to gain seats for their chosen faction-aligned party. The representation of parties in the Senate will influence the alignment of districts on the map.

Current Composition of the Senate

Introducing Bills & Cross-Faction Representation

Protectorate characters can also put forth bills for other Senate members to vote on. Bills are the primary means for senators to influence the course of the site's story. Much like faction battles, bill introduction does require approval from an administrator to insure coordination between different proposals.

Levels determine parliamentary privileges. And because we fully expect members to abuse the hell out of filibusters, these are limited to:
  • Level 1 - 1 intervention per session
  • Level 2 - 2 Interventions per session
  • Level 3 - 3 Interventions per session
  • Level 4 - 4 Interventions per session
In order to move up and gain more power and sway, the political character will have to actively campaign. The ‘missions’ will be diplomacy focused, and they will be centered around actually gaining support of worlds to spread influence. It will be in the best interests of the Main Factions to ensure they have political characters representing them in the Protectorate.

The reach of the Protectorate will hopefully expand even beyond the Core. We hope to see influence and territorial gains for factions happen almost entirely politically. This will make PvP less of a focus, and allow those that want to use diplomatic solutions to contribute to the faction an avenue to do so.

~Senate Roster~​

Coreward District

Anaxes - @Gideon Hask Starr
Coruscant - @Verneck Aletaus

Western District


Central District

Alderaan - @Arthur Smoke
Arkania - @Regis

Colonial District


Southern District

Balmoraa - @Roselle Lely
Corellia - @Reland Vos
Neimoidia - @Muith Chekaik
Nubia - @Felroth Sengir

Eastern District

Onderon - @Aedan Vidian

Northern District


Expansion District

Thustra - @Lyssa Sol Dreikas

Inner Rim District

Commenor - @Mida Zebb
Tirahnn - @Keira Zale
Zeltros - @Mara Zefiros

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