Open Vadros Hills, That's Where I Want To Be!

Alexander Vanerbilt


Character Profile
Oct 5, 2023
Reaction score
It wasn't like Alex to just wander off and try something new. His recent tryst with Cara had really gotten to him. Maybe there was more to life than the library? And maybe there was more to life than just being some milktoast loser that ran a library. Of course, he would always run a library; that's what he was really good at. That and hacking. There were plenty of Imperial and First Order remnants on Vardros- all one needed to do to get to it was hack some stuff, maybe blast some stuff, and call it a day.

Which was all well and good except Alex didn't own a blaster and didn't now how to use one outside of video games. Pull trigger make gun go pew, was all he knew, and even that was stretching it when it came to safety rules and all sorts of things he knew would encompass blaster control. What Alex had in abundance of was hacking equipment. In a fanny pack around his waist he had several data spikes. One for doors, one for computers, and one of droids. His EZPhone was loaded with hacking malware ready to be sent on a moment's notice. Gosh, someone messed with him, they may win the day but their image on the internet was ruined.

So there he was, a milktoast dude in a sweater vest and jeans waiting for a shuttle that would take him where he needed to go. Of course, no shuttle ever actually came because he was really waiting on someone with a ship that he'd have the balls to steal or, if he was lucky, would leave him the ship as they went off venturing in a tourist attraction of what the Empire tried to do. What was so interesting about Operation Cinder anyway?

Alex rocked on his heels and toes, sipping a cafe. If Cara were here, he'd ask her how she went about doing adventures like this, but as she wasn't, he had no one to ask. The only thing he had to go off of was his own Dungeons and Rancors campaigns. Even then, he was usually the DM and not a player, and he had no control over this adventure. He let out a deep breath and took a sip of cafe. Maybe he should just go home.

Jackie O


Character Profile
May 15, 2022
Reaction score
Tourists were great for making some quick credits, Jackie was having a good day but didn't press his luck too far. He was walking by the spaceport when something caught his attention. He wore his typical black shirt, revealing tattoed arms.

The guy certainly looked like he was trying to not stand out, but was not doing a great job. Jackie pondered if it was some sort of police sting because this guy was just asking to get robbed standing out there like this. He looked around but didn't see anyone who looked like they were undercover backups. "Huh.." he voiced out loud, intrigued by the sight.

He lit a cigarette watching for another moment as the man pretended to wait for something or someone. What was life if you didn't roll the dice every once in a while? He walked up to the guy, strolling casually and looking out at the spaceport beyond as he let out an exhale of smoke.

"Nice fanny pack." he said with a nod, lifting the cigarette back to his mouth. His tone was casual, friendly even, without a hint of mocking in it. He didn't say anything else, letting the silence build. It was a little uncomfortable, but you could tell a lot about people by making them just a little uncomfortable.
