Vosrik's Workshop Hall (DoTR)


Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
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Here is where I will be posting all my various WIPs, self-created extraneous resources, and writeups. My personally created generic tech is posted here.
Please refrain from posting in this thread — PM me any questions.
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Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score


Theo Graves

Hutt Cartel Enforcer Level 1 Non-Force Sensitive
Homeworld Human Male 26
Chris Pratt Theme

Character Information

  • Chris-Pratt-Art-Streiber-Photoshoot-June-2015-chris-pratt-40157298-375-500.jpg
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • giphy.gif
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • magnificent-seven-pratt.gif
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • giphy.gif
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • Simple armour Theo has tailored to his needs. His hat is made of Armorweave.
    Two identical blasters that he can almost never be seen without.
    Smoke grenade, Thermal detonator, and an emergency trauma kit.

    A swoop he won in a gamble. Theo lovingly refers to it as Baby Shark.
    A basic, small freighter where he stores his swoop and lives. Theo named it Momma Shark.
  • threads and things here

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Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score


Adam Chadwick

Ravenclaw London Pureblood
Male 18 5’10” / 1.79 m 155 lb / 70 kg
Brown Hair Fair Skin Hazel Eyes
Andrew Garfield Theme

One of the brightest minds in Ravenclaw, Adam is a charming young man who exudes optimism and politeness wherever he goes. One can find him laughing with his friends and making small talk with other students, but often he is nose-deep in a book relating to his studies. Although Adam doesn’t read simply for the sake of reading, he will research extensively in the fields of his homework to completely understand the subject. Sometimes this has made more than a few of his friends upset with him, as Adam will decline spending time with them in lieu of devoting more time to study. However, some people suspect he’s actually going there to stalk other students while under the pretence of doing homework and reading.

At heart, Adam is a true gentleman. Speaking eloquently and politely, using the finer points of grammar, and continually practicing chivalrous behaviour make him a favourite among plenty of the school’s professors. One will not find him wandering around at night or breaking other rules; Adam tries his utmost to stay out of trouble and for the most part dissociates with those who do. With this in mind, he isn’t a tattletale and avoids conflict of any sort as much as he can. If Adam sees someone breaking the rules, he will usually confront them depending on how serious the offence is, but he won’t always bring it up to a teacher.

Although it isn’t too difficult to for Adam to get frustrated or upset, one would be hard pressed to make him legitimately angry. The only occasions in which he would raise his voice or confront someone is if one of his friends is in danger, or if a girl is being abused by another student. One thing that particularly raises Adam’s temper is when a particular injustice being done to either another student or himself. More often than not, he finds that this is the case when Slytherin students perpetuate lies throughout the school. Adam also as a general rule tolerates Gryffindors and likes Hufflepuffs, but dislikes Slytherins due to rather bad experiences with them over the years.

Adam suffers from self esteem issues, especially when it comes to his looks. There are a lot of other good-looking guys in the school, and Adam has had very little success with girlfriends over the years. When he is in the presence of a particularly pretty girl or someone he likes, he will grow quiet and awkward - quite the opposite of his usual self. Adam judges himself constantly and compares himself to his friends and other people, often having bouts of depression if he reflects about it for any great length of time. He needs lots of encouragement and socialization to stay out of this mindset. Though he’d never admit it, often times he unwittingly shows off with much more elaborate spells than are necessary to receive admiration from the onlookers, thereby improving his own self esteem.

Adam was born into a pureblood family, living in a quiet community just outside London. He is familiar with both Muggle and Magical family customs, as his mother and father made sure he was well-versed in both as Adam grew up.

His parents both work at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries; his father is a healer, and his mother is a nurse. Because of this, the Chadwicks are quite well off and provided Adam with the best supplies he needed for school. Mr. Chadwick works on the fourth floor of St. Mungo’s, the Spell Damage ward.

Adam lived a relatively normal life, and didn’t start showing any magical abilities until he was 9. For a long time, his parents thought he wouldn’t become a wizard, not until one day when he sneezed and blue sparks shot out from his mouth. Overjoyed, they celebrated that night and sure enough, a letter for Hogwarts came when he turned 11.

Most Professors at Hogwarts would call Adam a model student. He’s had very high grades in most subjects ever since he began school, with very few incidents. There was one occasion where he took on a Slytherin and a Gryffindor student to defend a girl they were bullying, but ended up in the Hospital Wing for his efforts.

To this day, Adam is known mostly for his studious nature and exceptional work with Charms. One of his primary skills is that he is able to learn new things much faster than many other students. He is also unfortunately well known for not being able to get into a serious relationship. This has lead to some curious whispers; some say he’s gay, but most think he was cursed on his first date a few years back and just can’t get a girl since. To this day Adam vehemently denies either, but avoids talking about it nonetheless.

With the small amount of wandlore that he’s studied, Adam has attempted making a few wands with the materials he can salvage or afford. While he’s usually unable to acquire any of Ollivander’s three best wand cores (unicorn hair, dragon heartstring, and phoenix feather), he’s experimenting with other magical cores to test their effectiveness. So far Adam’s been very careful and has avoided blowing up the Ravenclaw common room, though most students don’t like being around when he’s creating or testing the instruments. Before he goes to bed in the evenings, Adam often takes a knife and wittles one of the many dowels of various wood types to create the wand casings. He personally prefers elegance over raw power or practicality, and takes extra care and effort to carve ornate designs and patterns into the wands. He has a box next to his bed, full of discarded and finished wands of various sorts.

Magical Aptitude
While capable as any witch or wizard in performing various spells and hexes, Adam is by far the most proficient in the field of charms. Due to his natural tendency to enunciate and perform precise, dexterous movements, charms come natural to him and he enjoys the subject immensely. Adam often stays behind to discuss the intricacies of certain spells they reviewed each class.

One particular subject that Adam has shown considerable interest in as well is wandlore. Unfortunately, there aren’t any elective choices that he is able to take that covers the subject, so he is slowly taking the time to do as much research as he can on it. His current plans once he finishes school is to either pursue his work in charms or become an assistant at Ollivanders, with the goal to start up his own wand making business.

Adam, although certainly capable on a broomstick, has no real love for sports, which is why he hasn’t tried out on the Ravenclaw quidditch team white at Hogwarts. While he still goes to the matches to support his House and spend time with his friends, Adam wouldn’t enjoy going to the World Cup for any other reason than to hang out with his friends. His second least favourite subject is Herbology, as he abhors dealing with plants and dirt in general, not to mention magical - and potentially life-threatening - ones.

Transfiguration is the second subject that Adam shows the most aptitude towards. While interested changing the appearance of objects at a whim, he much more enjoys the flamboyance and elaborate spells he is capable of doing in charms. Adam has entertained the idea of becoming an Animagus, but could never decide what animal he’d like to be and was daunted by the difficulty of the process.

  • Transfiguration - O
  • Charms - O
  • Potions - E
  • History of Magic - E
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
  • Astronomy - O
  • Herbology - A
  • Care of Magical Creatures - A
  • Study of Ancient Runes - O
  • Has his Apparition License
Like most students that attend Hogwarts, Adam purchased his wand in his first year from Garrick Ollivander. It is made of elm, a wood known for choosing wizards with exceptional magical dexterity. The core of the semi-stiff 11 ¾ inch instrument is a dragon heartstring.

“The unfounded belief that only pure-bloods can produce magic from elm wands was undoubtedly started by some elm wand owner seeking to prove his own blood credentials, for I have known perfect matches of elm wands who are Muggle-borns. The truth is that elm wands prefer owners with presence, magical dexterity and a certain native dignity. Of all wand woods, elm, in my experience, produces the fewest accidents, the least foolish errors, and the most elegant charms and spells; these are sophisticated wands, capable of highly advanced magic in the right hands (which, again, makes it highly desirable to those who espouse the pure-blood philosophy).”

“As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.”

◊ ◊ ◊

Cyra is the name of Adam’s faithful Barn Owl. Although his mother and father already own an owl, Pierce, he is older and used mostly for their work at St. Mungo’s Hospital. Their family used Pierce primarily as Adam was growing up, but after his first year at Hogwarts Adam’s parents decided to award his excellent grades with his own choice of owl. He spent quite a while in consideration at Eeylops Owl Emporium, learning about the pros and cons of each species of bird available. Finally, he chose the Barn Owl and bought Cyra, who was just a fledgeling at the time.

Since then, she has grown into a beautiful and intelligent bird that has yet to fail him once in delivering a post. Although a loving and usually docile animal, Cyra has been known to be very protective of Adam and becomes alarmingly jealous when she feels or sees him becoming attached to someone, specifically a girl. This often results in mean nipping, a strangely sassy or aloof attitude, and other behaviours that make it quite clear Cyra is displeased with Adam.

Despite this, the two still love each other very much. The duo routinely celebrate each other’s birthdays and Christmas by getting special treats and other gifts; something a bit unusual for people to do with their pets. Cyra is also quite a vocal and expressive owl, hooting her disapproval or rubbing affectionately up against Adam (whichever mood she’s in at the time) during meal times when the mail is delivered.

Due to the heavy amount of supplies Adam buys for his wand making hobby, he gets packages of magical components or small shipments of wood types almost daily. Cyra is seen so often, sometimes more than once a day, that she’s very well-known amongst the students and staff of Hogwarts. Occasionally, she’ll stop by at other tables to receive small samples of food or other treats that friends offer her. Some might think that Adam overworks her, but the truth is that Cyra gets bored very quickly and enjoys running errands for her owner.

◊ ◊ ◊

A most peculiar pocket watch by the name of Astralaria has been passed down the Chadwick family line for many generations, farther back than any of them really knows. Traditionally, it is given to the firstborn when they begin their fifth year at Hogwarts, and the relic usually garners plenty of attention from all who see it. While believed to be of Goblin make, neither Adam’s parents nor his grandparents bothered to have it examined officially by one for fear that the greedy race would claim it as their own.

The embroidered pocket watch, made of a matte gold, features a small globe on the casing that, much like the ceiling of Hogwarts, displays the sky and weather outside. Many a night, Adam has laid awake in bed, watching the stars from his little pocket watch. Another curious effect is that if one tilts the glass on the cover, it acts as though they’re looking through a window and can see more of the sky. The back of the heirloom is flat, the only noticeable difference being the word Astralaria engraved in the middle. It is one of Adam’s most treasured possessions as it reminds him of his family back at home.
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Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
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Orrin Murdock

Estel of House Oveiden


A Jedi Ranger-Justicar who was under the direct charge of Jedi Lord Vosrik Tanari. Fiercely loyal, he continues to serve his former Lord despite being many years older . An excellent swordsman and brilliant improvisor, Orrin finds himself most at home in the wilderness of whatever planet he is stationed on for a mission. Some of his practical skills include being an impossible linguist due to his time at the ends of the Galaxy, a capable mechanic, and having an eye for detail.

The man is grizzled, experienced, and in his late 70s; he's seen plenty of fights and bizarre things in his lifetime. He still looks very young to most, as his exposure to the Light Side of the Force has vastly extended his years. Orrin is unswerving in his loyalty to the Jedi and deep down loves the work he does, although it usually ends up with him being alone. After the fall of Tython, the death of his friend Corlas Anval, and Vosrik's exile, Orrin took it upon himself to teach the former Lord in the ways of a Justicar.

While the man's birth name is Estel of House Oveiden, he left his duty to his house on Onderon to become a Jedi on Tython. Upon doing so, he took up the name Orrin Murdock instead of his true name.

At his side, he carries a Lightbow as the Justicars typically do and his embroidered lightsaber, Andúril. Clad in Spacers Leather, Orrin is well protected against most environments he journeys into.
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Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
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Bombardier-Class Swoop

Affiliation: The Accord

Ownership: Anyone who wishes to purchase one.

Intent: To provide characters something a little more specialized than just your run-of-the-mill swoop or speeder. Most small craft like this are unarmed and have little in the way of utility or defense, and the Bombardier gives a little in each of those areas.

Model: Bombardier-Class

Size: 8ft (2.4m)

Weight: 500lbs (226kg)

Armor Rating: Shrugs off most small blaster shots, but will eventually break down if under continuous fire or hit with anything stronger.

Propulsion: State of the art repulsorlifts and engines. Not nearly as fast as a racing swoop.

Armament/Equipment: The Bombardier has two blasters mounted to the front, as well as grapple hardpoints on the front and back of the swoop. A display HUD keeps the ground in front visible to the driver, even if in low-light or clouded weather where visibility is low.

Description: A small Initiative group in the Accord was dedicated to examining creatures found in the Galaxy, and discovered a particular beetle that was able of particularly fast flight speeds. Taking some ideas of the general shape of the beetle's carapace, the group created several prototypes before finally finishing with what is now the Bombardier-Class Swoop.

The display HUD scans the area around 50-100 feet in front of the driver, mapping the terrain and showing it on the transparisteel screen. This way, even if there's a raging dust or snow storm reducing the driver's visibility to a few feet, they'll still be able to pilot the swoop easily.
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Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score

ElectroMag Bolas

Affiliation: N/A

Ownership: Anyone who wants one. Moderate price, though not quite as commonplace as they can be difficult to learn how to use.

Intent: To provide characters with an extra and unique method of trapping, hindering, or possibly even killing targets. Though canon, this is a special twist on a normal bola.

Model: ElectroMag Bola

Weight: Approx. 2-5lbs.

Size: Various, with the cords on smaller models being around 6”, and cords on larger ones reaching up to 12”.

Composition: Durasteel, Tritanium, various other lightweight durable materials.

Power Supply: Small batteries in the bolas for discharging electric shock. If disabled, the magnetic balls will still function as intended.

Description:The ElectroMag Bola is a unique variation of a normal bolas in that each of the three balls at the end of the cords are powerful magnets that lock together once thrown. In addition, there is a separate option to activate the electric function that sends out a single pulse to shock the victim. There is only enough power to send out one jolt, however the output is enough to knock targets out and prevent them from cutting themselves loose. Even without the aid of the electric function, the magnetic balls make the ElectroMag Bola very difficult to escape from if entangled.
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Weaver of Stories
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Jan 27, 2016
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Shards of Vhoro

The Entropy Engine eating at the rock around it.
Eons ago, deep in a chamber inside the Necropolis on the dark planet Sepulcher, an abomination between magic and machine was created. An ancient Sith whose name lives on in his creation became obsessed with the properties of entropy and decay in all existing things. While many of his peers seeked to reverse and prolong aging and death, Vhoro found joy in expediting it. Of course, there were ways of siphoning life and slowly eroding objects through using the Force on them, but he wanted to discover a method of doing so through a Force-imbued creature or machine.

Vhoro’s initial biological creations and horrific Sithspawn were utter failures — wreaking havoc in the shrine and slaughtering people by the dozens before dying themselves moments later. Disappointed, he began experimenting further by creating bigger monsters, sometimes hacking off their limbs and replacing parts of them with cybernetics. These functioned even worse than before, often simply dissolving on the spot or being utterly unable to control. What surprised him, however, was the effect his Force magics had on the cybernetic limbs installed on the heavily mutated specimens. While the organic and biological couldn’t withstand the entropic effects and rotted before Vhoro’s very eyes, the imbued metal thrived.

Thrilled with this discovery, he instead began working on inanimate compounds and minerals, enhancing them with the ability to break down everything around them. Crafting a large, metallic sphere piece by piece, Vhoro Force-forged every section with painstaking care. The final result was the most beautiful work of art he’d ever seen. Once activated with a similarly Force-forged spear used as a key, the Entropy Engine begins radiating a destructive aura that erodes, rots, breaks down, and then absorbs everything around it up to nearly 200 meters away. Only one who wielded the key was immune to its entropic effects, and only the key was able to shut it off.

Realizing the immense destructive capabilities of the Engine, Vhoro revealed his masterpiece to the Dark Lords. A new chapter in their atrocities began, starting with the utter obliteration of an innocent village and its inhabitants as the Entropy Engine’s destructive capabilities were tested to its full extent. Afterward, Vhoro was rewarded by being promoted and given charge over a military detachment. Ever attack and invasion of his was spearheaded with Vhoro’s execrable creation — even in fleet warfare where it was used to break down and rip apart massive holes in enemy capital ships. Campaign after campaign for months on end it was used, with little hope in resisting the dark machine.

However, the Shadow Conclave of old had an agent disguised as one of the many assistants Vhoro kept for the project. After each use of the Engine, it was always taken back to the shrine where it was created on Sepulcher. Notifying the Conclave, they assaulted the Necropolis with all their strength, sweeping in and taking the Engine for themselves to prevent it from ever being used again. Vhoro’s wrath was terrible, but he had lost his prized possession and his research was destroyed. Never again was he able to recreate his Engine. The Conclave, with their most powerful Force users, split the machine into pieces called the Shards of Vhoro — scattering them across the galaxy.


The Engine after being activated, churning with energy and the power of the Dark Side.

Thousands of years later, with the fall and rebirth of the Conclave and many other great powers in the Galaxy, the Shards of Vhoro were all but forgotten and lost to time. The Accord discovered evidence of their existence and locations, but never fielded a full-scale effort to find them before their destruction under the rising Sith Empire. The new Reclusiarch of the Shadow Conclave reestablished contact with the settlements where the Shards were hidden, where they lay dormant and unused.
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Weaver of Stories
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Jan 27, 2016
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Vosrik Tanari

Jedi Order Knight Level 1 Trained Force User
Onderon Human Male 22
Jared Padalecki Theme

Character Information

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • YijrNvq.gif
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • 3a162cbd717bd13e553e116c999aee846958bf73_hq.gif
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • SPN4x22LuciferRising_0550xx_zpsc15bfde5.jpg~original
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu justo vestibulum, ultricies tortor in, sollicitudin tortor. Mauris scelerisque, nisl non efficitur rhoncus, enim ante tempor libero, at viverra ligula mauris non odio. Nulla gravida pretium nulla nec commodo. Ut viverra quam ut magna suscipit, at hendrerit nibh auctor. Nulla tellus orci, euismod eget ex vitae, iaculis pretium justo. Ut efficitur a leo eget luctus. Phasellus interdum neque sed eros pharetra rhoncus. Etiam nisi nunc, consequat vitae tincidunt eu, scelerisque sed neque. Proin non cursus libero. Ut nec viverra nunc, in tempor neque. Praesent malesuada, libero quis auctor posuere, tortor mi mollis sapien, et aliquam leo sem ut sapien. Aenean imperdiet, magna ut iaculis eleifend, quam sem ornare magna, sed auctor lacus turpis sit amet massa. Sed nec dictum nunc, nec euismod ipsum. Cras in quam urna.
    Praesent sit amet orci risus. Integer consequat ullamcorper molestie. Nunc eget leo elit. Pellentesque hendrerit a magna ut dignissim. Aenean sed eros leo. Proin quis mauris vitae nunc posuere fringilla et id odio. Quisque condimentum sapien ac tortor pretium, vitae consequat dui tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec pulvinar sem.
    Donec ac lectus magna. Duis ultricies orci metus, porta condimentum magna rhoncus quis. Praesent eu mauris ut purus mollis rhoncus nec at tortor. Mauris sed efficitur orci. Sed nec nunc leo. Ut lorem dui, ultrices vitae molestie eget, ornare at augue. Phasellus augue libero, interdum eget fermentum eu, sodales nec ex. Cras nunc neque, egestas vitae pretium non, maximus eu urna.
    Mauris augue leo, scelerisque a sapien a, volutpat pulvinar augue. Vivamus et nisi eros. Duis finibus neque nec mi consectetur, sit amet feugiat mauris convallis. Nulla eget dui urna. Vestibulum congue elit at lorem convallis varius. Aenean tincidunt ligula vel justo rutrum, elementum blandit dolor placerat. Mauris sed semper velit. Vivamus posuere eu mauris sed condimentum.
    Nam eleifend libero et ligula tristique posuere. Nam ac ex in lectus fermentum ultricies. Suspendisse tincidunt molestie lacus in faucibus. Nulla elementum in lacus eu eleifend. Duis dictum, urna sed congue mattis, magna velit fermentum nisi, et finibus nisi arcu at sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper, lacus lobortis laoreet mattis, nisl nunc tempor nibh, eget iaculis ante lorem semper diam. Vivamus pharetra vel nibh at vehicula. Mauris sodales, felis ac euismod dignissim, erat neque feugiat tortor, et congue ex ex in massa. In et urna posuere, feugiat purus vitae, tempus velit. Nam convallis leo arcu. Quisque convallis sem nec turpis facilisis, non facilisis mauris vestibulum.
  • Simple Jedi robes complemented with various pieces of armour.
    The lightsaber Vosrik crafted as a young Jedi. Its blade is a vibrant emerald hue.
    Respirator and emergency trauma kit.

    A small two-person ship named the Osiris.
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