Ask Plot Warm Words

Oren Zapan

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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The discovery of the wayshrine had revealed the possibilities of a new galaxy to both Oren and Fiach, one in which peace and calmness could be displayed as small flickers of light. The Jedi Master knew that war was coming, and that it was only a matter of time before such things would occur and their faith as Jedi would be challenged and problems within the code would eventually occur.

They needed somewhere that Jedi could fall back to and to regroup, which made this shrine all the more important on securing. Oren wondered how Fiach was considering the magnitude of their task, was she feeling the same or had her own experiences in life taken her down a different thought process? It was a fascinating idea that the Jedi Master often found himself thinking on, and during the ride to the city closest to the shrine he was lost in thought.

Only when they started to see the peaks of towering round structures would he slowly open his eyes , a small smile forming on his lips as he looked towards his student. "Are you ready to meet with some diplomats?" He'd tilt his head as he took a look around the tightly packed train, filled with mostly Gran who paid them no mind.

tag: @Corbeau


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Given their location, and given this was Fiach, she had done her homework. The Gran could be best described as humanoid but with three eyestalks, pronounced snouts, thick bulky hands and small antennae-like nubs on the tops of their heads. They also had two stomachs – but Fiach had no intention of finding this out in person.

She did know that they also had two distinct body shapes, one being fat-bottomed and rotund around the middle and the other being skinnier. And now, sitting amongst them as they travelled into the city, she was able to appreciate the difference. Books – as her Master was so fond of telling her – only told you so much. Real-life was not only richer but infinite in its variety.

She also knew that the Gran followed primarily peaceful agricultural pursuits. Although they were represented at the Galactic Senate back in the day, most Gran, however, were not political.

“I do know that, despite their farming tendencies, the Gran have produced many notable politicians,” she said to her Master when prompted. “One named Teem attempted to run for Supreme Chancellor, but lost to Sheev Palpatine. I don't need to tell you that this outcome did not bode well for the galaxy.” She didn't mention that she’d read that in a history book, but the smile on her face seemed slightly wider than usual.

“And diplomacy is part of our training at the Academy,” she added. “So, meeting and negotiating with the Gran diplomats should be a practical application of what I have learned in what I hope will be a safe environment.”


Oren Zapan

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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The Jedi Master snickered as he exited the train and onto the platform, he had no idea that a Gran even attempted to run for the old Senate, long ago, but little tidbits of information were always nice. "Oh really.." He'd say with a raised brow, "If he lost to him, then how bad was he?" He couldn't help but smile at his terrible little joke.

He could have went into a whole philosophical debate on whether or not such a joke was even appropriate, but that would have just been awkward and he wanted to at least seem a bit cool for his apprentice. "Come on, I believe the embassy is this way," he'd say quietly as he pushed his way through the crowds.

The city was quite clean, and lined with various golden statues of Gand Scholars and heroes, the air was fresh and a crisp blue sky clung to the backdrop of the white towers. Oren noticed several people peering towards both him and his apprentice, murmuring quietly, though Oren could not quite figure out why.

"Do you happen to see the embassy?" He'd ask.

tag: @Corbeau


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Fiach was unsure if her Master was making a joke, or really questioning the credentials of the Gran Senator. “I doubt anyone could have won against the Dark Lord of the Sith in his heyday, which is a worry for us all I suspect. We know the Sith have returned, but their identities are shrouded in mystery and we must be extra vigilant as a result.”

She did not expect the latest version of the head of the Sith to be seated near them, but in truth they could be.
They disembarked and moved through the crowd. Fiach seemed to have a way with her that she was never jostled and always managed to avoid bumping into anyone in crowded places. No doubt the Force at work, on a subliminal level.

She nodded at her Master’s guidance as to their destination and followed half a step behind him. She was still new to inter-stellar travel and was therefore still impressed by different scenery. Having spent 90-something per cent of her life to date on a desert planet meant that not only sights but smells were new to her. She smiled to herself, as her Master would no doubt point out how books only went so far in education. Sometimes – indeed a lot of the time – you had to experience life.

And, as such, she had little to offer in terms of the correct direction of travel. “Alas not, Master,” she replied. “I was unable to find a guide-book in the library.” Was this her own attempt at humour? Possibly.

Quite possibly.


Oren Zapan

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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The Jedi Master peered towards his student, placing a hand on her shoulder as they walked. "It can be difficult, but there are subtle signs that you can pick up on, the coldness that comes from their body and attitude," at least that's the way he had picked up on the ones he met with. Though, it was concerning if there were someone of Palpatine's genius, would they be able to realize that such a thing existed--was there one now and they simply did not realize it?

It was difficult to say, but Oren knew that no matter what happened, he would be ready to put the greater good first. His eyes peered around the various buildings, taking them in and reading their signs. "No guide books? That's a shame..I thought we had a galaxy-class library," a wide smile would form on his face as he paused towards a large dome like structure.

"It appears this may be what we're looking for." it was decorated with rows of properly trimmed trees and gardens, as well dressed Gran walked along the bricked courtyard, lost in talks and dealings. Surely this was the place that the two Jedi would find the permit requests and negotiations to restore their shrine.

He would make his way into the great hall, though it seemed the welcome words he was expecting were quickly stifled. "Outlander! Outlander.." The guards would call out as they moved to take the two of them by their arms, pulling the sabers that were clipped to their belt.

"Quarantine..them, and question them." A Sharp looking Diplomat would peer to them, "We do not need the holy wars breaking out in our peaceful settlement."

Oren knew there was no point in resisting, he simply nodded and sighed--his eyes peering towards Fiach. Sorry Kiddo, if there is one thing you'll learn, Missions never seem to go as well as you think they will in your head.

tag: @Corbeau


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Fiach listened, her mind absorbing the information and filing it away. And not just by rote, but her mind whirred away, cross-referencing what she was hearing with previous information, looking for connections and corroborations.

Her usual smile widened slightly at his reference to the library. Had she just made her first joke?

She followed her Master’s gaze and her nodding head indicated her agreement. It had the aura of a government building and if there could be a galactic template for an embassy — it would look like this.

Lowering her hood, she once more kept step with her Master, just a matter of centimetres behind him — out of deference. And as guards rushed towards them, she was amazed and bemused in equal measures as what she anticipated would be a welcoming party turned swiftly into a posse.

“Quarantine?” she whispered under her breath, so only her Master could hear. “And Holy Wars? My briefing pack was woefully inadequate it seems.”

She allowed her saber to be taken — given her Master did too — and waited to see what fate had in store for them this time.


Oren Zapan

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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Oren peered towards his student, "It's going to be okay," he'd say quietly, "Trust in the force and the situation, everything happens for some reason or another." His hands would slide around the bars of the prison cell as he tried to catch a glimpse at what was going on around them.

He could see guards moving past in hushed tones and a few of them pointing towards the Jedi behind bars. It seemed that they had gotten themselves into some sort of trouble, how bad it was, Oren did not know. "Most of the Galaxy hasn't forgotten the Clone Wars or the, The Galactic Civil War and the Rise of the First Order. The Forces of Light and Dark seem to bring great devastation when the force is brought out of balance, and we must be mindful to that Fiach."

He'd lean back as he caught the glimpse of a guard, "Sir," he'd ask, hoping that it wouldn't jeopardize whatever the situation they had, "Could you explain to us on why we're being detained?" He'd say with a soft smile, "My Padawan and I were simply looking to talk to the council and leaders of your community."

"We know who you are Jedi," the man would point towards his face, "We've seen you on the Holonews before Jedi." Though the harsh tone would soften a little, "You aren't to explain yourself to me, but to the council officials..they want to know why you're here, and why you're bringing your politics to our planet."

The Guard would quickly back up as the noblemen would approach, "You," they'd point towards Fiach, "Come with us and explain as to why you and your one eyed freak of a Father are stomping around our parts." The Guards would fall in behind her as they lead her towards a lone room away from her master.

tag: @Corbeau


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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In truth, Fiach was not overly concerned. Was it naïvety? Quite possibly. Or was it a complete faith in the Force? This was also quite probable. Or maybe it was the fact she’d seen her Master get them out of more challenging scenarios? It was, upon reflection, most likely a combination of the three.

“I am calm Master,” she said, sitting cross-legged on the floor with her eyes closed. “There is a saying on my planet, you may have heard of it. ‘Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’ I can achieve little until someone decides to visit us, so I shall spend the time usefully, connecting to the Force and meditating on what I know and what might transpire.”

She opened one eye at his comment about the Jedi. “It is disappointing that people have that viewpoint, but I can understand their logic. In recent times, Jedi can be associated with strife – regardless of which side we were on. And the Empire’s propaganda ran deep for many years and won’t easily be forgotten.”

She closed her eye as her Master talked to the guard and opened both abruptly when it was announced that she, and not Oren, would accompany the noblemen to explain their actions.

“See you later…father,” she said as she left, and was it a coincidence that her smile was a little wider than usual?

The hallways were scrupulously clean – a fact Fiach noted and approved of – although the walk was short until she was led into a large room with a very large table in it. On one side was a single chair and on the other were six, and each was occupied by a Gran. And from their clothing, she presumed they were either noblemen or diplomats. She also noted that their chairs were plush and upholstered, whereas her own was bare wood.

The guard gestured to the chair and took up a positing next to the door.

Fiach graciously bowed to the assembled Gran before taking a seat. “Padawan Fiach Dubh of the Jedi Order. How may I be of service?” Her voice was calm, soft and punctuated by her ubiquitous smile.

“Jedi,” one of the Gran said, in a tone that suggested to Fiach he was sneering at the title. “We don’t want or need your kind. You bring nothing but trouble and the last thing we want is to announce a political alliance with you.”

Fiach nodded as she listened, as was her way. Once she was sure he wasn’t going to add anything further, she spoke. “I—we,” she corrected herself, “are in no way here to suggest you either need or want us. I can assure you of that. I am…saddened,” she paused before uttering the word, as if searching for the most appropriate adjective, “that you see me as trouble. Again, I can only state that it has never been my intention to cause any. And I never interfere where I am not wanted or needed. And to address your last concern, we did not come here to initiate any dialogue to open up an alliance, political or otherwise.”

A second Gran spoke, and stood as he did so, his words were punctuated by extravagant waving of his arms and driving the fist of one hand into the palm of the other. Fiach immediately decided he must be a diplomat.

“Words. Words. I am not suggesting for one moment you are deliberately looking to deceive us, but you are young and no doubt a puppet of your leadership. You say what you are told to say, what you think we wish to hear. Actions! These are tangible proof of intention. Fighting. Killing. Mayhem. These things follow the Jedi like a Krayt Dragon follows the Bantha. And I am sure the Bantha will maintain it is peaceful, no?”

Fiach noted many nodded their heads as he spoke – he was an eloquent speaker and clearly held sway. She left a short gap after his words and closed her eyes momentarily before responding, looking to anchor herself in the Force. To remain calm and clear-headed.

“I completely understand your concerns,” she began, if anything her voice was softer than before. "I am new to the Order, that is true. But like all who learn the ways of the Force, I have access to records. Not only history documents but teachings. And one comes to mind right now. And I am paraphrasing. ‘When a Jedi behaves badly in public, an observer might think, “If this Jedi is a representative of the whole Order, then plainly no Jedi is worth respect.” On meeting a second Jedi, who behaves better than the first, that same person might think, “Does this say that half the Jedi are good, and half bad?” On meeting a third Jedi, who behaves as well as the second, the person thinks, “Was the first Jedi an exception, then?”’ Why am I saying this? Because I ask you to judge me – and my Master who currently sits in a room not far from here,” she chose not to use an emotive word like ‘cell,’ “by our behaviour. Not by anything you may have read about in a history book, or on a holovid. Jedi can be considered a generic term. I am not generic. I am a Padawan of the Jedi Order and I ask you to judge me for what I am. In terms of why I am here, it is to ask permission. Permission to resurrect a building that lies a few kilometres away from here. The purpose will be to have somewhere to stay if I, or a fellow of mine, comes to visit the planet. A place where, with your permission, anyone who is keen to understand about the Force, or my way of life, can come and ask me.”

A third Gran cleared his throat and the others looked across. There was something about his bearing that demanded respect. Fiach wondered if he was an elder statesman of the planet.

“Let us say, hypothetically, that we believe you and grant you the permissions you seek. How will you ensure the Sith do not perceive us as allies of yours and take some form of retribution on us?”

Fiach nodded, sagely. It was a fair question and one she did not feel equipped to answer. “That is something that my Master is far better placed to respond to.”


Oren Zapan

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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The Jedi Master paused for a moment as he saw Fiach exit the prison chambers, though her wording seemed to catch the man a bit off guard. Father..Was she referring to Nar Shaddaa or does she really see me as her father? The remnants of the near human's markings began to gently glow a bright red with emotion, and he would take a deep breath. "B-be brave," was all the Jedi Master was able to muster up before slumping back into his seat.

He wasn't quite sure on how long the time had passed, but he hadn't heard any yelling and he could still feel the apprentice's essence through the force, which was a good sign. His mind race a bit as he considered what she was being asked, were the questions a challenge or were they things that the two of them had discussed several times over? She was a wise young woman and the Jedi Master trusted in her instincts fully.

I believe in you Fiach.. The words would ring out through the force, hopefully it would provide her with some comfort, for the Gran men peered towards the young Padawan and shook their heads. "We want you to tell us...not your Master."
tag: @Corbeau


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Fiach’s demeanour did not change. “What I have shared to date is as much fact as I can identify and the opinion element is entirely honest. What you are asking now will drift into the subjective. So, I can definitely answer you of course, but my concern is that you will take my personal thoughts as facts, which they are not. Not that I will lie to you, or tell you what you want to hear.”

She paused and given no-one spoke up, she nodded.

“OK, so I shall share what I believe. And much of what I share is based on history. Not an isolated incident but millennia of documented evidence. The Sith do not need excuses to consider you an enemy. In fact, unless you are one of them, your are by definition, the opposition. They do not, contrary to popular belief, kill indiscriminately — but consider every being in the galaxy through the lens of what they can do for them. They don’t automatically kill the weak, because the weak make good slaves. They have no allies, not really. They use people and governments to their own ends.”

“The question should not be, how can you distance yourself from the Jedi — in the hope of remaining unmolested by the Sith — but rather, how can you help oppose them before they overrun the galaxy and subjugate you. Do the lessons of the Empire and First Order not resonate with you?”

Was it challenging and controversial? Possibly. But it was also entirely honest.


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The local leaders peered towards each other for a few moments, before looking back towards the amethyst eyed girl, who had begun to speak on the traditions of the Sith. Most of what she said seemed to be mere rumors, and they quite remembered the teachings of their great ancestors, that the Empire wasn't as bad as it sounded for their people at least. They knew of the governors, but knew nothing of the Emperor or Darth Vader, but this First Order had seemed tyrannical, but yet again far away from their planet.

But, they knew the horrors of Hosnian Prime, and they had lost some of their own in the attack, this Jedi claimed that it was an attack from the Sith, and they started to wonder if it might be true, but years of propaganda against the Jedi deemed that this was too difficult of a task to simply accept the Jedi themselves, at least right away. "We have seen the Holo-News, about that man claiming to some Eternal, The seemed to be fairy tells, but I considered the Jedi to be ones too and you and that one eyed man are standing before me."

The head of the local government paused for a moment, "Our people are peaceful, we have little in the way of stopping this Sith ourselves, we would be destroyed most likely if such a thing as the Hosnian destruction came to our planet's atmosphere...But, tell me, how do you Jedi..believe that you can help us, what will this structure provide for us, that will keep us safe?"

tag: @Corbeau


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Fiach took a deep breath. The fate of Jedi-Gran relations may well be on her young shoulders. She momentarily closed her eyes and connected to the Force, slowing her breathing and calming herself down.

“I too have seen the news. Can I say with absolute conviction that man is a Sith? I cannot. Nor am I asking you to believe he is. That is for you to decide, based upon as much evidence as you can muster. I was, before I joined the Jedi Order, a fixer. I repaired things. Hearsay was irrelevant to me. I dealt with facts and logic — and still do. I could prove the Force exists if it would help my cause, but I do not dabble in parlour magic. The Jedi exist and so do the Sith.”

“But I repeat, I do not wish you to join against them, that is for you to decide in the fulness of time. All I came to ask was to repair an old building that was once a home to the Jedi…here. It’s existence alone should demonstrate what I say is not a fairy-tale. Again, if you wish to visit it, to verify my story, please do.”

“The structure, in and of itself, will not protect you. But allowing us to restore it will demonstrate your good-will towards us. And Jedi will never turn their back on anyone who asks for help - and we are sworn to oppose the Dark side of the Force. If you need us, we will come. Can I promise safety?” She shook her head. “Such a thing is beyond hope and guesswork. But I can promise that every Jedi would lay their lives down to keep you and your people free from Sith tyranny.”


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The two Gran leaders peered towards each other as they considered her words, some dinky little shrine seemed like a lot of work to restore, and could bring trouble with the amount of people mingling about on the planet. Sure, it was an old building, but it was the Jedi's old building, and that's what concerned them.

"Perhaps we could tax the Jedi for having a property on our planet?" One of the senators said, his black round eyes blinking a bit as he turned towards his counterpart.

"Is" He tilted his head a bit, considering the options, "Jedi aren't known for having credits Senator O'rja," the other man responded with a chuckle as he peered towards the girl, "This one is just a child, do you think she will be able to pay? I am open to you restoring your little shrine, if the Sith are going to rise through the galaxy, we will need your help in the future..I am sure."

The man would place his hands on the table, "Please, do tell me what you're considering, what is the construction process going to be? How many people do you expect to be in your temple at a time..who will manage it, how will it help the local community, will it provide hospitality to the poor and the homeless?" He'd say in a serious tone. "Please..share with us."

tag: @Corbeau


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Fiach knew well enough hen to speak and when to listen. Unless they raised objections, she would await a question before speaking.

Clearly the group were divided – which was to be expected. But their reticence was at least diminishing and so she had to, in her own mind, stick to the truth, not overpromise and allow them to come to the right decision. Logic was on her side, and maybe the Force too, but that was not always enough – at least in her experience.

She did not react to being talked about as if she weren’t present and simply sat, hands on knees, awaiting her prompt to speak.

Finally, she was asked a direct question.

“The history books are somewhat sketchy about what went before, but that is possibly irrelevant. The building is on your planet and whatever we do will be done with your blessing. So, if you are asking me what I would like to happen…”

She took a few moments and scanned the faces opposite her slowly, ensuring she had their full attention.

“The Jedi Wayshrine was considered a minor temple and was essentially a place of rest. Which is predominantly what I expect it would become again with your permission. Much of the shrine, I believe, is below ground with, once renovated, an exterior stone courtyard, ringed by a number of carved stone monoliths.”

“Inside we would no doubt look to use it for meetings, meditation and training. It could, in theory be used by any group who needed a place to meet. There would also need to be some beds and a place to eat. It’s design would be austere and simplistic. It would be home to only a few Jedi. Indeed, it may just be used as a resting place.”

“The restoration would could be carried out by a few Jedi, but if you wished us to engage local people, we would be delighted to offer them the opportunity to learn their craft on this project. We are not, as you have surmised, rich. I have no worldly goods…no credits. For I do not need them. That is the Jedi way. But we can offer training – in subjects such as astronomy and astronavigation. And we can share what we know of other planets, make introductions if that would be helpful.”

“And we would be delighted to offer shelter for those that need it, until they can locate a more permanent place.”
