What are your favourite video games


Back from the dead
SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2013
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Oh boy a video game thread! Oof, I could write for an hour just listing games I've fallen in love with. I started out very young on the PC, moved to Xbox when it came out, stuck with Xbox through the 360 days. Built a gaming PC a few months after the Xbox One released, so I've played a handful of newest generation games but not much. I play exclusively on the PC now, only occasionally breaking out my 360 for nostalgic reasons.

Recently I've been playing Rainbow Six: Siege nonstop, it's pretty much the only mulitplayer game I'm currently active in. Semi destructible environment, fast paced yet strategy based game play, decent amount of maps and operators that can fit any playstyle. It's pretty great, DON'T BUY THE STARTER EDITION. I loved the older Rainbow games, been playing them as long as they have been making them, but the PvE was always the draw and the slow cover based combat was the norm. Admittedly Siege is a terrible Rainbow Six game, but it is in my opinion one of the best first person shooters on the market.

RPGs have taken many hours of my life. Mass Effect is by far my favorite RPG series, but I've put a fair amount of time into TES: Oblivion and several hundred hours into Skyrim. I never got into the older Fallout games, the clunky gun mechanics were a bit of a turn off since I was mostly a FPS junky but Fallout 4 I picked up on a whim from redbox right after it came out and oh my god I spent about 2 months straight playing it exclusively. I particularly like how all the junk in the game can be reduced to useful components, and collecting every suit of power armor. Tomb Raider 2013 was a lot of fun, I'm dragging myself through Dark Souls right now, it's fun but tedious at times. Currently gearing up for playing through The Witcher, I've put it off because I know it will consume all of my free time and I did not have much of it this semester.

Strategy games hold a special place in my heart, I started off with Halo Wars, bought it being a huge Halo fan but had never played a RTS and did not know what I was getting into. Turns out I LOVE strategy games. Sins of a Solar Empire, Star Wars: Empire at War, Warhammer 40K, Company of Heroes, Total War, Endless Legend, Civilization V, and XCOM are favorites there.

I used to play shooter games almost exclusively, I was a die hard Halo fan all the way through Reach (was ranked Gold in the Arena, fight me), I barely played 4 and haven't touched 5. They definitely lost me with the new games. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) is still to this day my favorite game of all time, I played a fair amount of Call of Duty up until Modern Warfare 3. I played the first Titanfall extensively, got very very good at it but of course the community died pretty fast. There was a Capcom game called Lost Planet: Extreme Condition followed up by Lost Planet 2 and a third game I never played, but the first 2 were great fun albeit very different games from each other. Metro 2033 and Last Light are fantastic and I would recommend them to anyone who likes FPS games.

Handful of other games I didn't touch on: DayZ, 7 Days to Die, (and numerous other small title survival games, I'm a huge sucker for resource and inventory management), Dying Light, Shadow of Mordor, Dead Space 2. I played a couple of MMO's for a short time but I find they either lack gameplay depth or story depth and I've been thoroughly spoiled. Puzzle games like Portal are fun but I don't seek them out, horror games I have a similar stance on. Fighting games are fun but I am absolute trash at them.

TL;DR, I like a lot of games, talk to me about any of them! Yes I realize this was supposed to be a favorites thread, but considering this is barely scratching the surface of the amount of games I've played I'd count all of these as genera favorites.


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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Hearts of Iron 4, Battlefront, Rainbow Six Siege, Payday 2, and there's a long list.

Right now I just play League of Legends because my computer is a late 2009 iMac and that's the only game it can still consistently run (not without hiccups)


Back from the dead
SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2013
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Right now I just play League of Legends because my computer is a late 2009 iMac and that's the only game it can still consistently run (not without hiccups)

That's got to be League's biggest selling point, almost any computer can run it so it's easy to drag friends into


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2013
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Fallout Series
Dishonored 1-2
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1-2
Total War: Warhammer 1-2
Bioshock Series
Super Mario 1-2-3

Bunch of others I'm sure to recall later.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2017
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Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Bomber man, Streets of Rage 1+2 etc. Gotta love that Sega Mega drive..

Why do I suddenly feel like an old fuddy duddy standing in a room with a bunch of teenage kids glaring at me and wondering what I'm doing here?.. :(


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2013
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I'm honestly surprised no one's mentioned Homeworld 1, Cataclysm, Homeworld 2 or the Command and Conquer series. I'd suggest checking them all out. They're quite fun for strategy games. There is also the Black & White series of god games to.


Jedi Exile
SWRP Writer
Dec 27, 2017
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Witcher 3.

Those who haven't played it, I think you should.


SWRP Writer
Jun 2, 2017
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That's a hard question. There are just too many games I love to death from the late 90s and early 2000s. The one game that I enjoyed the most in the last few years was Witcher 3 though.


The guy with very little faith in his characters
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2018
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