Recent content by Akalenedat

  1. Akalenedat

    Open Mandalore The Moot

    With the loss of both Casany and Srucayr, Kell simply sat silently to ponder for a few moments. Casany was a proven warrior, but wouldn't she stay to further discuss the things she promised. Kell assumed everyone had agreed with the words she spoke, but now he was wondering if she was thinking...
  2. Akalenedat

    Ask No Time to Die | Ord Mantell

    This whole mission was going to shit and Akalenedat was not going to have it! The ongoing situation made it appear that Kell was to go after Maifus to assist Zad. So that was exactly what he did. While Trench admirably went to defend the civilians, maybe Adenn would find the strength in him to...
  3. Akalenedat

    Ask No Time to Die | Ord Mantell

    Kell's Lucky-Gut-Instinct buzzed, but it was too late for the Ranger to react. The Barabel grabbed him and threw him off of Viper, snarling and gnashing it's nasty teeth. <"You want to dance, hot stuff?"> Kell grumbled in his native language as he picked himself up, unclipped his grenade...
  4. Akalenedat

    Open Mandalore The Moot

    After hearing Kotii's words, Kell felt his fists tighten as his emotions raised. However, Casany Praxor, Reiel Crowholde, and Arthos Vizsla's words somewhat calmed the giant Mando. This ordeal reminded Kell of how badly they needed a leader. Though his emotions were high, the Ranger needed to...
  5. Akalenedat

    Ask No Time to Die | Ord Mantell

    Akalenedat was surprised to hear how fast everything was going. Adenn and Zad seemed to spook a couple of Black Sun's operatives that Kell had never heard of before, but kept on their tail nonetheless. These thugs were no match for Kell's abilities as a warrior- especially now that he was with...
  6. Akalenedat

    Ask Die Another Day | Ord Mantell

    The small gathering of both of Kell's birth Clans did bring the same relieved feeling that he assumed he was supposed to feel. His Lucky-Gut-Instinct told him something was off and that he needed to bring weapons contrary to the invitation he received. It also appeared that Srucayr had been...
  7. Akalenedat

    Ask No Time to Die | Ord Mantell

    The Diamond Eye Casino shimmered before the motely trio led by Sector Ranger Akalenedat. Behind him was Zad Ruzed, a ferocious gunslinger with quite the reputation going for him among the Sector Rangers. Then there was Adenn Rytt, a fellow Mandalorian and a well spoken one at that. Kell heard...
  8. Akalenedat

    Open Mandalore The Moot

    Kell returned the bow Arthos gave him out of respect. It had been a while since the Ranger had met another Vizsla and looked at his brother in arms with great pride and revelry. The fire burning inside Kell was immense and powerful- and nothing would stop that light from shining. "Then I shall...
  9. Akalenedat

    Open Mandalore The Moot

    After the Crucible landed and Kell set out to great his fellow Mandalorians who gathered at such a place of honor and valor. The Moot was as glorious as it always was and Akalenedat was proud of his culture and heritage. The first person Kell recognized was Srucayr! His excitement only spiked as...
  10. Akalenedat

    Open Corellia The Thin Green Line

    This gorgeous woman was about to put Kell in tears- how her past had shook her to her core! How she dared to live with it and strike on as a true and most noble warrior! What a protector Kell stood next to today! "I understand." Kell said solemnly to the Lt. after her brief statement about the...
  11. Akalenedat

    Open Testify Princess!

    So the Pykes want to dance with us tonight? Kell chuckled at the thought. He didn't want a fight to break out now as he wasn't garbed in his glorious armor, but if a fight came, a fight came. Kell would still hopefully, most likely win. But a brawl in a bar was not the goal of the mission. They...
  12. Akalenedat

    Open Corellia The Thin Green Line

    "My apologies, Ranger!" Akalenedat chuckled after the lurker exposed himself to the others. "I thought you were simply a creep. I meant no harm by it! Sometimes my Lucky-Gut-Instinct goes berserk and I have no choice but to listen." He explained with another hearty laugh following those remarks...
  13. Akalenedat

    Open Corellia The Thin Green Line

    "HA HA HA HAAAA!" Bellowed Kell after Gram had explained how Akalenedat sent the whole building to sunder. "Let the infected come! I'll let up! They'll know a swift defeat like no other." Kell challenged, and of course he didn't really want them to come crawling into this homely establishment of...
  14. Akalenedat

    Open Lothal Looking For Rangers

    The detective was asking if his people...? The Mandalorians or the Sector Rangers? As a Mando, he would do the work for both payment and justice, but as a Sector Ranger he'd do the work for justice...and payment. Alright! This was going to be fun. "Yes of course, Ma'am! Tell me who needs a...
  15. Akalenedat

    Open [Savareen] Where There's A Key...

    "DAMNIT." Bellowed Kell as he jumped out of his ship manned by his droid, Cleaver, and took to the skies on his jetpack, landing with the group of fellow Mandalorians as they began their siege of the mountain. "I'm late! Blast...Now I feel terrible!!" Akalenedat rushed one of the sentry droids...