Recent content by -B-

  1. -B-

    [JEDI MISSION] Trials of Men

    Kol nodded sagely at the appropriate points of interest, the gears (or as he preferred to think about them, circuits) of his mind whirring away at possibilities, probabilities and things that needed doing. Legal bulletins, police blotters, any sort of social announcement with Crolley, his...
  2. -B-

    Taking a breath

    The warmth spread through his knee first, like a steaming raindrop had fallen from the ruined sky of Anoth to heal him. It then spread, like the inside of his knee was being filled with warm, yet not too hot, viscous liquid that zeroed in on the muscles of his knee, before disappearing, taking...
  3. -B-

    [JEDI MISSION] Trials of Men

    He was running lately, quite literally. Long, powerful legs pushed forward and propelled Kol Davram, Padawan, toward the tidy, orderly hangar bay. He had a very tightly packed rucksack slung over one shoulder: few clothes, mostly obscure, arcane computing engines with four modern-yet-modified...
  4. -B-

    Your Favorite Comedian

    I'm a big fan of Anthony Jeselnik and Louis C.K.
  5. -B-

    Taking a breath

    Kol flicked his eyes between the two warily as he raised and lowered his leg skrit-thump. He made a dismissive gesture with his hand towards the elder Jedi, scuttling slowly but surely across the garden to a raised stone bench, not yet touched by the soft caress of age. It was a testament to the...
  6. -B-

    Pokemon Profile Month

    We're just Alaka-friends then. :D
  7. -B-

    Pokemon Profile Month

    Am I doing this right?
  8. -B-

    Oh that's way cool about the BB code. I'll see about rectifying that. As to the Trials, that'd...

    Oh that's way cool about the BB code. I'll see about rectifying that. As to the Trials, that'd be very cool and I'd be excited about the prospect. I think I'll see about some missions firstly, perhaps after some training and general socialization.
  9. -B-

    Taking a breath

    Skrit-thump. Skrit-thump. Skrit-thump. The sound, stilted and uneven, echoed quietly throughout the halls of the Hidden Temple of the Jedi on Anoth. There was little other noise: the gentle hum of overhead lighting for those who could hear it. For those adepts of the Force who walked the...
  10. -B-

    Kol Davram

    You know, that last analogy has made it perfectly clear for me.
  11. -B-

    Kol Davram

    I appreciate the comments, though, and I'll definitely make it so we interact! Cheers, man! Hmm. I may really look into that then. They're terrible interesting, and I could use Kol's athleticism for Caesitas and eventually his large stature for Erythros.
  12. -B-

    Kol Davram

    I'm glad you dug it. Here are some responses. The 5'9" was a holdover from...something else. If I could draw your attention to the vital statistics table, the height's been changed to 1.91 meters, or 6'3"ish, which is a bit more of an appropriate height. I will definitely check out your...
  13. -B-

    Kol Davram

    There's still some details to add and expand upon, but I got to a point where I was satisfied with it. All the major bangs and whistles are there, just a couple of things to flesh out further.
  14. -B-

    Oh right on. I was going on an average system, but I'll definitely have a look at that real...

    Oh right on. I was going on an average system, but I'll definitely have a look at that real quick like. I've got small write-up blurbs for the Force abilities, but held back on putting them in. I may change that.
  15. -B-

    Jedi Sign Up Thread (NOT DOTR)

    Character's name: Kol Davram Link to their profile: Your desired rank: Padawan