Recent content by Brayden Kore

  1. Brayden Kore

    United States Presidential Election, 2016

    I personally don't understand racism. The thought that a meatbag is better than another meatbag, because the color of the bag is different doesn't compute to me. We're all meatbags, in my eyes. It'll baffle me until the day I die, that people think race matters. The idea that man needs an enemy...
  2. Brayden Kore

    United States Presidential Election, 2016

    Well to take it to a serious level. I'd start by making violent gangs illegal, because they are comparable to domestic terrorism. They kill, threaten, rape, sell drugs, use illegal firearms, and generally harass the public in pretty much all ways. I'd add an extra bit of protect though, by...
  3. Brayden Kore

    United States Presidential Election, 2016

    You forget another thing that makes Gang Culture so easy to manipulate, "Do this or i'll put a cap in you and your family." The only societal racism structure I ever see is White Guilt. Again this is me saying that's all I've personally seen. Other than that? Honestly I've never seen racism of...
  4. Brayden Kore

    United States Presidential Election, 2016

    It probably is a terrible idea. But to be honest I'm sick and tired of people in my country that I love so very much and everything it should stand for, being insulted by people abusing that freedom people have died for, to just kill each other over drugs and 'arbitrary' territory that they...
  5. Brayden Kore

    United States Presidential Election, 2016

    Personally, I'd honestly just wage a war against violent gangs. They're more often then not no better then terrorists. Looking at you Chicago. And fear of death will fix a lot of things. I recall a country in the 40's that after losing 45,000 people in literally a couple of seconds never wanting...
  6. Brayden Kore

    United States Presidential Election, 2016

    Actually historically, open immigration with no background checks is the worst idea in the history of a world with a ton of bad ideas. I think everyone should have the opportunity to come to our country, I really do. It's not the best country in the world anymore, but it can be, immigration...
  7. Brayden Kore

    Tython Clash - Round 1 - Fight 1

    The speed of which Brayden was pushing himself, was causing little clouds of dust to be left in the wake of where each step had previously been. Despite his incredible stamina both physically and mentally he was beginning to tire from his continuous uses of force style tactics, especially...
  8. Brayden Kore

    Tython Clash - Round 1 - Fight 1

    Having had enough of the Padawan's constant reversals of every single attack he delivered, as soon as he landed he didn't even give the inexperienced dual wielder a chance to counter swing because the moment he landed he threw his hand forward in an extremely violent and harsh force push...
  9. Brayden Kore

    Tython Clash - Round 1 - Fight 1

    Brayden knew of the chance that his front flip induced dual slash was unlikely to make contact due to it's obvious nature of attack, but it was meant more to set up for a countered blow, one he would be unable to continue thanks to the quick reflexes of Rhonan who after his umbrella like block...
  10. Brayden Kore

    Tython Clash - Round 1 - Fight 1

    Despite his two handed assault, Rhonan had for the most part been relatively able to keep up with his strikes some how, despite the gap of experience. This did not deter Brayden however, even after the Padawan had extended his claws, since his hand to hand skills seemed to be rudimentary at...
  11. Brayden Kore

    Tython Clash - Round 1 - Fight 1

    Having equalized the force of the scream was a simple task in and of itself however what had not occurred to Brayden was the sound itself, as he'd not encountered that kind of attack in many years, so his ears were the unfortunate conduits for the immense sound that rang through, causing a...
  12. Brayden Kore

    Post Your First Name Version 3.0

    B-Rad. Brad. Bradley. Any or all of those. Basically the best name ever. I mean look at the company I'm in. Brad Pitt. Bradley Cooper. Brad Paisley. Brad Dourif. Brad Garrett. Brad Bird. Brad Maddox. I mean the list goes on.
  13. Brayden Kore

    Tython Clash - Round 1 - Fight 1

    A cold fury began to enter into the body of Brayden as he took the brunt of the kick but continued with his push off separating the two of them, but quite obviously the Cathar took the victory of that skirmish, but he'd likely find him asking himself if it was worth it. "You don't want me to...
  14. Brayden Kore

    senate vote on jedi order

    Actually with our generation of Jedi. I say we do exactly what they want. Leave them to their own devices and we do ours. Evolve from a Jedi 'people' to a Jedi Civilization. Where instead of just the force sensitives we bring the families of the force sensitives. Create our own economy based on...
  15. Brayden Kore

    I think I've decided on my second character. Going to be a Republic soldier. Was going to be an...

    I think I've decided on my second character. Going to be a Republic soldier. Was going to be an ADI soldier. But Republic needs help lol.