Recent content by Burkhart Kelborn

  1. Burkhart Kelborn

    Echoes of an Old Life

    ______________ The rotary repeater came to a slow. The audible wined down of all six smoking barrels signaled the retreat of the Red Skull gangsters. For some reason he remembered them being tougher. Then again, the last time he had gone up against the Red...
  2. Burkhart Kelborn

    Echoes of an Old Life

    ______________ The Kelborn clan was known for their more covert methods of operation. They stalked battlefields and hid in the shadows more than any other clan. But sometimes to get the job done you did not have to be quiet and in that case Burkhart enjoyed his time...
  3. Burkhart Kelborn

    Echoes of an Old Life

    ______________ Burkhart stayed put and readied his weapon for the inevitable fire fight to break out. Leandros repositioned himself so that the two of them combined would be more effective. The War Councilor instigated the attack and before the trio he fired on had time...
  4. Burkhart Kelborn

    Echoes of an Old Life

    ______________ The got closer to where they were intending on assaulting the rest of these thugs to take the mask back. Burkhart came to a stop. His well oiled vehicle making a faint thrum as he drifted the last bit in neutral and letting it come to a stop when the...
  5. Burkhart Kelborn

    [Atlas] Giving It A Shot - Social

    ♣ THEME ♣ His boot left an imprint in the dirt, deep ones. He stowed the lightsaber he had been ready to use earlier leaving him with just his renegade blaster pistol. Burkhart's hand gripped what was left of the door frame with his right hand. It crumbled partially and he could feel the heat...
  6. Burkhart Kelborn

    [Atlas] A Cat, A Dog, and A Badger Exit a Bar...

    ______________ This was the second time Leandros somehow did something he should not have been able to do. But it was not like Burkhart could object to the gods and say it was unrealistic. His fragmentation grenade chucked at Leandros still cluncked hard...
  7. Burkhart Kelborn

    [Atlas] A Cat, A Dog, and A Badger Exit a Bar...

    ______________ He was ready for Leandros to charge him, to swing at him, anything. But the man stayed there looking back at him, the posture of his body saying he was staring daggers at him. One tended to get that sort of thing when such a significant portion of...
  8. Burkhart Kelborn

    Echoes of an Old Life

    ______________ "A lot ov Red Skulls are about ta meet ma red right hand. These chakaar won't know what hit'em" He said in calm amusement. Leandros was taking the lead but Burkhart was ridding in his black and orange SS-44 bident. He had more to carry and was a bigger...
  9. Burkhart Kelborn

    Opportune Endeavors

    ♣ TRACK ♣ He stared out the window, his yellow canine eyes reflecting back slightly. Burkhart was not focused on his own image though. Instead he was staring at Contruum Prime from orbit in his space station. He thought about how he had been the mandalorian representative for Contruum and had...
  10. Burkhart Kelborn

    [Atlas] A Cat, A Dog, and A Badger Exit a Bar...

    ______________ Leandros came through the window and somehow managed to twist his body to avoid the grenade impacting directly on him. Osik The man slammed into him. But the War Councilor was not the only one. He felt the weight and tug of Revy as she...
  11. Burkhart Kelborn


    Burkhart joined in with the cheering. "For mandalore!" He had heard the speech from Leandros. But he cheered again when he heard Revy speak. "OYA" He bellowed as he stood out among the crowd. Burkhart had arrived shortly after the two War Councilors stopped whatever it had been they had been...
  12. Burkhart Kelborn

    Red Skulls, Golden Masks

    ______________ The sound of a springkler going off, the crackle of burning materials, and the voice of Leandros was all that Burkhart heard. He made sure his weapons were reloaded knowing that most if not all the gangsters were dead. He sighed, then coughed as some of the...
  13. Burkhart Kelborn

    [Atlas] A Cat, A Dog, and A Badger Exit a Bar...

    ______________ ♣TRACK♣ He flew backwards through the window just as planned. What happened once he was through was not planned as he collided with one of his own clan. In his hand he had the adhesive grenade still but he had yet to release it. His grip held it tight...
  14. Burkhart Kelborn

    [Atlas] Giving It A Shot - Social

    ______________ ♣TRACK♣ He flew backwards through the window just as planned. What happened once he was through was not planned as he collided with one of his own clan. In his hand he had the adhesive grenade still but he had yet to release it. His grip held it tight to...
  15. Burkhart Kelborn

    [Atlas] Giving It A Shot - Social

    ______________ He was looking at Aadya when he noticed from across the table a man stand up and look around. His face and figure was more than familiar. It was the War Councilor Leandros. His sad looking mug was ingrained in his mind like a...