Recent content by D-Mike

  1. D-Mike

    Jedi Sign-up thread

    Name: Damiquel Link To Profile Desired Rank: Padawan
  2. D-Mike


    This isn't finished. NAME: Damiquel Evericon FACTION: New Jedi Order RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Human AGE: 16 GENDER: Male FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes CREDITS: 1,000 COMPOSITION AND APPEARANCE: Damiquel stands at 4' 11", just above the height at which one qualifies as a midget. His body is proportionate...
  3. D-Mike


    Now cake... I ****s with some cake, fries and shakes.
  4. D-Mike


    Thanks, but I don't do brownies.
  5. D-Mike


    Oh, thankers. EDIT: I finished the muffins. They were mediocre at best. Where do I return the basket?
  6. D-Mike


    Soooooo no muffins, I'm guessing.
  7. D-Mike


    I'm D-Mike, and quite frankly, I'm the shit. No really, I am. So do I get a commemorative muffin basket or something?