Recent content by Emphyria Thornclair

  1. Emphyria Thornclair

    Ask ASoIaF: Wedding Knight

    Emphyria had spent the days leading up to the wedding buried in the preparations - dedicating herself entirely to the task and painstakingly overseeing things down to the minute detail. Much to her surprise and something she’d sooner fling herself off the castle walls rather than admit, Ayva had...
  2. Emphyria Thornclair

    Ask ASoIaF: Wedding Knight

    “I’m quite sure he will,” Emphyria said with a small smile, her piercing blue eyes lingering on her husband in what could only be interpreted as a clear warning if that proved not to be the case. Luckily, the combined ire of both his wife and sister seemed enough to get Daros to capitulate and...
  3. Emphyria Thornclair

    Ask ASoIaF: Wedding Knight

    The announcement was read out for all of those assembled, and Emphyria allowed herself to recline ever-so-slightly within her chair. The noblewoman kept her icy blue eyes fixed onto the center of the table, silent all but for the rhythmic drumming of her index finger against the wooden surface...