Recent content by Garr Thanewulf

  1. Garr Thanewulf

    Open Blue Milk & Broken Jaws

    Garr's smile widened when he saw not one, but two Mandalorians standing near the entrance of the establishment. He turned to the bartender who was currently cleaning a tumbler with a cloth and set down a handful of credit chips in front of him. "Tell the Mandalorians their first round of drinks...
  2. Garr Thanewulf

    Open Blue Milk & Broken Jaws

    A trip back to Eriadu from Jabiim along the Triellus Trade Route had brought one Garr Thanewulf into the dank confines of Junkfort Station. He could never say no to a cheap drink and a (mostly) soft bed, especially after several hours of being stuffed in a transport with mothers and their...