Recent content by Hobbes

  1. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    {Shigrim is a voice inside Matzu's head} Matzu attempt to run was a failure. The dark jedi sped up and got his lightsaber out. Matzu fell a effect of the dark jedi's force push. He fell in the sand of tatooine. He could tell either soon he would die of the dark jedi's lightsaber or he would be...
  2. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    Matzu waved the lightsaber around double checking that it was a lightsaber it's green light excited him. Shigrim directed Matzu to a grenade Alexandria had next to her corpse. Thomas' shot hit him in the chest. Matzu pulled the pin out of the grenade and threw it at Thomas to kill him. The...
  3. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    Damn a slice on the kneecap good sized caught but above the kneecap so it wouldn't effect walking. He grabbed the metal object which had been near Alexandria's body he held it up to the investigator's head and prayed this was a lightsaber. He found the ignition switch and pulled it he closed his...
  4. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    Matzu's swing with his sword had been useless but he didn't mind his throwing knife had injured the gunman. The man had been injured now his only weapon was Matzu's throwing knife. The man tried to strike Matzu with the knife but Matzu took another step back and Matzu tried to disarm the man...
  5. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    OOC: Sorry about not waiting up and I thought I saw somewheres a post saying Koran had his lightsaber dangling from his belt and visible but I guess not. IC: Matzu listened to the fallen jedi's words. He had trouble breathe when the Dark jedi choked him. Then the man pushed him against a wall...
  6. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    Matzu rolled out of the way of the blaster shots. He moved out of the way of the crumbling ceiling. His eyes glowed dark red he wasn't running on thought or common sense. It wasn't smart to bring a knife to a gunfighter but now with Matzu's eyes dark red and him fall of anger he said "I'm not...
  7. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    "Your damn robes and lightsaber made me think your a jedi I never seen a fallen jedi" Matzu took a deep breathe still holding the sword. "Your darkside powers or the dark side limiting myself to it only weakens me." Matzu was angered while Alexandria was questioning everyone. Matzu still had the...
  8. H

    A religon we can all go "WTF" to...

    Sadly I think 80% of the girls at my school have converted from Christianity to this.
  9. H

    Class You're Most Likely to Play?

    I'm almost 100% Sure I'm gonna be a sith
  10. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    "I'm guessing you aren't a jedi" Matzu said to Koran. The gunman appeared to have shot at Matzu but he didn't have much success cause Koran used the force to protect Matzu. He picked the sword back up. Alexandria turned the corner and rushed for Matzu he was standing between Matzu and the...
  11. H

    Three days later(Invite MechisIII crew)

    Thaedracy had gotten a red lightsaber crystal and placed it inside his lightsaber hilt changing the color of it. Thaedracy had his dark jedi robes on concealing the lightweight armor he was wearing. Underneath his gray cloak he had his other secret weapon a red lightsaber he had looted off some...
  12. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    Shigrim the voice in Matzu's head was urging Matzu to kill the fallen jedi infront of the gunman. Matzu wouldn't dare cause he knew that the fallen man could easily chopped Matzu in half with the simple swing of a lightsaber not to mention the gunman and the other invisible fallen jedi. Matzu...
  13. H

    The Antarean Imperium

    What Iraq have nuclear bombs or a child with 35lbs of C4 on his body Iraq might not have any nukes now but they have had nuclear bombs before and the child actually existed they caught him before he detonated the bombs and the soldiers at the base got a extra 35lb of C4 added to their armory.
  14. H

    The Antarean Imperium

    I think that is the end of this argument.
  15. H

    Sand tombs & beasts

    Matzu had heard the man he was standing on mentioned being a fallen jedi. Noone seemed to notice Matzu's voice and the fallen jedi said something about a higher rank being somewheres around cloaked. Matzu hide in the darkness and held his breathe. For now his new hiding place he couldn't be seen...