Recent content by Ke Eoto

  1. Ke Eoto

    Ask The Crossing Of Paths

    The alien wasn't idle at the pirate table, nor did it seem like he was there on a purely social call as he stopped the informant shortly when the criminal attempted to get into some prolonged anecdote about his most recent raids. The alien whispered something out curtly which caused the pirate...
  2. Ke Eoto

    Ask The Crossing Of Paths

    It seemed that everything was going to go according to Venara's plan, more or less at least, and the job would be no stranger than any other. A tall, slender shadow crossed over the windows of the bar, heralding an arrival of a new patron before the door to the establishment hissed and slid...
  3. Ke Eoto

    Ask Off Grid

    @Raydo, @Graffius, Andara, It was a rather peaceful planet of mountains, forests, lakes, and all that rugged greenery that many humans often enjoyed looking upon. Although to Ke Eoto, it was not a sight that was equivalent to an idyllic paradise. While he did not mind the terrains and sights...
  4. Ke Eoto

    Ask The Crossing Of Paths

    @Tenagra, Outer Rim, Unknown Planet, Gravel and coarse vegetation cracked under his feet as Ke Eoto made his way over the grim landscape of a barren and ashen world. He was sent to the forgotten planet in the Outer Rim on his first solo assignment, no master or higher ranking Jedi around to...
  5. Ke Eoto

    Ask Ajan Kloss Aggressive Meditation

    "I did not meen that there is no Dark, just that it's not as simple as some belieeve." The Blood Carver croaked out as he watched Giran line up a shot, "It is less tied just to moraa-lity but also to corrup-tion of the Force. Like Izel said, Jedi use of the Force is sub-tle and restraa-ined as...
  6. Ke Eoto

    Open Ajan Kloss Black Tidings

    The Padawan stayed silent throughout the discussion, listening to the various arguments and calls for which path to take in the near future. He did not went to take a communication chip however, knowing that Vayla already got one and that he wouldn't really know what to do with one anyway. It...
  7. Ke Eoto

    Open Ajan Kloss The Best of Us

    @Die Shize When Vayla came to join the discussion, or at the very least made her presence known, Ke Eoto turned his head slightly to her, inclining it to greet his master with a subtle nod before diverting his attention to the discussion at hand once more. He remained silent, collected...
  8. Ke Eoto

    Ask An Exercise in Trust. [Hishyim]

    @Die Shize, @Grifter, "Our recoords show that once the Aancient Repuublic and Jedi Oorder worked together cloosely. Although I do not belieeve we should return fully to these daays, I believee that our Ordeer is ready to be more activee in helping the planets bound by Pax Gaalaa-ctica of Free...
  9. Ke Eoto

    Ask Ajan Kloss A First for Both

    At Vayla's question about the Bounty Hunters, the padawan gave her a nod of affirmation, "I seek to walk upon the path of a Seen-tinel once I reach my kniight-hood, the waywaard path of a knight erraant, a Jedi inqui-sitor and investi-gator. I expect to work ofteen in company or bounty...
  10. Ke Eoto

    Open Ajan Kloss The Best of Us

    @Charndley, @Algarus To be honest, while Ke Eoto enjoyed these meetings at first and seeing so many Jedi gathered in one spot to confer and discuss the future of their ancient Order with each other, he was quickly growing tired of them. However, once he heard of Nara's uproar, he made point to...
  11. Ke Eoto

    Ask Ajan Kloss Aggressive Meditation

    @TRook, @Reyn, The Blood Carver gave out a quiet rumble as Giran spoke while he gave off a series off cracking shots with the rifle, "Is alriight, is good to just say what comees to mind. My kind forsakens it really. I do not likee the terms 'light side' and 'daark side' though. Is...
  12. Ke Eoto

    Ask An Exercise in Trust. [Hishyim]

    @Grifter, @Die Shize, Only a subtle turn of Ke Eoto's face hidden behind a helm would betray that he would glance back to Vayla beneath the mask when she looked to him. Even a Padawan could sense the unease emanating off of Leon, although he felt no malice in the man, at least not on the...
  13. Ke Eoto

    Ask The Invention of Life

    @Die Shize, @Charndley, @Turtleneck, Was about to volunteer to be the first one to step into the murk, on the account of his physiology probably being helpful in the scenario due to his long, thin legs like stilts, when Nara volunteered herself off instead. They all watched her make the trek...
  14. Ke Eoto

    Ask An Exercise in Trust. [Hishyim]

    It became pretty clear that the Blood Carver was picking up on Vayla's nervousness as he croaked out, "You seem more anxioos than I am." As she stood up from her chair and Ke Eoto followed in suite, pushing himself up to stand and follow behind, "I sense no distur-bance, I trust in what is to...
  15. Ke Eoto

    Ask Ajan Kloss Aggressive Meditation

    Ke Eoto gave Giran an encouraging nod when the other Padawan showed to be eager to give the weapon a try. While he was handling it, the Blood Carver went aside and unslung his sheathed vibrosword from his side, allowing it to rest propped up by the tree as another crack of a cycler shot rang out...