Recent content by K'ed Lors

  1. K'ed Lors

    New Friends...

    Thinks certainly where hotting up, and K'ed found himself spiralling off the wall, multiple shots colliding with him as he did so. His arms seized up, and he fell several stories toward the ground. Falling several stories, without anyway of breaking his fall - thanks in no small part to being...
  2. K'ed Lors

    New Friends...

    The attack was clearly underway, as one of the Exiles hurled a smoke grenade into the bar, and leapt into the fray like a maniac. Their plan was a reckless one indeed, and thus - as one of their number reached out with the force to speak to him, instructing him to 'to go out back', he dutifully...
  3. K'ed Lors

    New Friends...

    Once again, K'ed Lors was out on the job, the somewhat acclaimed Bounty Hunter - at least, within such circles as Nem'ro the Hutts Court, walking down the street, keeping to one side so as to attempt to keep some semblance of cover, eyes scanning for prey. With the current state of the galaxy...
  4. K'ed Lors

    Family Fueds - Part I - The Root of the Issue

    With classic Mandalorian style, Faison decided to ignore the request to keep things low-key, and walked into the meeting point clad from head to toe in armour. K'ed rolled his eyes as Faison sat down, but otherwise kept silent - in all honesty it was not worth bringing it up, if only to avoid a...
  5. K'ed Lors

    Ghetto Blues - Turning in a Prize

    It was an interesting line of questioning, yet K'ed cared not for the higher machinations of Hutt Politiks - in so long as they paid him for his part in it, and otherwise left him alone. As such, he ignored the questions of the Hutt, and avoided thinking about their meaning, or for that matter...
  6. K'ed Lors

    The Time to Act is Now

    K'ed Lors was a man of few words, and from his shadowy side of the room he watched as the group came in, walking up in step with @Faison Kelborn as he spotted him enter, and offering the Mandalorian a curt nod by way of greeting. The Duros Bounty Hunter listened to what his paymaster had to say...
  7. K'ed Lors

    A Special Delivery

    In classic Hutt style, Nem'ro made sure to remind the Contractors that it was he who sat in the throne, not them - and for what it was worth, K'ed was impressed, however, as long as he was paid by the collosal slug, he did not really care how much the gastrapod wanted to show off. In what he...
  8. K'ed Lors

    A Special Delivery

    K'ed Lors kept pace with his associate, his usual attire on - having not changed out of it in the short journey back from their assignment. Despite the brievity of their mission, he had somewhat warmed to Faison, the Mandalorian having shown the characteristic dedication to task that some of his...
  9. K'ed Lors

    Ghetto Blues - Turning in a Prize

    Nem'ro the Hutt always had a flair for the fancy, his Palace loomimg over the surrounding landscape like a monolith; no doubt an intentional selection for his lare, that cast shadows as long and dark as the reputation of the Hutt who could be found brooding within. K'ed could never fully shake...
  10. K'ed Lors

    Family Fueds - Part I - The Root of the Issue

    Werner Antilles was a wanted man, and he knew it. His residency on the Bounty Boards subsequently ensuring that he was under constant supervision by the Galactic Republics Security Forces, those of his House and many more besides. Just got to find a chink in the armour, the Bounty Hunter K'ed...
  11. K'ed Lors

    Poisonous Affairs: Ataxia

    K'ed followed the Mandalorians lead, mostly because the man had a map, and K'ed did not. With his two pistols drawn, he kept behind the Mandalorian - sticking to the shadows as he covered their rear in case of an ambush. Seeing the Mandaloirans nod, he rolled to the otherside of the caves mouth...
  12. K'ed Lors

    Ghetto Blues.

    His shots hit home, sending the three stun-shots into the reckless Mandalorian, who fell out of the air with a dull thud, as the final three other shots clashed into Tristans legs, slicing through them like a knife through butter. Thoroughly out of the fight, Tristan would be of no further...
  13. K'ed Lors

    Ghetto Blues.

    OOC - *highly unlikely (last sentence). Phone won't let me correct it.
  14. K'ed Lors

    Ghetto Blues.

    Watching from the alley as Tristan jumped out of his own cover, K'ed opened fire - shooting three stun and three normal shots at the Mandalorian as he was mid jump. Should the Mandalorian somehow make it through his reckless jump and roll, K'ed would duck down the alley - out of the...
  15. K'ed Lors

    Ghetto Blues.

    Wearing light armour has its blessings, and as he was midway through his approach to the rooftop, K'ed felt the annoying prick of a dart stabbing into his leather coat collar, and rolled his eyes, hopping back down onto the floor and thus missing the carpet of force-summoned flames heading...