Recent content by Khivas

  1. Khivas

    That horrid feeling when you got gas and gotta poop but you can't XD

    That horrid feeling when you got gas and gotta poop but you can't XD
  2. Khivas

    Interest Check: PvP Mechanics

    Guess not that many are interested lol
  3. Khivas

    Dawn of the Republic: Jedi Knights

    I don't have a problrm with having to PvP to get ahead of anything, that's just common sense. Conduct breeds growth, and in an environment such as ours where there are multiple players, PvP will be a must, eventually. The problem in that however arises in his PvP is done. If PvP is no fun, why...
  4. Khivas

    Dawn of the Republic: Jedi Knights

    So PvP is pretty much the only way to advance a character, eh? So are there going to be any changes to the way PvP works or are we sticking with a Honor Based free form system?
  5. Khivas

    Interest Check: PvP Mechanics

    The biggest thing though in ask of this wouldn't be the numbers to guide things along, but a method of controlling the action economy to make nobody makes a bunch of moves at once. Simply put, you'd be limited to two actions, maybe three, no more blocking one attack, then launching about two in...
  6. Khivas

    Interest Check: PvP Mechanics

    To start, the very basics. Four stats, a stamina system, general combat skills are a maybe, a currency to spend on them. The idea is to take the loose ideas we have now regarding pvp and try to balance it out. A person trying to make a Sage like character won't be tied down by a physical...
  7. Khivas

    Interest Check: PvP Mechanics

    Just want to ask what you all would think about a lightweight mechanics system that still emphasized writing over numbers but allowed for more breathing room combat wise for players to handle issues on their own before needing an admin to step in, as well as help players to make a more...
  8. Khivas

    Faction Training and Ranks

    I'm not staff or making any sort of final rules lol just throwing my idea out there, sorry.
  9. Khivas

    Faction Training and Ranks

    Sith Acolyte <> Jedi Padawan Sith Crusader <> Jedi Knight Darth (aka Sith Lord) <> Jedi Master Other things like General and Inquisitor and whatever have you would be In-Game rewarded titles and what not that players would earn.
  10. Khivas

    SIGN UP: BATTLE OF ANAXES (Defiance Armada)

    Name: Khivas Carrick Link to character profile: Cross-faction affiliation: Jedi Order Reasoning: - IC: This is it, this is the end. Win here, and everything else falls into place, the Force has shown him that much...
  11. Khivas

    Faction Training and Ranks

    What he said^
  12. Khivas

    Yo, telling you all right now, a light-weight mechanics system will help solve a lot of PvP...

    Yo, telling you all right now, a light-weight mechanics system will help solve a lot of PvP issues lol
  13. Khivas

    Who wants to kill Sith Lord Ryak?

    Damn, I'm a little mad I missed this lol