Recent content by Marcella Montgomery

  1. Marcella Montgomery

    Open Bookshop Bonanza!

    Marcella had finally made it to the tearoom. The taxi driver took the worst detour Marcella had ever seen. The journey should've taken her 20 minutes, but instead took 40 minutes. She almost slammed the door behind her when she entered the tearoom. The waitress eyed her as she strolled up to the...
  2. Marcella Montgomery

    Open Bookshop Bonanza!

    Marcella's data pad bleeped at her as she began to seal up one of the many boxes of old clothes she had sold. She picked up the data pad and read the reply to her message. She typed out a short and simple reply. "That's great! There's a small tearoom that I like to visit on level 73, come meet...
  3. Marcella Montgomery

    Open Bookshop Bonanza!

    Coruscant. The idea of leaving the library forever, appealed to Marcella. It was something that always stuck with her. Generally it lived back in the depths of her mind, but she's caught herself thinking about it more often as of recently. She's always loved her library in Coruscant. But she...
  4. Marcella Montgomery

    Open Coruscant Hallowe'en Gathering

    For once in her life, Marcella actually managed to get herself out of her own apartment and to a party without being late. Normally, Marcella is the last one through the door, but on this instance she had arrived just after it had started. She saw another woman standing around and noticed she...
  5. Marcella Montgomery

    Open Event Observation of The Great Scrap Run

    Marcella returned to her apartment after a long shift at the local library and untied her corset, throwing it on the small velvet couch in her living room. She breathed in hard and exhaled with relief. As much as she loves her clothes, they can be such a chore to wear. Her data pad beeped, and...