Recent content by Mox

  1. Mox

    Ask Mallrats

    The abridged version of what the group was talking about that Caul passed along to Mox gave her just a tinge of hope while at the same time filling her gut with worry. So apparently these guys were trained killers, but they were also concerned that there were Jedi in their midst. Which meant...
  2. Mox

    Ask Mallrats

    Sounds good to me, She said in response to Caul's plan. She wasn't particularly knowledgeable about combat approaches, but the word flank she'd heard before. And it was usually a good thing from what she could tell. So flanking was what they should do. As they set off, Mox wasn't able to think...
  3. Mox

    Ask Mallrats

    Of all the things that Mox expected to see today, blaster fire would have been in the absolute basement of the list. The sound of it was unmistakable, and as the streaks of red pierced through the air - above the fleeing shoppers, she was glad to see at least - she couldn't help but let her...
  4. Mox

    Ask Mallrats

    Mox couldn't help but let a rare smile crease her lips when Caul mentioned ditching the stuffy Knight that was unfortunately shadowing them. She couldn't have thought of a better idea herself, now all they needed was a good opportunity. If I didn't know better I'd say you were reading my mind...
  5. Mox

    Ask Mallrats

    Mox wasn't usually the type of person you'd find galivanting around one of the high end shopping centers on Ord Cantrell and all things considered, among the glitz and glamor of the general denizens of the planet, she probably stood out like a sore thumb. Her outfit was typical of her personal...