Recent content by Nashyr Ris

  1. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Coruscant Attack on Coruscant Prison

    This was it. This was the end. She knew it was time... knew it in her bones. But a very specific thought rang home for her then; a single thought that brought her back. Death is not the end. I am one with the Force. When Roan had been interrupted, the Cathar's eyes suddenly opened. Her limbs...
  2. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Coruscant Attack on Coruscant Prison

    When the lightning struck, Nash had unfortunately caught one of the hits as she stepped and twisted around to face the new darkness behind her. She screamed savagely as the shock traveled down her arm, torso, legs, flesh burned where the strike had hit and burning away the fur. There would be a...
  3. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Coruscant Attack on Coruscant Prison

    She moved swiftly as the first blade came towards her torso, taking a nimble small leap back to avoid and narrowly missing the one clumsily tossed at her knees as well. The interruption to her own Force Push meant the apprentice was not as disabled as she'd hoped, but he was probably winded; she...
  4. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Coruscant Attack on Coruscant Prison

    More than anything, she wished she had words of comfort to say to the kiddo, but there wasn't time. Instead, she squared her gaze back towards the entrance where the intruders were sure to come before reinforcements could arrive, her pose one of calm, lightsaber at the ready in her left and her...
  5. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Ajan Kloss High Hopes

    She listened as the younger woman admitted that she was not very well physically trained in the Force; to Nash, training physically was indistinguishable from training in the Force, and just as important as the philosophy. You had to train to know it, to broaden your mind and be physically...
  6. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Plot Ajan Kloss Blind Sided

    She lightly jogged up to Nara and Oren, grinning to hear them heckling each other like a parent and child did. She allowed her gaze to pan over Oren, before remembering there was someone else with them. She slipped the canteen from around her neck, wordlessly handing it over to Oren before...
  7. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Coruscant Attack on Coruscant Prison

    Nashyr Ris had been called down by Jedi Master Oren to aid in consultation of how to handle the Sith in custody on Coruscant. The Jedi's numbers were spread pretty thinly as it was, and Nashyr had been sitting beside Oren, waiting as he was in her simple blast vest beneath civilian clothes...
  8. Nashyr Ris

    HoloNet News Breaking: Red Saber Terrorist Caught!

    She had been just returned from Chandrila, and was still dealing with the exhaustion of having spent hours debating, then recanting, then mediating, two different groups of people... and she was still bone tired. From within the comforts of the Quad-Five in orbit around Ajan Kloss, she had...
  9. Nashyr Ris

    Open Nar Shaddaa Cat and Mouse Games

    The moment there was beeping, one of the three morons slouching about came leisurely strolling over, one hand on his hip. "'Hey, kid, I don't think you is who you says you is..." he grinned, showing a mouth of grimy yellow teeth. Two other guys came strolling over as well, watching closely...
  10. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Ajan Kloss High Hopes

    As soon as Nash saw her new Padawan... she let out a startled burst of laughter. At least it was a face she'd seen in passing before! She rose from her seated position, giving the woman a wide smile and a glitter of mischief in green-gold eyes. "Well hello there, Riz'kacha. Pleasure to meet...
  11. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Plot Ajan Kloss Blind Sided

    By almost unspoken agreement, the pair of them mostly kept to themselves on Ajan Kloss, and it seemed any private moments granted were interrupted in some way or another. She was kept occupied, mostly with following Max if he needed her, or training her own Padawan Riz when the younger woman...
  12. Nashyr Ris

    Open Ajan Kloss Early Mornings

    Such a solemn young soul... she wondered at the man. He seemed a good type, dedicated to this way of life, but she wondered if the tradeoff for being in the Order was feeling the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders, and always being weighed down because of it. She knew what she was signing in...
  13. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Plot Chandrila Securing Aid

    Nash could still see unease with the crowd; though Nakira spoke truth, and it was true that these Core Worlds could supply so much more, she was sure given time and initiative these people would work for their idyllic neighbor in restoring balance and peace. Chandrila seemed to hold several core...
  14. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Nar Shaddaa Best of Interests

    She gave a knowing smile as he didn't seem to dismiss her like he did so easily her companion. At least she was making some headway... from the corner of her eye, she saw something pink and gold step in Kai's way, and had to suppress a chuckle that the woman thought she was going to score. Many...
  15. Nashyr Ris

    Ask Sand, Surf, Sunshine

    A soft laugh huffed past her lips as he nuzzled a kiss into her throat, eyes closed to just enjoy the moment. It was just them, it felt like, and there was nothing but the ocean waves and distant music. She liked seeing him look so light and carefree; how many times did he just let himself go...