Recent content by Neeka Wren

  1. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    The water was barely doing anything against the fury of the leathery taste in her mouth. Neeka tried to review all the hangover cures she'd comes across during her years as a spacer, but none of them were appealing. Some were various ingestions of pickled substances, the thought of which made...
  2. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    Any hope she might have had of getting an up-close look at the classic vessel were dashed not just by the repairs being done upon it, but by the sway in Neeka's step that told her the alcohol had had a stronger effect than she'd thought. She staggered as the door hissed open and they entered the...
  3. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    "No complaints here!" She declared, laughing. "I do enjoy not being a stain on the road. Just 'member about the kick. Those Rootis are coming back to haunt me already!" Neeka took hold of the helm she'd left behind, thanking her stars that no one had bothered to check under the sheet in their...
  4. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    "Relic? Try classic!" The Mandalorian declared, jostling Kotru with her shoulder and laughing. "I thought Black Sun had basically made those things extinct! Must make it pretty unique nowadays. Me, I just fly an Akajor. Might as well be called 'Mando Shuttle'...buuuut I won't be surprised if you...
  5. Neeka Wren

    Ask Little Lost Satyr

    Most of the wiring and internal circuitry was a complete mystery to the speed-focused Mandalorian, but she did what she could for the little droid. Dirt had acclimated in various grooves which needed to be blasted out by a finely-focused jet of air. A few wires were frayed that Neeka "bandaged"...
  6. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    "These Rooti-Tootis are deceptive." Neeka declared. "They're so sweet that you don't know they pack a punch! Maybe that's why I like 'em." The fact that she was combating the gentle sway of the cantina by leaning against a table bolted into the ground augmented her statement. The tip of her nose...
  7. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    "Can you really blame anyone for bein' grim?" Neeka inquired as she gathered up her set of missile-shaped darts and pressed a button beneath the circular board. The Holodart interface thrummed to life and displayed a short introduction before declaring in Aurebesh: PLAYER ONE: START "Things...
  8. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    She was beginning to feel more and more like her old self and less like the scarred warrior she'd become and with every emptied drink of multiple colors Neeka seemed to loosen up. She realized abruptly that she had needed an outing like this; something to remind her that she was still that girl...
  9. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    Dubiousness rose quickly in Neeka's mind as soon as the unlikely pair turned a corner and their destination was revealed. To a warrior from the fringes of the Outer Rim, this brightly-lit establishment resembled more a family restaurant than a place to celebrate another day of life. However, she...
  10. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    Her advances quickly thwarted by what she was taking as a lack of interest, Neeka mentally shrugged. Oh well. Can't win 'em all! The victories today would certainly be more than enough to keep her satisfied and sore until the next one. "Uh-uh. No way. Not happening." The Mandalorian insisted...
  11. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    "Sounds like we both got lucky, then. Me, 'cause I still got that right hook." Neeka laughed, then winced sharply through her teeth as her shoulder surged in pain again. Her fingers opened, trembled, then closed tightly once more. "Used my last Medi yesterday, but I got creds. Bet there's a...
  12. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    Neeka was silent for the remainder of the ride despite the action still happening around her. Her mind was both years and planets away, sent there unwillingly to the Mandalorian's past by the symphony of speed, sirens, and a near death experience. For a time, Neeka was no longer the warrior...
  13. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    "WHATAREYOUDOING-THISISNOTBETTER!" The words shot out from Neeka like a series of rockets a moment after she watched her companion do exactly what she was hoping he wouldn't do. She cradled her injured arm in her lap and prepared for death. They lurched left. Right. When she didn't die, the...
  14. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    "My NAME is Ne-" Neeka never got further in that sentence when the swoop bike lurched wildly during their exchange. She shouted wordlessly and clung on for dear life, once again wishing that she had a jetpack like many in her clan. "Osik!" The warrior exclaimed as she nearly fell off the back...
  15. Neeka Wren

    Ask Naboo Road Rash

    The Rodian seemed to very slightly favor his left side, indicating that she should strike from the right. There were only two of them. She could do this. His companion would be more difficult as he looked brawnier, so she would have to focus a rapid burst of disabling strikes upon him and...