Recent content by Rex Gallicka

  1. Rex Gallicka

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    Getting out of that office room was like being pulled out of a tank of water. She could finally breathe again. Another ride on the executive elevator later, and her anxiety and tension had all but melted away. Dusti's personality was infectious, there was no denying it. In no time, Rex was...
  2. Rex Gallicka

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    Rex felt butterflies in her stomach. "Yeah," she answered. "I'd like that. I can't remember the last time I had a good meal. Uhh, go ahead and send the paperwork to my ship, and I'll get back to you before I leave Corellia." How embarrassing, she couldn't look any more green if she tried. At...
  3. Rex Gallicka

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    Mr. Streebek winked at Roxy as he dismissed his assistant. That made her uncomfortable, but whatever, she was here for business. Roxy was still giggling at the butterflies in her stomach from the executive elevator, as she watched the Zeltron leave, turned rather impolitely in her chair, not...
  4. Rex Gallicka

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    It had been six years since Roxy'd been anywhere near the core worlds. Ever since she got picked up off the streets by the Empire like an unfinished cigarette, she'd mostly tramped around the outer rim like a stray dog. She was just a kid then, now, well, she was still barely more than a kid. A...