Recent content by Ruzaan Kai

  1. Ruzaan Kai

    Open Flashpoint Kashyyyk Force vs. Forces

    "Fast" Ruzaan said, pushing aside the alternate route he'd been thinking of now that a decision had been made. The Togruta ignited the other half of his double-bladed lightsaber, taking a moment to center himself- a move that helped to clear the pounding in his montrals as he called on the Force...
  2. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    "You're welcome! But you're right, let's not make a habit of this" Ruzaan agreed, grateful that Lia's injury hadn't been more serious. More thanks were also due to the fishermen who had rescued them, although the Bothans seemed to recognize that it was their nets and fish that had endangered the...
  3. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    Being in somewhat better shape than Lia, by virtue of having been fished out of the water before inhaling any, Ruzaan set about tending to Lia as best he could. A blanket from the Bothan's boat- slightly coarse, but clean and warm- was thrown around Lia's shoulders as her face started to regain...
  4. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask Yavin IV It Goes Without Saying...

    The trove of information that Elidan had found filled in a lot of the gaps in the Padawans' knowledge about just what had led them halfway across the galaxy in search of answers. A frown creased Ruzaan's face as he glanced over the papers, noting the familiar shape of the machine in blueprint...
  5. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    "Lia!" Not a cry for help this time, but a sob of relief as Ruzaan watched her make noises and movements that living creatures did, instead of the awful, unmoving silence that had been Lia for what had felt like hours. As soon as he judged it appropriate- conscious of the fact that Lia was...
  6. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    As a nomadic species evolve to roam the Turu-turu grass plains of Shili, constantly on the alert for the predatory Akul, Togrutas hated feeling confined, restrained, or otherwise trapped. There was a time when a situation like the one Ruzaan was in- fighting a losing battle against a net while...
  7. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    Ruzaan took off at the end of Lia's countdown, feeling more or less recovered from the strain of his coral reef search a few minutes ago. Somewhere near him in the water, he could sense Lia nearby as the two Padawans raced towards the shore. As he swam, Ruzaan imagined making it a closer race...
  8. Ruzaan Kai

    Open Flashpoint Kashyyyk Force vs. Forces

    With each passing minute, Ruzaan was gaining more control over his facilities; a good thing, too, as the sounds of fighting intensified. "Hangar" he repeated, with more confidence this time. The ringing in his montrals was beginning to subside, and his steps were more confident, too. "This way."...
  9. Ruzaan Kai

    Open Flashpoint Kashyyyk Force vs. Forces

    "No, I'm Ruzaan" replied the Togruta to Knight-Bot's question, once the droid turned up its volume. He wasn't deaf, was he? No, there was still the ringing in his ears; but to anyone within earshot, his voice was somewhat louder than what the space between him and Knight-bot called for, even...
  10. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    "I'm definitely going to take you up on that" Ruzaan said, accepting Lia's offer of future training once they returned to a temple. The calm, peaceful atmosphere of a Jedi temple made for the best learning environment, in his opinion. Still, as Lia lit up the coral reef again for him, he...
  11. Ruzaan Kai

    Open Flashpoint Kashyyyk Force vs. Forces

    OOC Clarification: The intent is for this to be a PvE-style thread :) Try as he might, Ruzaan couldn't shake the ringing sound in his montrals, nor the sense of imbalance that came with it; sensory overload from the concussive impact of large-caliber turbrolasers. The overall sensation felt...
  12. Ruzaan Kai

    Open Flashpoint Kashyyyk Force vs. Forces

    Ruzaan Kai startled awake from a very bad dream into an even worse nightmare. An enormous sound- like that of a high-speed vehicle crash- registered on his senses, followed by a surge of warning through the Force; turbrolasers from orbit had slammed into the Jedi temple on Kashyyyk, turning what...
  13. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    Ruzaan treaded water while he got his bearings again, orienting himself using the shore and the sun peeking above the horizon for reference. Although his face tingled in mild embarrassment in response to the amused smirk Lia was giving him, he felt no regret for accepting the friendly...
  14. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask We're (Not) On A Boat

    Ruzaan inhaled sharply as his skin made contact with the water, finding it to be cooler than he'd remembered. He shivered slightly but pushed onwards until his body adjusted, following Lia out of the cave and towards open more water in the general direction of the port. The first traces of the...
  15. Ruzaan Kai

    Ask Yavin IV It Goes Without Saying...

    Ruzaan divided his attention between keeping a stern eye over their captives and making introductions with a few of the older children. The Togruta was relieved to see that there was little love lost for Marge and the other adults, at least in the sense that he and Elidan wouldn't have to face...