Recent content by Ryo Tan

  1. Ryo Tan

    Open Edge Lords and Ladies

    The shuttle touched down heavy and the ramp fell down with a hard clank of metal on metal. Ryo wasn't the first out, but he was just as determined as the others to see this thing end quickly. The squad of highly trained Imperial specialists breached the doors to the hideout in little over a...
  2. Ryo Tan

    Open Edge Lords and Ladies

    As a champion of the late Eternal it had confused Ryo to see the Eternal return. The previous one, the one to lead the Sith Order out from the Unknown Regions and back into a position of dominence, was stated to have been a fraud. She was dead, so were her ideas, and then the real Mask of the...
  3. Ryo Tan

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    According to the Sith Code and the rules of an Arauk'kesh, Ryo had no choice but to obey Darth Stolas' command. He quickly turned towards the two cultists at the balcony and with a strong Force push yeeted one of them through the curtains and straight off the balcony, faintly hearing the woman's...
  4. Ryo Tan

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    The private meeting had concluded and thus Ryo started to make his way out of the rather larger ballroom when suddenly Darth Stolas' voice grew loud and he voiced his disappointment in his fellow plotter. Had Ryo been too obvious? Was Stolas trying to deflect from his own suspicious actions? Ryo...
  5. Ryo Tan

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    Ryo had followed Darth Malicia with his eyes as she left her throne and then when she mingled he had moved closer. There were many Sith, powerful ones at that, playing dress-up an gallivanting while a war was being fought. Darth Stolas had failed to invade a minor planet and yet he looked like...
  6. Ryo Tan

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    Ryo Tan was observing the throne from a relatively short distance. The throne room was immense and audacious, the music was.. not his style, but more importantly he was looking at the woman seated on that throne. Malicia. She made no attempt to hide her pregnancy even though every sentient...
  7. Ryo Tan

    HoloNet News Breaking News: Sith Invasion Repelled!

    Nervous looks spread quickly at the Eriadu spaceport and Ryo Tan couldn't rightly blame them. Next to him stood a squad of specialist that were enroute back to Sullust after squashing a small resistance cell on Eiattu IV. They looked tired and their usual conviction wavered slightly as they...